blob: 8b5f4ccf5fbc9e01decdfd922485aee7a678415e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:mojo_services/keyboard/keyboard.mojom.dart';
import 'package:sky/mojo/shell.dart' as shell;
class _KeyboardConnection {
_KeyboardConnection() {
proxy = new KeyboardServiceProxy.unbound();
shell.requestService("mojo:keyboard", proxy);
KeyboardServiceProxy proxy;
KeyboardService get keyboardService => proxy.ptr;
static final _KeyboardConnection instance = new _KeyboardConnection();
class Keyboard {
// The service is exposed in case you need direct access.
// However, as a general rule, you should be able to do
// most of what you need using only this class.
final KeyboardService service;
KeyboardHandle _currentHandle;
KeyboardHandle show(KeyboardClientStub stub) {
assert(stub != null);
if (_currentHandle != null) {
if (_currentHandle.stub == stub)
return _currentHandle;
_currentHandle = new KeyboardHandle._show(this, stub);
return _currentHandle;
class KeyboardHandle {
KeyboardHandle._show(Keyboard keyboard, this.stub) : _keyboard = keyboard {;
_attached = true;
KeyboardHandle._unattached(Keyboard keyboard) : _keyboard = keyboard, stub = null, _attached = false;
static final unattached = new KeyboardHandle._unattached(keyboard);
final Keyboard _keyboard;
final KeyboardClientStub stub;
bool _attached;
bool get attached => _attached;
void showByRequest() {
assert(_keyboard._currentHandle == this);
void release() {
if (_attached) {
assert(_keyboard._currentHandle == this);
_attached = false;
_keyboard._currentHandle = null;
assert(_keyboard._currentHandle != this);
final Keyboard keyboard = new Keyboard(_KeyboardConnection.instance.keyboardService);