tree: 20aa3cbf0aa0065eef83221d20a567a8eb588949 [path history] [tgz]
  1. animated_component.dart
  2. animated_container.dart
  3. basic.dart
  4. block_viewport.dart
  5. button_base.dart
  6. card.dart
  7. checkbox.dart
  8. default_text_style.dart
  9. dialog.dart
  10. dismissable.dart
  11. drawer.dart
  12. drawer_divider.dart
  13. drawer_header.dart
  14. drawer_item.dart
  15. flat_button.dart
  16. floating_action_button.dart
  17. focus.dart
  18. framework.dart
  19. icon.dart
  20. icon_button.dart
  21. ink_well.dart
  22. material.dart
  23. material_button.dart
  24. mimic.dart
  25. mimic_overlay.dart
  26. modal_overlay.dart
  27. navigator.dart
  28. popup_menu.dart
  29. popup_menu_item.dart
  30. radio.dart
  31. raised_button.dart
  33. scaffold.dart
  34. scrollable.dart
  35. snack_bar.dart
  36. switch.dart
  37. tabs.dart
  38. task_description.dart
  39. theme.dart
  40. tool_bar.dart
  41. transitions.dart

Sky Widgets

Sky widgets are built using a functional-reactive framework, which takes inspiration from React. The central idea is that you build your UI out of components. Components describe what their view should look like given their current configuration and state. When a component's state changes, the component rebuilds its description, which the framework diffs against the previous description in order to determine the minial changes needed in the underlying render tree to transition from one state to the next.

Hello World

To build an application, create a subclass of App and instantiate it:

import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';

class HelloWorldApp extends App {
  Widget build() {
    return new Center(child: new Text('Hello, world!'));

void main() {
  runApp(new HelloWorldApp());

An app is comprised of (and is, itself, a) widgets. The most commonly authored widgets are, like App, subclasses of Component. A component's main job is to implement Widget build() by returning newly-created instances of other widgets. If a component builds other components, the framework will build those components in turn until the process bottoms out in a collection of basic widgets, such as those in sky/widgets/basic.dart. In the case of HelloWorldApp, the build function simply returns a new Text node, which is a basic widget representing a string of text.

Basic Widgets

Sky comes with a suite of powerful basic widgets, of which the following are very commonly used:

  • Text: The Text widget lets you create a run of styled text within your application.

  • Flex: The Flex widget lets you create flexible layouts in both the horizontal and vertical direction. Its design is based on the web's flexbox layout model. You can also use the simpler Block widget to create vertical layouts of inflexible items.

  • Container: The Container widget lets you create rectangular visual element. A container can be decorated with a BoxDecoration, such as a background, a border, or a shadow. A Container can also have margins, padding, and constraints applied to its size. In addition, a Container can be transformed in three dimensional space using a matrix.

  • NetworkImage: The NetworkImage widget lets you display an image, referenced using a URL. The underlying image is cached, which means if several NetworkImage widgets refer to the same URL, they'll share the underlying image resource.

Below is a simple toolbar example that shows how to combine these widgets:

import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';

class MyToolBar extends Component {
  Widget build() {
    return new Container(
      decoration: const BoxDecoration(
        backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF00FFFF)
      height: 56.0,
      padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
      child: new Flex([
        new NetworkImage(src: 'menu.png', width: 25.0, height: 25.0),
        new Flexible(child: new Text('My awesome toolbar')),
        new NetworkImage(src: 'search.png', width: 25.0, height: 25.0),

The MyToolBar component creates a cyan Container with a height of 56 device-independent pixels with an internal padding of 8 pixels, both on the left and the right. Inside the container, MyToolBar uses a Flex layout in the (default) horizontal direction. The middle child, the Text widget, is marked as Flexible, which means it expands to fill any remaining available space that hasn't been consumed by the inflexible children. You can have multiple Flexible children and determine the ratio in which they consume the available space using the flex argument to Flexible.

To use this component, we simply create an instance of MyToolBar in a build function:

import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';

import 'my_tool_bar.dart';

class DemoApp extends App {
  Widget build() {
    return new Center(child: new MyToolBar());

void main() {
  runApp(new DemoApp());

Here, we‘ve used the Center widget to center the toolbar within the view, both vertically and horizontally. If we didn’t center the toolbar, it would fill the view, both vertically and horizontally, because the root widget is sized to fill the view.

Listening to Events

In addition to being stunningly beautiful, most applications react to user input. The first step in building an interactive application is to listen for input events. Let's see how that works by creating a simple button:

import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';

final BoxDecoration _decoration = new BoxDecoration(
  borderRadius: 5.0,
  gradient: new LinearGradient(
    endPoints: [ Point.origin, const Point(0.0, 36.0) ],
    colors: [ const Color(0xFFEEEEEE), const Color(0xFFCCCCCC) ]

class MyButton extends Component {
  Widget build() {
    return new Listener(
      onGestureTap: (event) {
        print('MyButton was tapped!');
      child: new Container(
        height: 36.0,
        padding: const EdgeDims.all(8.0),
        margin: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
        decoration: _decoration,
        child: new Center(
          child: new Text('Engage')

The Listener widget doesn't have an visual representation but instead listens for events bubbling through the application. When a tap gesture bubbles out from the Container, the Listener will call its onGestureTap callback, in this case printing a message to the console.

You can use Listener to listen for a variety of input events, including low-level pointer events and higher-level gesture events, such as taps, scrolls, and flings.

Generic Components

One of the most powerful features of components is the ability to pass around references to already-built widgets and reuse them in your build function. For example, we wouldn't want to define a new button component every time we wanted a button with a novel label:

class MyButton extends Component {
  MyButton({ this.child, this.onPressed });

  final Widget child;
  final Function onPressed;

  Widget build() {
    return new Listener(
      onGestureTap: (_) {
        if (onPressed != null)
      child: new Container(
        height: 36.0,
        padding: const EdgeDims.all(8.0),
        margin: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
        decoration: _decoration,
        child: new Center(child: child)

Rather than providing the button‘s label as a String, we’ve let the code that uses MyButton provide an arbitrary Widget to put inside the button. For example, we can put an elaborate layout involving text and an image inside the button:

  Widget build() {
    return new MyButton(
      child: new ShrinkWrapWidth(
        child: new Flex([
          new NetworkImage(src: 'thumbs-up.png', width: 25.0, height: 25.0),
          new Container(
            padding: const EdgeDims.only(left: 10.0),
            child: new Text('Thumbs up')


By default, components are stateless. Components usually receive arguments from their parent component in their constructor, which they typically store in final member variables. When a component is asked to build, it uses these stored values to derive new arguments for the subcomponents it creates. For example, the generic version of MyButton above follows this pattern. In this way, state naturally flows “down” the component hierachy.

Some components, however, have mutable state that represents the transient state of that part of the user interface. For example, consider a dialog widget with a checkbox. While the dialog is open, the user might check and uncheck the checkbox several times before closing the dialog and committing the final value of the checkbox to the underlying application data model.

class MyCheckbox extends Component {
  MyCheckbox({ this.value, this.onChanged });

  final bool value;
  final Function onChanged;

  Widget build() {
    Color color = value ? const Color(0xFF00FF00) : const Color(0xFF0000FF);
    return new Listener(
      onGestureTap: (_) => onChanged(!value),
      child: new Container(
        height: 25.0,
        width: 25.0,
        decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: color)

class MyDialog extends StatefulComponent {
  MyDialog({ this.onDismissed });

  Function onDismissed;
  bool _checkboxValue = false;

  void _handleCheckboxValueChanged(bool value) {
    setState(() {
      _checkboxValue = value;

  void syncFields(MyDialog source) {
    onDismissed = source.onDismissed;

  Widget build() {
    return new Flex([
      new MyCheckbox(
        value: _checkboxValue,
        onChanged: _handleCheckboxValueChanged
      new MyButton(
        onPressed: () => onDismissed(_checkboxValue),
        child: new Text("Save")

The MyCheckbox component follows the pattern for stateless components. It stores the values it receives in its constructor in final member variables, which it then uses during its build function. Notice that when the user taps on the checkbox, the checkbox itself doesn't use value. Instead, the checkbox calls a function it received from its parent component. This pattern lets you store state higher in the component hierarchy, which causes the state to persist for longer periods of time. In the extreme, the state stored on the App component persists for the lifetime of the application.

The MyDialog component is more complicated because it is a stateful component. Let's walk through the differences in MyDialog caused by its being stateful:

  • MyDialog extends StatefulComponent instead of Component.

  • MyDialog has non-final member variables. Over the lifetime of the dialog, we'll need to modify the values of these member variables, which means we cannot mark them final.

  • MyDialog has private member variables. By convention, components store values they receive from their parent in public member variables and store their own internal, transient state in private member variables. There‘s no requirement to follow this convention, but we’ve found that it helps keep us organized.

  • Whenever MyDialog modifies its transient state, the dialog does so inside a setState callback. Using setState is important because it marks the component as dirty and schedules it to be rebuilt. If a component modifies its transient state outside of a setState callback, the framework won‘t know that the component has changed state and might not call the component’s build function, which means the user interface might not update to reflect the changed state.

  • MyDialog implements the syncFields member function. To understand syncFields, we'll need to dive a bit deeper into how the build function is used by the framework.

    A component's build function returns a tree of widgets that represent a “virtual” description of its appearance. The first time the framework calls build, the framework walks this description and creates a “physical” tree of RenderObjects that matches the description. When the framework calls build again, the component still returns a fresh description of its appearence, but this time the framework compares the new description with the previous description and makes the minimal modifications to the underlying RenderObjects to make them match the new description.

    In this process, old stateless components are discarded and the new stateless components created by the parent component are retained in the widget hierchy. Old stateful components, however, cannot simply be discarded because they contain state that needs to be preserved. Instead, the old stateful components are retained in the widget hierarchy and asked to syncFields with the new instance of the component created by the parent in its build function.

    Without syncFields, the new values the parent component passed to the MyDialog constructor in the parent's build function would be lost because they would be stored only as member variables on the new instance of the component, which is not retained in the component hiearchy. Therefore, the syncFields function in a component should update this to account for the new values the parent passed to source because source is the authorative source of those values.

    By convention, components typically store the values they receive from their parents in public member variables and their own internal state in private member variables. Therefore, a typical syncFields implementation will copy the public, but not the private, member variables from source. When following this convention, there is no need to copy over the private member variables because those represent the internal state of the object and this is the authoritative source of that state.

    When implementing a StatefulComponent, make sure to call super.syncFields(source) from within your syncFields() method, unless you are extending StatefulComponent directly.

Finally, when the user taps on the “Save” button, MyDialog follows the same pattern as MyCheckbox and calls a function passed in by its parent component to return the final value of the checkbox up the hierarchy.

didMount and didUnmount

When a component is inserted into the widget tree, the framework calls the didMount function on the component. When a component is removed from the widget tree, the framework calls the didUnmount function on the component. In some situations, a component that has been unmounted might again be mounted. For example, a stateful component might receive a pre-built component from its parent (similar to child from the MyButton example above) that the stateful component might incorporate, then not incorporate, and then later incorporate again in the widget tree it builds, according to its changing state.

Typically, a stateful component will override didMount to initialize any non-trivial internal state. Initializing internal state in didMount is more efficient (and less error-prone) than initializing that state during the component‘s constructor because parent executes the component’s constructor each time the parent rebuilds even though the framework mounts only the first instance into the widget heiarchy. (Instead of mounting later instances, the framework passes them to the original instance in syncFields so that the first instance of the component can incorporate the values passed by the parent to the component's constructor.)

Components often override didUnmount to release resources or to cancel subscriptions to event streams from outside the widget hierachy. When overriding either didMount or didUnmount, a component should call its superclass's didMount or didUnmount function.


The framework calls the initState function on stateful components before building them. The default implementation of initState does nothing. If your component requires non-trivial work to initialize its state, you should override initState and do it there rather than doing it in the stateful component‘s constructor. If the component doesn’t need to be built (for example, if it was constructed just to have its fields synchronized with an existing stateful component) you‘ll avoid unnecessary work. Also, some operations that involve interacting with the widget hierarchy cannot be done in a component’s constructor.

When overriding initState, a component should call its superclass's initState function.


If a component requires fine-grained control over which widgets sync with each other, the component can assign keys to the widgets it builds. Without keys, the framework matches widgets in the current and previous build according to their runtimeType and the order in which they appear. With keys, the framework requires that the two widgets have the same key as well as the same runtimeType.

Keys are most useful in components that build many instances of the same type of widget. For example, consider an infinite list component that builds just enough copies of a particular widget to fill its visible region:

  • Without keys, the first entry in the current build would always sync with the first entry in the previous build, even if, semantically, the first entry in the list just scrolled off screen and is no longer visible in the viewport.

  • By assigning each entry in the list a “semantic” key, the infinite list can be more efficient because the framework will sync entries with matching semantic keys and therefore similiar (or identical) visual appearances. Moreover, syncing the entries semantically means that state retained in stateful subcomponents will remain attached to the same semantic entry rather than the entry in the same numerical position in the viewport.

Useful debugging tools

This is a quick way to dump the entire widget tree to the console. This can be quite useful in figuring out exactly what is going on when working with the widgets system. For this to work, you have to have launched your app with runApp().

import 'package:sky/widget/widget.dart';

