blob: 62f6306a28d49ce130da3b9b73e9747998b01f88 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:math';
import '../../async_core.dart';
import 'request.dart';
import 'session.dart';
/// Handler for spec related request building and response parsing.
/// For each type of request to WebDriver, there should be two sync methods,
/// 1. WebDriverRequest buildSomeActionRequest(parameters)
/// 2. ResponseType parseSomeActionResponse(WebDriverResponse)
/// So that spec related logic can be packed into such handlers without
/// concerning about how the requests are sent in low level.
/// Groups of such methods be packed into sub handlers like KeyboardHandler,
/// MouseHandler.
abstract class WebDriverHandler {
SessionHandler get session;
CoreHandler get core;
KeyboardHandler get keyboard;
MouseHandler get mouse;
ElementFinder get elementFinder;
ElementHandler get element;
AlertHandler get alert;
NavigationHandler get navigation;
WindowHandler get window;
FrameHandler get frame;
CookiesHandler get cookies;
TimeoutsHandler get timeouts;
LogsHandler get logs;
/// Builds general request to send to web driver server.
WebDriverRequest buildGeneralRequest(HttpMethod method, String uri, [params]);
/// Parses general response got from web driver server.
dynamic parseGeneralResponse(
WebDriverResponse response, dynamic Function(String) createElement);
abstract class SessionHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Create Session'.
WebDriverRequest buildCreateRequest({Map<String, dynamic>? desired});
/// Parses response for 'Create Session'.
SessionInfo parseCreateResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Get Session Info'.
WebDriverRequest buildInfoRequest(String id);
/// Parses response for 'Get Session Info'.
SessionInfo parseInfoResponse(WebDriverResponse response,
[String? sessionId]);
abstract class CoreHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Get Current URL'.
WebDriverRequest buildCurrentUrlRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Get Current URL'.
String parseCurrentUrlResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Get Title'.
WebDriverRequest buildTitleRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Get Title'.
String parseTitleResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Get Page Source'.
WebDriverRequest buildPageSourceRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Get Page Source'.
String parsePageSourceResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Take Screenshot'.
WebDriverRequest buildScreenshotRequest();
/// Builds request for 'Take Screenshot of Element'.
WebDriverRequest buildElementScreenshotRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Take Screenshot' to get a base64 encoded image.
String parseScreenshotResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Execute Async Script'.
WebDriverRequest buildExecuteAsyncRequest(String script, List args);
/// Parses response for 'Execute Async Script'.
dynamic parseExecuteAsyncResponse(
WebDriverResponse response, dynamic Function(String) createElement);
/// Builds request for 'Execute Script'.
WebDriverRequest buildExecuteRequest(String script, List args);
/// Parses response for 'Execute Script'.
dynamic parseExecuteResponse(
WebDriverResponse response, dynamic Function(String) createElement);
/// Builds request for 'Delete Session'.
WebDriverRequest buildDeleteSessionRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Delete Session'.
void parseDeleteSessionResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
abstract class ElementHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Element Click'
WebDriverRequest buildClickRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Element Click'.
void parseClickResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Element Send Keys'
WebDriverRequest buildSendKeysRequest(String elementId, String keysToSend);
/// Parses response for 'Element Send Keys'.
void parseSendKeysResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Element Clear'
WebDriverRequest buildClearRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Element Clear'.
void parseClearResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Is Element Selected'.
WebDriverRequest buildSelectedRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Is Element Selected'.
bool parseSelectedResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Is Element Enabled'.
WebDriverRequest buildEnabledRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Is Element Enabled'.
bool parseEnabledResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Is Element Displayed'.
WebDriverRequest buildDisplayedRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Is Element Displayed'.
bool parseDisplayedResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Element Location'.
WebDriverRequest buildLocationRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Element Location'.
Point<int> parseLocationResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Element Size'.
WebDriverRequest buildSizeRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Element Size'.
/// This will be the rectangle moved to (0, 0).
Rectangle<int> parseSizeResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Element Name'.
WebDriverRequest buildNameRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Element Name'.
String parseNameResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Element Text'.
WebDriverRequest buildTextRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Element Text'.
String parseTextResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Element Attribute'.
WebDriverRequest buildAttributeRequest(String elementId, String name);
/// Parses response for 'Element Attribute'.
String? parseAttributeResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Selenium Element Attribute'.
/// This is deprecated, only used to support old pageloader.
WebDriverRequest buildSeleniumAttributeRequest(String elementId, String name);
/// Parses response for 'Element Attribute'.
/// This is deprecated, only used to support old pageloader.
String? parseSeleniumAttributeResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Element Property'.
WebDriverRequest buildPropertyRequest(String elementId, String name);
/// Parses response for 'Element Property'.
String? parsePropertyResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Element CSS Value'.
WebDriverRequest buildCssPropertyRequest(String elementId, String name);
/// Parses response for 'Element CSS Value'.
String? parseCssPropertyResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
abstract class ElementFinder {
/// Builds request for finding elements.
WebDriverRequest buildFindElementsRequest(By by, [String? contextId]);
/// Parses response got for finding elements to get [List] of element id.
List<String> parseFindElementsResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for finding a single element.
WebDriverRequest buildFindElementRequest(By by, [String? contextId]);
/// Parses response got for finding element to get the element id.
String parseFindElementResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for finding the current active element.
WebDriverRequest buildFindActiveElementRequest();
/// Parses response got for finding current active element to get the element
/// id.
String? parseFindActiveElementResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
abstract class KeyboardHandler {
/// Builds request for sending chord.
WebDriverRequest buildSendChordRequest(Iterable<String> chordToSend);
/// Parses response got after sending chord.
void parseSendChordResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for sending keys.
WebDriverRequest buildSendKeysRequest(String keysToSend);
/// Parses response got after sending keys.
void parseSendKeysResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
abstract class MouseHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Mouse Click'.
WebDriverRequest buildClickRequest(
[MouseButton button = MouseButton.primary]);
/// Parses response for 'Mouse Click'.
void parseClickResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Mouse Down'.
WebDriverRequest buildDownRequest([MouseButton button = MouseButton.primary]);
/// Parses response for 'Mouse Down'.
void parseDownResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Mouse Up'.
WebDriverRequest buildUpRequest([MouseButton button = MouseButton.primary]);
/// Parses response for 'Mouse Up'.
void parseUpResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Mouse Double Click'.
WebDriverRequest buildDoubleClickRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Mouse Double Click'.
void parseDoubleClickResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Mouse Move To'.
WebDriverRequest buildMoveToRequest(
{String? elementId, int? xOffset, int? yOffset, bool absolute = false});
/// Parses response for 'Mouse Move To'.
void parseMoveToResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
abstract class AlertHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Get Alert Text'.
WebDriverRequest buildGetTextRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Get Alert Text'.
String parseGetTextResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Accept Alert'.
WebDriverRequest buildAcceptRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Accept Alert'.
void parseAcceptResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Dismiss Alert'.
WebDriverRequest buildDismissRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Dismiss Alert'.
void parseDismissResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Send Alert Text'.
WebDriverRequest buildSendTextRequest(String keysToSend);
/// Parses response for 'Send Alert Text'.
void parseSendTextResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
abstract class NavigationHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Navigate To'.
WebDriverRequest buildNavigateToRequest(String url);
/// Parses response for 'Navigate To'.
void parseNavigateToResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Forward'.
WebDriverRequest buildForwardRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Forward'.
void parseForwardResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Back'.
WebDriverRequest buildBackRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Back'.
void parseBackResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Refresh'.
WebDriverRequest buildRefreshRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Refresh'.
void parseRefreshResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Handler for Window related functions.
/// Please note that except the top 3 APIs, all others are about the currently
/// active window.
abstract class WindowHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Get Window Handles'.
WebDriverRequest buildGetWindowsRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Get Window Handles' to get window ids.
List<String> parseGetWindowsResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Get Window Handle'.
WebDriverRequest buildGetActiveWindowRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Get Window Handle' to get window id.
String parseGetActiveWindowResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Set Window Active'.
WebDriverRequest buildSetActiveRequest(String windowId);
/// Parses response for 'Set Window Active'.
void parseSetActiveResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Window Location'.
WebDriverRequest buildLocationRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Window Location'.
Point<int> parseLocationResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Window Size'.
WebDriverRequest buildSizeRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Window Size'.
/// This will be the rectangle moved to (0, 0).
Rectangle<int> parseSizeResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Window Rect'.
WebDriverRequest buildRectRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Window Rect'.
Rectangle<int> parseRectResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Set Window Location'.
WebDriverRequest buildSetLocationRequest(Point<int> location);
/// Parses response for 'Set Window Location'.
void parseSetLocationResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Set Window Size'.
WebDriverRequest buildSetSizeRequest(Rectangle<int> size);
/// Parses response for 'Set Window Size'.
void parseSetSizeResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Set Window Rect'.
WebDriverRequest buildSetRectRequest(Rectangle<int> rect);
/// Parses response for 'Set Window Rect'.
void parseSetRectResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Maximize Window'.
WebDriverRequest buildMaximizeRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Maximize Window'.
void parseMaximizeResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Minimize Window'.
/// Unsupported in JsonWire.
WebDriverRequest buildMinimizeRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Minimize Window'.
/// Unsupported in JsonWire.
void parseMinimizeResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Close Window'.
WebDriverRequest buildCloseRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Close Window'.
void parseCloseResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Inner Size'.
WebDriverRequest buildInnerSizeRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Inner Size'.
Rectangle<int> parseInnerSizeResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
abstract class FrameHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Switch To Frame' with id.
WebDriverRequest buildSwitchByIdRequest([int? id]);
/// Parses response for 'Switch To Frame' with id.
void parseSwitchByIdResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Switch To Frame' with element.
WebDriverRequest buildSwitchByElementRequest(String elementId);
/// Parses response for 'Switch To Frame' with element.
void parseSwitchByElementResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Switch To Parent Frame'.
WebDriverRequest buildSwitchToParentRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Switch To Parent Frame'.
void parseSwitchToParentResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
abstract class CookiesHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Add Cookie'.
WebDriverRequest buildAddCookieRequest(Cookie cookie);
/// Parses response for 'Add Cookie'.
void parseAddCookieResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Delete Cookie'.
WebDriverRequest buildDeleteCookieRequest(String name);
/// Parses response for 'Delete Cookie'.
void parseDeleteCookieResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Delete All Cookies'.
WebDriverRequest buildDeleteAllCookiesRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Delete All Cookies'.
void parseDeleteAllCookiesResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Get Named Cookie'.
WebDriverRequest buildGetCookieRequest(String name);
/// Parses response for 'Get Named Cookie'.
/// Also passing in [name] to work around missing this API in JsonWire.
Cookie parseGetCookieResponse(WebDriverResponse response, String name);
/// Builds request for 'Get All Cookies'.
WebDriverRequest buildGetAllCookiesRequest();
/// Parses response for 'Get All Cookies'.
List<Cookie> parseGetAllCookiesResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Handler for Timeouts.
/// We can potentially add support for getting timeouts (available in W3C).
/// But currently it's not requested.
abstract class TimeoutsHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Set Script Timeout'.
WebDriverRequest buildSetScriptTimeoutRequest(Duration timeout);
/// Parses response for 'Set Script Timeout'.
void parseSetScriptTimeoutResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Set Implicit Timeout'.
WebDriverRequest buildSetImplicitTimeoutRequest(Duration timeout);
/// Parses response for 'Set Implicit Timeout'.
void parseSetImplicitTimeoutResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Builds request for 'Set Page Load Timeout'.
WebDriverRequest buildSetPageLoadTimeoutRequest(Duration timeout);
/// Parses response for 'Set Page Load Timeout'.
void parseSetPageLoadTimeoutResponse(WebDriverResponse response);
/// Handler for retrieving logs.
abstract class LogsHandler {
/// Builds request for 'Get Logs'.
WebDriverRequest buildGetLogsRequest(String logType);
/// Parses response for 'Get Logs'.
List<LogEntry> parseGetLogsResponse(WebDriverResponse response);