blob: 54b2f89a97b51d418e8d6c7689ef09c1320e0227 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details.
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of vector_math_geometry;
class VertexAttrib {
final String name;
final String type;
final int size;
final int stride;
final int offset;
VertexAttrib(, this.size, this.type)
: stride = 0,
offset = 0;
VertexAttrib.copy(VertexAttrib attrib)
: name =,
size = attrib.size,
type = attrib.type,
stride = attrib.stride,
offset = attrib.offset;
VertexAttrib._internal(, this.size, this.type, this.stride, this.offset);
VertexAttrib._resetStrideOffset(VertexAttrib attrib, this.stride, this.offset)
: name =,
size = attrib.size,
type = attrib.type;
VectorList<Vector> getView(Float32List buffer) {
final viewOffset = offset ~/ buffer.elementSizeInBytes;
final viewStride = stride ~/ buffer.elementSizeInBytes;
switch (size) {
case 2:
return Vector2List.view(buffer, viewOffset, viewStride);
case 3:
return Vector3List.view(buffer, viewOffset, viewStride);
case 4:
return Vector4List.view(buffer, viewOffset, viewStride);
throw StateError('size of $size is not supported');
String get format => '$type$size';
int get elementSize {
switch (type) {
case 'float':
case 'int':
return 4;
case 'short':
return 2;
case 'byte':
return 1;
return 0;
Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{
'format': format,
'name': name,
'offset': offset,
'stride': stride,
'size': size,
'type': type
class MeshGeometry {
late final Float32List buffer;
Uint16List? indices;
final List<VertexAttrib> attribs;
final int length;
final int stride;
factory MeshGeometry(int length, List<VertexAttrib> attributes) {
var stride = 0;
for (var a in attributes) {
stride += a.elementSize * a.size;
var offset = 0;
final attribs = <VertexAttrib>[];
for (var a in attributes) {
attribs.add(VertexAttrib._resetStrideOffset(a, stride, offset));
offset += a.elementSize * a.size;
return MeshGeometry._internal(length, stride, attribs);
MeshGeometry._internal(this.length, this.stride, this.attribs,
[Float32List? externBuffer]) {
buffer = externBuffer ??
Float32List((length * stride) ~/ Float32List.bytesPerElement);
MeshGeometry.copy(MeshGeometry mesh)
: stride = mesh.stride,
length = mesh.length,
attribs = mesh.attribs {
// Copy the buffer
buffer = Float32List(mesh.buffer.length);
buffer.setAll(0, mesh.buffer);
// Copy the indices
if (mesh.indices != null) {
indices = Uint16List(mesh.indices!.length)..setAll(0, mesh.indices!);
factory MeshGeometry.fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
Float32List buffer;
final jsonBuffer = json['buffer'];
if (jsonBuffer is List<double>) {
buffer = Float32List.fromList(jsonBuffer);
} else {
throw ArgumentError.value(
jsonBuffer, 'json["buffer"]', 'Value type must be List<double>');
final jsonAttribs = json['attribs'];
Map<String, Object> jsonAttribsMap;
if (jsonAttribs is Map<String, Object>) {
jsonAttribsMap = jsonAttribs;
} else {
throw ArgumentError.value(jsonBuffer, 'json["attribs"]',
'Value type must be Map<String, Object>');
final attribs = <VertexAttrib>[];
var stride = 0;
for (var key in jsonAttribsMap.keys) {
VertexAttrib attrib;
final jsonAttrib = jsonAttribsMap[key];
if (jsonAttrib is Map<String, Object>) {
attrib = attribFromJson(key, jsonAttrib);
if (stride == 0) {
stride = attrib.stride;
final mesh = MeshGeometry._internal(
buffer.lengthInBytes ~/ stride, stride, attribs, buffer);
final jsonIndices = json['indices'];
if (jsonIndices is List<int>) {
mesh.indices = Uint16List.fromList(jsonIndices);
return mesh;
factory MeshGeometry.resetAttribs(
MeshGeometry inputMesh, List<VertexAttrib> attributes) {
final mesh = MeshGeometry(inputMesh.length, attributes)
..indices = inputMesh.indices;
// Copy over the attributes that were specified
for (var attrib in mesh.attribs) {
final inputAttrib = inputMesh.getAttrib(;
if (inputAttrib != null) {
if (inputAttrib.size != attrib.size ||
inputAttrib.type != attrib.type) {
throw Exception(
'Attributes size or type is mismatched: ${}');
final inputView = inputAttrib.getView(inputMesh.buffer);
// Copy [inputView] to a view from attrib
return mesh;
factory MeshGeometry.combine(List<MeshGeometry> meshes) {
if (meshes.length < 2) {
throw Exception(
'Must provide at least two MeshGeometry instances to combine.');
// When combining meshes they must all have a matching set of VertexAttribs
final firstMesh = meshes[0];
var totalVerts = firstMesh.length;
var totalIndices =
firstMesh.indices != null ? firstMesh.indices!.length : 0;
for (var i = 1; i < meshes.length; ++i) {
final srcMesh = meshes[i];
if (!firstMesh.attribsAreCompatible(srcMesh)) {
throw Exception(
'All meshes must have identical attributes to combine.');
totalVerts += srcMesh.length;
totalIndices += srcMesh.indices != null ? srcMesh.indices!.length : 0;
final mesh =
MeshGeometry._internal(totalVerts, firstMesh.stride, firstMesh.attribs);
if (totalIndices > 0) {
mesh.indices = Uint16List(totalIndices);
// Copy over the buffer data:
var bufferOffset = 0;
var indexOffset = 0;
var vertexOffset = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < meshes.length; ++i) {
final srcMesh = meshes[i];
mesh.buffer.setAll(bufferOffset, srcMesh.buffer);
if (totalIndices > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < srcMesh.indices!.length; ++j) {
mesh.indices![j + indexOffset] = srcMesh.indices![j] + vertexOffset;
vertexOffset += srcMesh.length;
indexOffset += srcMesh.indices!.length;
bufferOffset += srcMesh.buffer.length;
return mesh;
int get triangleVertexCount => indices != null ? indices!.length : length;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final r = <String, dynamic>{};
r['attributes'] = attribs;
r['indices'] = indices;
r['vertices'] = buffer;
return r;
static VertexAttrib attribFromJson(String name, Map<String, Object> json) {
final jsonSize = json['size'];
final jsonType = json['type'];
final jsonStride = json['stride'];
final jsonOffset = json['offset'];
if (jsonSize is int &&
jsonType is String &&
jsonStride is int &&
jsonOffset is int) {
return VertexAttrib._internal(
name, jsonSize, jsonType, jsonStride, jsonOffset);
} else {
throw UnimplementedError();
VertexAttrib? getAttrib(String name) {
for (var attrib in attribs) {
if ( == name) {
return attrib;
return null;
VectorList<Vector>? getViewForAttrib(String name) {
for (var attrib in attribs) {
if ( == name) {
return attrib.getView(buffer);
return null;
bool attribsAreCompatible(MeshGeometry mesh) {
if (mesh.attribs.length != attribs.length) {
return false;
for (var attrib in attribs) {
final otherAttrib = mesh.getAttrib(;
if (otherAttrib == null) {
return false;
if (attrib.type != otherAttrib.type ||
attrib.size != otherAttrib.size ||
attrib.stride != otherAttrib.stride ||
attrib.offset != otherAttrib.offset) {
return false;
if ((indices == null && mesh.indices != null) ||
(indices != null && mesh.indices == null)) {
return false;
return true;