Sky Style Guide

In general, follow our Design Principles for all code.

The primary goal of this style guide is to improve code readability so that everyone, whether reading the code for the first time or maintaining it for years, can quickly determine what the code does. A secondary goal is avoiding arguments when there are disagreements.


In general, follow the Dart style guide for Dart code, except where that would contradict this page.

Always use the Dart Analyzer. Do not check in code that increases the output of the analyzer unless you've filed a bug with the Dart team.

Use assert()s liberally.

Types (i.e. classes, typedefs (function signature definitions) and enums) are named UpperCamelCase. Everything else (methods, fields, variables, constants, enum values, etc) is lowerCamelCase. Constant doubles and strings are prefixed with k. Prefer using a local const or a static const in a relevant class than using a global constant.

Don't name your libraries (no library keyword). Name the files in lower_under_score.dart format.

Class constructors and methods should be ordered in the order that their members will be used in an instance's typical lifecycle. In particular, this means constructors all come first in class declarations.

The default (unnamed) constructor should come first, then the named constructors.

Fields should come before the methods that manipulate them, if they are specific to a particular group of methods.

For example, RenderObject groups all the layout fields and layout methods together, then all the paint fields and paint methods.

Fields that aren't specific to a particular group of methods should come immediately after the constructors.

Be consistent in the order of members. If a constructor lists a bunch of fields, then those fields should declared be in the same order, and any code that operates on all of them should operate on them in the same order (unless the order matters).

All variables and arguments are typed; don't use “var”, “dynamic”, or “Object” in any case where you could figure out the actual type. Always specialise generic types where possible.

Aim for a line length of 80 characters, but go over if breaking the line would make it less readable.

Only use => when the result fits on a single line.

When using { } braces, put a space or a newline after the open brace and before the closing brace. (If the block is empty, the same space will suffice for both.) Use spaces if the whole block fits on one line, and newlines if you need to break it over multiple lines.

When breaking an argument list into multiple lines, indent the arguments two characters from the previous line.


Foo f = new Foo(
  bar: 1.0,
  quux: 2.0

When breaking a parameter list into multiple lines, do the same.

Use // and ///, not /* */ and /** */.

Don't put the statement part of an “if” statement on the same line as the expression, even if it is short. (Doing so makes it unobvious that there is relevant code there. This is especially important for early returns.)

If a flow control structure‘s statement is one line long, then don’t use braces around it. (Keeping the code free of boilerplate or redundant punctuation keeps it concise and readable.)

For example,

  if (children != null) {
    for (RenderBox child in children)

...rather than:

  if (children != null) {
    for (RenderBox child in children) {

Use the most relevant constructor or method, when there are multiple options.

For example,

   new EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0);

...rather than:

   new EdgeDims(0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 8.0);

Use for-in loops rather than forEach() where possible, since that saves a stack frame per iteration.


Put spaces around operators in expressions.
