blob: 4f34ed6abd98ec512d1b637688fca20a2bf30373 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
library webdriver.mouse_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:webdriver/async_core.dart';
import 'configs/async_io_config.dart' as config;
void main() {
group('Mouse', () {
WebDriver driver;
WebElement button;
HttpServer server;
Future<bool> hasAlert() async {
try {
await driver.switchTo.alert.dismiss();
return true;
} on NoSuchAlertException {
return false;
Future<bool> mouseOnButton() async {
return await hasAlert();
setUp(() async {
driver = await config.createTestDriver();
server = await config.createTestServerAndGoToTestPage(driver);
button = await driver.findElement(const By.tagName('button'));
tearDown(() async {
await driver?.quit();
await server?.close(force: true);
test('moveTo element/click', () async {
await driver.mouse.moveTo(element: button);
expect(await mouseOnButton(), true);
test('moveTo coordinates/click', () async {
var pos = await button.location;
await driver.mouse.moveTo(xOffset: pos.x + 5, yOffset: pos.y + 5);
expect(await mouseOnButton(), true);
test('moveTo element coordinates/click', () async {
await driver.mouse.moveTo(element: button, xOffset: 15, yOffset: 15);
// W3C uses center and JsonWire uses top left corner.
expect(await mouseOnButton(), driver.spec == WebDriverSpec.JsonWire);
test('moveTo element coordinates outside of element/click', () async {
await driver.mouse.moveTo(element: button, xOffset: -5, yOffset: -5);
// W3C uses center and JsonWire uses top left corner.
expect(await mouseOnButton(), driver.spec == WebDriverSpec.W3c);
test('moveToElementCenter moves to correct positions', () async {
await driver.mouse.moveToElementCenter(button, xOffset: -5, yOffset: -5);
expect(await mouseOnButton(), true);
await driver.mouse.moveToElementCenter(button, xOffset: 15, yOffset: 15);
expect(await mouseOnButton(), false);
test('moveToElementTopLeft moves to correct positions', () async {
await driver.mouse.moveToElementTopLeft(button, xOffset: -5, yOffset: -5);
expect(await mouseOnButton(), false);
await driver.mouse.moveToElementTopLeft(button, xOffset: 15, yOffset: 15);
expect(await mouseOnButton(), true);
test('hide moves away from the current location', () async {
await driver.mouse.moveTo(element: button);
expect(await mouseOnButton(), true);
await driver.mouse.hide();
expect(await mouseOnButton(), false);
test('hide moves to given location in w3c.', () async {
if (driver.spec == WebDriverSpec.W3c) {
var pos = await button.location;
await driver.mouse.moveTo(element: button);
expect(await mouseOnButton(), true);
await driver.mouse.moveTo(xOffset: 0, yOffset: 0, absolute: true);
expect(await mouseOnButton(), false);
await driver.mouse.hide(w3cXOffset: pos.x + 5, w3cYOffset: pos.y + 5);
expect(await mouseOnButton(), true);
// TODO(DrMarcII): Better up/down tests
test('down/up', () async {
await driver.mouse.moveTo(element: button);
await driver.mouse.down();
await driver.mouse.up();
expect(await hasAlert(), true);
// TODO(DrMarcII): Better double click test
test('doubleClick', () async {
await driver.mouse.moveTo(element: button);
await driver.mouse.doubleClick();
expect(await hasAlert(), true);
}, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 2)));