blob: d1a99106f3fb1fce93e635b5af9222bb249307ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file:avoid_print
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:gallery/data/demos.dart';
import 'package:gallery/main.dart';
import 'scroll.dart';
const Duration _initialWaitingDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 1500);
const List<String> _demosWithAnimation = <String>[
const Duration _defaultWaitingDuration = Duration(seconds: 3);
enum DemoType {
DemoType typeOfDemo(String demo) {
if (demo.contains('@study')) {
} else if (_demosWithAnimation.contains(demo)) {
return DemoType.animatedWidget;
} else {
return DemoType.unanimatedWidget;
/// A class that automates the gallery.
class GalleryAutomator {
required this.benchmarkName,
this.testScrollsOnly = false,
required this.stopWarmingUpCallback,
}) : assert(testScrollsOnly || shouldRunPredicate != null);
/// The name of the current benchmark.
final String benchmarkName;
/// A function deciding whether a demo should be run in this benchmark.
final bool Function(String)? shouldRunPredicate;
/// Whether we only test scrolling in this benchmark.
final bool testScrollsOnly;
/// A function to call when warm-up is finished.
/// This function is intended to ask `Recorder` to mark the warm-up phase
/// as over.
final void Function() stopWarmingUpCallback;
/// Whether the automation has ended.
bool finished = false;
/// A widget controller for automation.
late LiveWidgetController controller;
/// An iterable that generates all demo names.
Iterable<String> get demoNames => Demos.allDescriptions();
/// The gallery widget, with automation.
Widget createWidget() {
// There is no `catchError` here, because all errors are caught by
// the zone set up in `lib/web_benchmarks.dart` in `flutter/flutter`.
testScrollsOnly ? automateScrolls : automateDemoGestures,
return const GalleryApp();
/// Opens and quits demos that are specified by [shouldRunPredicate], twice.
Future<void> automateDemoGestures() async {
await warmUp();
print('==== List of demos to be run ====');
for (final demo in demoNames) {
if (shouldRunPredicate!(demo)) {
print('==== End of list of demos to be run ====');
var finishedStudyDemos = false;
for (final demo in demoNames) {
if (!finishedStudyDemos && typeOfDemo(demo) != {
finishedStudyDemos = true;
await scrollUntilVisible(
element: find.text('Categories').evaluate().single,
strict: true,
animated: false,
final demoButton =
find.byKey(ValueKey(demo), skipOffstage: false).evaluate().single;
await scrollUntilVisible(
element: demoButton,
animated: false,
// Run demo if it passes `runCriterion`.
// Note that the above scrolling is required even for demos *not*
// satisfying `runCriterion`, because we need to scroll
// through every `Scrollable` to find the `demoButton`.
if (shouldRunPredicate!(demo)) {
print('Running demo "$demo"');
for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
await controller.tap(find.byKey(ValueKey(demo)));
if (typeOfDemo(demo) == DemoType.animatedWidget) {
await Future<void>.delayed(_defaultWaitingDuration);
} else {
await animationStops();
await controller.tap(find.byKey(const ValueKey('Back')));
await animationStops();
print('All demos finished.');
// At the end of the test, mark as finished.
finished = true;
/// Scrolls various parts of the gallery.
Future<void> automateScrolls() async {
await warmUp();
print('Running scrolling test.');
final selectedDemos = firstDemosOfCategories(demoNames);
var scrolled = false;
// For each category
for (final demo in selectedDemos) {
// Scroll to that category
if (!scrolled && categoryOf(demo) != 'study') {
scrolled = true;
await scrollUntilVisible(
element: find.text('Categories').evaluate().single,
strict: true,
} else if (scrolled && categoryOf(demo) == 'study') {
scrolled = false;
final pageScrollable =
await scrollToExtreme(scrollable: pageScrollable, toEnd: false);
// Scroll that scrollable
final demoButton =
find.byKey(ValueKey(demo), skipOffstage: false).evaluate().single;
final scrollable = Scrollable.of(demoButton);
for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
await scrollToExtreme(scrollable: scrollable, toEnd: true);
await scrollToExtreme(scrollable: scrollable, toEnd: false);
print('Scrolling test finished.');
finished = true;
/// Warm up the animation.
Future<void> warmUp() async {
print('Warming up.');
await pumpDeferredLibraries();
// Let animation stop.
await animationStops();
// Set controller.
controller = LiveWidgetController(WidgetsBinding.instance);
// Find first demo of each category.
final candidateDemos = firstDemosOfCategories(demoNames);
// Find first demo that is not being tested here.
// We open this demo as a way to warm up the engine, so we need to use an
// untested demo to avoid biasing the benchmarks.
String? firstUntestedDemo;
for (final demo in candidateDemos) {
if (testScrollsOnly || !shouldRunPredicate!(demo)) {
firstUntestedDemo = demo;
assert(firstUntestedDemo != null);
// Open and close the demo twice to warm up.
for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
await controller.tap(find.byKey(ValueKey(firstUntestedDemo!)));
if (typeOfDemo(firstUntestedDemo) == DemoType.animatedWidget) {
await Future<void>.delayed(_defaultWaitingDuration);
} else {
await animationStops();
await controller.tap(find.byKey(const ValueKey('Back')));
await animationStops();
// When warm-up finishes, inform the recorder.
print('Warm-up finished.');
/// A function to find the category of a demo.
String categoryOf(String demo) {
final atSymbolIndex = demo.lastIndexOf('@');
if (atSymbolIndex < 0) {
return '';
} else {
return demo.substring(atSymbolIndex + 1);
/// A function to find the first demo of each category.
List<String> firstDemosOfCategories(Iterable<String> demoList) {
// Select the first demo from each category.
final coveredCategories = <String>{};
final selectedDemos = <String>[];
for (final demo in demoList) {
final category = categoryOf(demo);
if (!coveredCategories.contains(category)) {
return selectedDemos;