blob: f58539f1987f3a6917dc119af5da52b4c67949bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'internal.dart';
/// Matcher that successfully matches against any instance of [Directory].
const Matcher isDirectory = TypeMatcher<Directory>();
/// Matcher that successfully matches against any instance of [File].
const Matcher isFile = TypeMatcher<File>();
/// Matcher that successfully matches against any instance of [Link].
const Matcher isLink = TypeMatcher<Link>();
/// Matcher that successfully matches against any instance of
/// [FileSystemEntity].
const Matcher isFileSystemEntity = TypeMatcher<FileSystemEntity>();
/// Matcher that successfully matches against any instance of [FileStat].
const Matcher isFileStat = TypeMatcher<FileStat>();
/// Returns a [Matcher] that matches [path] against an entity's path.
/// [path] may be a String, a predicate function, or a [Matcher]. If it is
/// a String, it will be wrapped in an equality matcher.
Matcher hasPath(dynamic path) => _HasPath(path);
/// Returns a [Matcher] that successfully matches against an instance of
/// [FileSystemException].
/// If [osErrorCode] is specified, matches will be limited to exceptions whose
/// `osError.errorCode` also match the specified matcher.
/// [osErrorCode] may be an `int`, a predicate function, or a [Matcher]. If it
/// is an `int`, it will be wrapped in an equality matcher.
Matcher isFileSystemException([dynamic osErrorCode]) =>
/// Returns a matcher that successfully matches against a future or function
/// that throws a [FileSystemException].
/// If [osErrorCode] is specified, matches will be limited to exceptions whose
/// `osError.errorCode` also match the specified matcher.
/// [osErrorCode] may be an `int`, a predicate function, or a [Matcher]. If it
/// is an `int`, it will be wrapped in an equality matcher.
Matcher throwsFileSystemException([dynamic osErrorCode]) =>
/// Expects the specified [callback] to throw a [FileSystemException] with the
/// specified [osErrorCode] (matched against the exception's
/// `osError.errorCode`).
/// [osErrorCode] may be an `int`, a predicate function, or a [Matcher]. If it
/// is an `int`, it will be wrapped in an equality matcher.
/// See also:
/// - [ErrorCodes]
void expectFileSystemException(dynamic osErrorCode, void Function() callback) {
expect(callback, throwsFileSystemException(osErrorCode));
/// Matcher that successfully matches against a [FileSystemEntity] that
/// exists ([FileSystemEntity.existsSync] returns true).
const Matcher exists = _Exists();
class _FileSystemException extends Matcher {
_FileSystemException(dynamic osErrorCode)
: _matcher = _wrapMatcher(osErrorCode);
final Matcher? _matcher;
static Matcher? _wrapMatcher(dynamic osErrorCode) {
if (osErrorCode == null) {
return null;
return ignoreOsErrorCodes ? anything : wrapMatcher(osErrorCode);
bool matches(dynamic item, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
if (item is FileSystemException) {
return _matcher == null ||
_matcher!.matches(item.osError?.errorCode, matchState);
return false;
Description describe(Description desc) {
if (_matcher == null) {
return desc.add('FileSystemException');
} else {
desc.add('FileSystemException with osError.errorCode: ');
return _matcher!.describe(desc);
class _HasPath extends Matcher {
_HasPath(dynamic path) : _matcher = wrapMatcher(path);
final Matcher _matcher;
bool matches(dynamic item, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) =>
_matcher.matches(item.path, matchState);
Description describe(Description desc) {
desc.add('has path: ');
return _matcher.describe(desc);
Description describeMismatch(
dynamic item,
Description desc,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose,
) {
desc.add('has path: \'${item.path}\'').add('\n Which: ');
final Description pathDesc = StringDescription();
_matcher.describeMismatch(item.path, pathDesc, matchState, verbose);
return desc;
class _Exists extends Matcher {
const _Exists();
bool matches(dynamic item, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) =>
item is FileSystemEntity && item.existsSync();
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('a file system entity that exists');
Description describeMismatch(
dynamic item,
Description description,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose,
) {
return description.add('does not exist');