blob: a3e47f4ec0b7e7e7921d589d35cc976e3ef20d28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A file system operation used by the [MemoryFileSytem] to allow
/// tests to insert errors for certain operations.
/// This is not implemented as an enum to allow new values to be added in a
/// backwards compatible manner.
class FileSystemOp {
const FileSystemOp._(this._value);
// This field added to ensure const values can be different.
// ignore: unused_field
final int _value;
/// A file system operation used for all read methods.
/// * [FileSystemEntity.readAsString]
/// * [FileSystemEntity.readAsStringSync]
/// * [FileSystemEntity.readAsBytes]
/// * [FileSystemEntity.readAsBytesSync]
static const FileSystemOp read = FileSystemOp._(0);
/// A file system operation used for all write methods.
/// * [FileSystemEntity.writeAsString]
/// * [FileSystemEntity.writeAsStringSync]
/// * [FileSystemEntity.writeAsBytes]
/// * [FileSystemEntity.writeAsBytesSync]
static const FileSystemOp write = FileSystemOp._(1);
/// A file system operation used for all delete methods.
/// * [FileSystemEntity.delete]
/// * [FileSystemEntity.deleteSync]
static const FileSystemOp delete = FileSystemOp._(2);
/// A file system operation used for all create methods.
/// * [FileSystemEntity.create]
/// * [FileSystemEntity.createSync]
static const FileSystemOp create = FileSystemOp._(3);
String toString() {
switch (_value) {
case 0:
return '';
case 1:
return 'FileSystemOp.write';
case 2:
return 'FileSystemOp.delete';
case 3:
return 'FileSystemOp.create';
throw StateError('Invalid FileSytemOp type: $this');