| // Copyright 2019 The Flutter team. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:convert' show json; |
| import 'dart:io' show sleep, stdout; |
| |
| import 'package:flutter_driver/flutter_driver.dart'; |
| import 'package:test/test.dart' hide TypeMatcher, isInstanceOf; |
| |
| // To run this test for all demos: |
| // flutter drive --profile --trace-startup -t test_driver/transitions_perf.dart -d <device> |
| // To run this test for just Crane, with scrolling: |
| // flutter drive --profile --trace-startup -t test_driver/transitions_perf.dart -d <device> --dart-define=onlyCrane=true |
| // To run this test for just Reply, with animations: |
| // flutter drive --profile --trace-startup -t test_driver/transitions_perf.dart -d <device> --dart-define=onlyReply=true |
| // Enable semantics with the --with_semantics flag |
| // Note: The number of tests executed with timeline collection enabled |
| // significantly impacts heap size of the running app. When run with |
| // --trace-startup, as we do in this test, the VM stores trace events in an |
| // endless buffer instead of a ring buffer. |
| |
| // Demos for which timeline data will be collected using |
| // FlutterDriver.traceAction(). |
| // |
| // These names must match the output of GalleryDemo.describe in |
| // lib/data/demos.dart. |
| const List<String> _profiledDemos = <String>[ |
| 'reply@study', |
| 'shrine@study', |
| 'rally@study', |
| 'crane@study', |
| 'fortnightly@study', |
| 'bottom-navigation@material', |
| 'button@material', |
| 'card@material', |
| 'chip@material', |
| 'dialog@material', |
| 'pickers@material', |
| 'cupertino-alerts@cupertino', |
| 'colors@other', |
| ]; |
| |
| // Demos that will be backed out of within FlutterDriver.runUnsynchronized(); |
| // |
| // These names must match the output of GalleryDemo.describe in |
| // lib/data/demos.dart. |
| const List<String> _unsynchronizedDemos = <String>[ |
| 'progress-indicator@material', |
| 'cupertino-activity-indicator@cupertino', |
| 'colors@other', |
| ]; |
| |
| // Demos that will be not be launched. |
| // |
| // These names must match the output of GalleryDemo.describe in |
| // lib/data/demos.dart. |
| const List<String> _skippedDemos = <String>[]; |
| |
| // All of the gallery demos, identified as "title@category". |
| // |
| // These names are reported by the test app, see _handleMessages() |
| // in transitions_perf.dart. |
| List<String> _allDemos = <String>[]; |
| |
| // SerializableFinders for scrolling actions. |
| final homeList = find.byValueKey('HomeListView'); |
| final backButton = find.byValueKey('Back'); |
| final galleryHeader = find.text('Gallery'); |
| final categoriesHeader = find.text('Categories'); |
| final craneFlyList = find.byValueKey('CraneListView-0'); |
| |
| // SerializableFinders for reply study actions. |
| final replyFab = find.byValueKey('ReplyFab'); |
| final replySearch = find.byValueKey('ReplySearch'); |
| final replyEmail = find.byValueKey('ReplyEmail-0'); |
| final replyLogo = find.byValueKey('ReplyLogo'); |
| final replySentMailbox = find.byValueKey('Reply-Sent'); |
| final replyExit = find.byValueKey('ReplyExit'); |
| |
| // Let overscroll animation settle on iOS after driver.scroll. |
| void handleOverscrollAnimation() { |
| sleep(const Duration(seconds: 1)); |
| } |
| |
| /// Scroll to the top of the app, given the current demo. Works with both mobile |
| /// and desktop layouts. |
| Future scrollToTop(SerializableFinder demoItem, FlutterDriver driver) async { |
| stdout.writeln('scrolling to top'); |
| |
| // Scroll to the Categories header. |
| await driver.scroll( |
| demoItem, |
| 0, |
| 5000, |
| const Duration(milliseconds: 200), |
| ); |
| handleOverscrollAnimation(); |
| |
| // Scroll to top. |
| await driver.scroll( |
| categoriesHeader, |
| 0, |
| 500, |
| const Duration(milliseconds: 200), |
| ); |
| handleOverscrollAnimation(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns a [Future] that resolves to true if the widget specified by [finder] |
| /// is present, false otherwise. |
| Future<bool> isPresent(SerializableFinder finder, FlutterDriver driver, |
| {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 5)}) async { |
| try { |
| await driver.waitFor(finder, timeout: timeout); |
| return true; |
| } catch (exception) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Scrolls each demo into view, launches it, then returns to the |
| /// home screen, twice. |
| /// |
| /// Optionally specify a callback to perform further actions for each demo. |
| /// Optionally specify whether a scroll to top should be performed after the |
| /// demo has been opened twice (true by default). |
| Future<void> runDemos( |
| List<String> demos, |
| FlutterDriver driver, { |
| Future<void> Function()? additionalActions, |
| bool scrollToTopWhenDone = true, |
| }) async { |
| String? currentDemoCategory; |
| late SerializableFinder demoList; |
| SerializableFinder? demoItem; |
| |
| for (final demo in demos) { |
| if (_skippedDemos.contains(demo)) continue; |
| |
| stdout.writeln('> $demo'); |
| |
| final demoCategory = demo.substring(demo.indexOf('@') + 1); |
| if (demoCategory != currentDemoCategory) { |
| // We've switched categories. |
| currentDemoCategory = demoCategory; |
| demoList = find.byValueKey('${demoCategory}DemoList'); |
| |
| // We may want to return to the previous category later. |
| // Reset its scroll (matters for desktop layout). |
| if (demoItem != null) await scrollToTop(demoItem, driver); |
| |
| // Scroll to the category list. |
| if (demoCategory != 'study') { |
| stdout.writeln('scrolling to $currentDemoCategory category'); |
| await driver.scrollUntilVisible( |
| homeList, |
| demoList, |
| dyScroll: -1000, |
| timeout: const Duration(seconds: 10), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Scroll to demo and open it twice. |
| demoItem = find.byValueKey(demo); |
| |
| stdout.writeln('scrolling to demo'); |
| |
| // demoList below may be either the horizontally-scrolling Studies carousel |
| // or vertically scrolling Material/Cupertino/Other demo lists. |
| // |
| // The Studies carousel has scroll physics that snap items to the starting |
| // edge of the widget. TestDriver.scrollUntilVisible scrolls in increments |
| // along the x and y axes; if the distance is too small, the list snaps |
| // back to its previous position, if it's too large, it may scroll too far. |
| // To resolve this, we scroll 75% of the list width/height dimensions on |
| // each increment. |
| final DriverOffset topLeft = |
| await driver.getTopLeft(demoList, timeout: const Duration(seconds: 10)); |
| final DriverOffset bottomRight = await driver.getBottomRight(demoList, |
| timeout: const Duration(seconds: 10)); |
| final double listWidth = bottomRight.dx - topLeft.dx; |
| final double listHeight = bottomRight.dy - topLeft.dy; |
| await driver.scrollUntilVisible( |
| demoList, |
| demoItem, |
| dxScroll: -listWidth * 0.75, |
| dyScroll: -listHeight * 0.75, |
| alignment: 0.5, |
| timeout: const Duration(seconds: 10), |
| ); |
| |
| // We launch each demo twice to be able to measure and compare first and |
| // subsequent builds. |
| for (var i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) { |
| stdout.writeln('tapping demo'); |
| await driver.tap(demoItem); // Launch the demo |
| |
| sleep(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); |
| |
| if (additionalActions != null) await additionalActions(); |
| |
| if (_unsynchronizedDemos.contains(demo)) { |
| await driver.runUnsynchronized<void>(() async { |
| await driver.tap(backButton); |
| }); |
| } else { |
| await driver.tap(backButton); |
| } |
| } |
| stdout.writeln('< Success'); |
| } |
| |
| if (scrollToTopWhenDone) await scrollToTop(demoItem!, driver); |
| } |
| |
| void main([List<String> args = const <String>[]]) { |
| group('Flutter Gallery transitions', () { |
| late FlutterDriver driver; |
| |
| late bool isTestingCraneOnly; |
| late bool isTestingReplyOnly; |
| |
| setUpAll(() async { |
| driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(); |
| |
| // See _handleMessages() in transitions_perf.dart. |
| _allDemos = List<String>.from(json.decode( |
| await driver.requestData('demoDescriptions'), |
| ) as List<dynamic>); |
| if (_allDemos.isEmpty) throw 'no demo names found'; |
| |
| // See _handleMessages() in transitions_perf.dart. |
| isTestingCraneOnly = |
| await driver.requestData('isTestingCraneOnly') == 'true'; |
| |
| // See _handleMessages() in transitions_perf.dart. |
| isTestingReplyOnly = |
| await driver.requestData('isTestingReplyOnly') == 'true'; |
| |
| if (args.contains('--with_semantics')) { |
| stdout.writeln('Enabeling semantics...'); |
| await driver.setSemantics(true); |
| } |
| |
| await isPresent(galleryHeader, driver); |
| }); |
| |
| tearDownAll(() async { |
| await driver.close(); |
| |
| stdout.writeln( |
| 'Timeline summaries for profiled demos have been output to the build/ directory.'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('only Crane', () async { |
| if (!isTestingCraneOnly) return; |
| |
| // Collect timeline data for just the Crane study. |
| final timeline = await driver.traceAction( |
| () async { |
| await runDemos( |
| ['crane@study'], |
| driver, |
| additionalActions: () async => await driver.scroll( |
| craneFlyList, |
| 0, |
| -1000, |
| const Duration(seconds: 1), |
| ), |
| scrollToTopWhenDone: false, |
| ); |
| }, |
| streams: const <TimelineStream>[ |
| TimelineStream.dart, |
| TimelineStream.embedder, |
| ], |
| ); |
| |
| final summary = TimelineSummary.summarize(timeline); |
| await summary.writeTimelineToFile('transitions-crane', pretty: true); |
| }, timeout: Timeout.none); |
| |
| test('only Reply', () async { |
| if (!isTestingReplyOnly) return; |
| |
| // Collect timeline data for just the Crane study. |
| final timeline = await driver.traceAction( |
| () async { |
| await runDemos( |
| ['reply@study'], |
| driver, |
| additionalActions: () async { |
| // Tap compose fab to trigger open container transform/fade through |
| await driver.tap(replyFab); |
| // Exit compose page |
| await driver.tap(replyExit); |
| // Tap search icon to trigger shared axis transition |
| await driver.tap(replySearch); |
| // Exit search page |
| await driver.tap(replyExit); |
| // Tap on email to trigger open container transform |
| await driver.tap(replyEmail); |
| // Exit email page |
| await driver.tap(replyExit); |
| // Tap Reply logo to open bottom drawer/navigation rail |
| await driver.tap(replyLogo); |
| // Tap Reply logo to close bottom drawer/navigation rail |
| await driver.tap(replyLogo); |
| // Tap Reply logo to open bottom drawer/navigation rail |
| await driver.tap(replyLogo); |
| // Tap sent mailbox destination to trigger fade through transition |
| await driver.tap(replySentMailbox); |
| }, |
| scrollToTopWhenDone: false, |
| ); |
| }, |
| streams: const <TimelineStream>[ |
| TimelineStream.dart, |
| TimelineStream.embedder, |
| ], |
| ); |
| |
| final summary = TimelineSummary.summarize(timeline); |
| await summary.writeTimelineToFile('transitions-reply', pretty: true); |
| }, timeout: Timeout.none); |
| |
| test('all demos', () async { |
| if (isTestingCraneOnly || isTestingReplyOnly) return; |
| |
| // Collect timeline data for just a limited set of demos to avoid OOMs. |
| final timeline = await driver.traceAction( |
| () async { |
| await runDemos(_profiledDemos, driver); |
| }, |
| streams: const <TimelineStream>[ |
| TimelineStream.dart, |
| TimelineStream.embedder, |
| ], |
| ); |
| |
| final summary = TimelineSummary.summarize(timeline); |
| await summary.writeTimelineToFile('transitions', pretty: true); |
| |
| // Execute the remaining tests. |
| final unprofiledDemos = Set<String>.from(_allDemos) |
| ..removeAll(_profiledDemos); |
| await runDemos(unprofiledDemos.toList(), driver); |
| }, timeout: Timeout.none); |
| }); |
| } |