Updates W3C spec sufficiently to allow command_event_test.dart to pass for W3C/geckodriver. (#164)

* Refactor command_processor to be defined at driver creation time. Allows separate command processors for different specs.

* Alert test for W3C

* Add Firefox WebDriver test

* Update By to not override toJson directly. Updated json_wire_spec to do this.

* Adds W3C complaint massage to JSON request params

* Dartfmt.

* Add by JSON converstion to web_element.

* Refactors out element finder logic for WebDriver and WebElement to common location for W3C spec.

*  Dartfmt.

* Fixed about half of web_driver_tests

* All web_driver_test tests pass on Chrome and Firefox (JSON and W3C).

* Drop print

* Dartfmt

* Updates W3C alert code to allow alert_test to pass on Firefox.

* Update JSON spec to not eagerly fetch Alert. Update API to reflect this.

* Dartfmt

* Updates command_event test to match changes to alert API.

* Adds Firefox command event test.

* Fixes typo in Firefox command event test.
8 files changed
tree: 2545958cf21d5147874aa28bddbac72cc6047124
  1. lib/
  2. test/
  3. tool/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .travis.yml
  6. analysis_options.yaml
  11. pubspec.yaml
  12. README.md


Build Status pub package

Provides WebDriver bindings for Dart. These use the WebDriver JSON interface, and as such, require the use of the WebDriver remote server.


  1. Depend on it

    Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

      webdriver: any

    If your package is an application package you should use any as the version constraint.

  2. Install it

    If you're using the Dart Editor, choose:

    Menu > Tools > Pub Install

    Or if you want to install from the command line, run:

    $ pub install
  3. Import it

    Now in your Dart code, you can use:

    import 'package:webdriver/io.dart';
    WebDriver driver = createDriver(...);


You can run the tests either with bazel (only supported on Linux).

bazel test ...