blob: 6cc42930b2154277b4d7e8c129c50cf8c34676c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details.
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of vector_math_64;
/// Returns relative error between [calculated] and [correct].
/// The type of [calculated] and [correct] must match and can
/// be any vector, matrix, or quaternion.
double relativeError(dynamic calculated, dynamic correct) {
if (calculated is num && correct is num) {
final diff = (calculated - correct).abs().toDouble();
return diff / correct;
// ignore: return_of_invalid_type
return calculated.relativeError(correct);
/// Returns absolute error between [calculated] and [correct].
/// The type of [calculated] and [correct] must match and can
/// be any vector, matrix, or quaternion.
double absoluteError(dynamic calculated, dynamic correct) {
if (calculated is num && correct is num) {
final diff = (calculated - correct).abs().toDouble();
return diff;
// ignore: return_of_invalid_type
return calculated.absoluteError(correct);