blob: 8dd91fa6b220017dab4b955835ebf5dc7c7bbdcb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "sky/engine/wtf/DefaultAllocator.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/HashTable.h"
namespace WTF {
struct IdentityExtractor;
// Note: empty or deleted values are not allowed, using them may lead to undefined behavior.
// For pointer valuess this means that null pointers are not allowed unless you supply custom traits.
typename ValueArg,
typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash,
typename TraitsArg = HashTraits<ValueArg>,
typename Allocator = DefaultAllocator> class HashSet {
WTF_USE_ALLOCATOR(HashSet, Allocator);
typedef HashArg HashFunctions;
typedef TraitsArg ValueTraits;
typedef typename ValueTraits::PeekInType ValuePeekInType;
typedef typename ValueTraits::PassInType ValuePassInType;
typedef typename ValueTraits::PassOutType ValuePassOutType;
typedef typename ValueTraits::TraitType ValueType;
typedef HashTable<ValueType, ValueType, IdentityExtractor,
HashFunctions, ValueTraits, ValueTraits, Allocator> HashTableType;
typedef HashTableConstIteratorAdapter<HashTableType, ValueTraits> iterator;
typedef HashTableConstIteratorAdapter<HashTableType, ValueTraits> const_iterator;
typedef typename HashTableType::AddResult AddResult;
void swap(HashSet& ref)
void swap(typename Allocator::template OtherType<HashSet>::Type other)
HashSet& ref = Allocator::getOther(other);
unsigned size() const;
unsigned capacity() const;
bool isEmpty() const;
iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const;
iterator find(ValuePeekInType) const;
bool contains(ValuePeekInType) const;
// An alternate version of find() that finds the object by hashing and comparing
// with some other type, to avoid the cost of type conversion. HashTranslator
// must have the following function members:
// static unsigned hash(const T&);
// static bool equal(const ValueType&, const T&);
template<typename HashTranslator, typename T> iterator find(const T&) const;
template<typename HashTranslator, typename T> bool contains(const T&) const;
// The return value is a pair of an iterator to the new value's location,
// and a bool that is true if an new entry was added.
AddResult add(ValuePassInType);
// An alternate version of add() that finds the object by hashing and comparing
// with some other type, to avoid the cost of type conversion if the object is already
// in the table. HashTranslator must have the following function members:
// static unsigned hash(const T&);
// static bool equal(const ValueType&, const T&);
// static translate(ValueType&, const T&, unsigned hashCode);
template<typename HashTranslator, typename T> AddResult add(const T&);
void remove(ValuePeekInType);
void remove(iterator);
void clear();
template<typename Collection>
void removeAll(const Collection& toBeRemoved) { WTF::removeAll(*this, toBeRemoved); }
static bool isValidValue(ValuePeekInType);
ValuePassOutType take(iterator);
ValuePassOutType take(ValuePeekInType);
ValuePassOutType takeAny();
HashTableType m_impl;
struct IdentityExtractor {
template<typename T>
static const T& extract(const T& t) { return t; }
template<typename Translator>
struct HashSetTranslatorAdapter {
template<typename T> static unsigned hash(const T& key) { return Translator::hash(key); }
template<typename T, typename U> static bool equal(const T& a, const U& b) { return Translator::equal(a, b); }
template<typename T, typename U> static void translate(T& location, const U& key, const U&, unsigned hashCode)
Translator::translate(location, key, hashCode);
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline unsigned HashSet<T, U, V, W>::size() const
return m_impl.size();
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline unsigned HashSet<T, U, V, W>::capacity() const
return m_impl.capacity();
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline bool HashSet<T, U, V, W>::isEmpty() const
return m_impl.isEmpty();
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline typename HashSet<T, U, V, W>::iterator HashSet<T, U, V, W>::begin() const
return m_impl.begin();
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline typename HashSet<T, U, V, W>::iterator HashSet<T, U, V, W>::end() const
return m_impl.end();
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline typename HashSet<T, U, V, W>::iterator HashSet<T, U, V, W>::find(ValuePeekInType value) const
return m_impl.find(value);
template<typename Value, typename HashFunctions, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool HashSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, Allocator>::contains(ValuePeekInType value) const
return m_impl.contains(value);
template<typename Value, typename HashFunctions, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
template<typename HashTranslator, typename T>
typename HashSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, Allocator>::iterator
inline HashSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, Allocator>::find(const T& value) const
return m_impl.template find<HashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> >(value);
template<typename Value, typename HashFunctions, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
template<typename HashTranslator, typename T>
inline bool HashSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, Allocator>::contains(const T& value) const
return m_impl.template contains<HashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> >(value);
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline typename HashSet<T, U, V, W>::AddResult HashSet<T, U, V, W>::add(ValuePassInType value)
return m_impl.add(value);
template<typename Value, typename HashFunctions, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
template<typename HashTranslator, typename T>
inline typename HashSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, Allocator>::AddResult
HashSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, Allocator>::add(const T& value)
return m_impl.template addPassingHashCode<HashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> >(value, value);
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline void HashSet<T, U, V, W>::remove(iterator it)
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline void HashSet<T, U, V, W>::remove(ValuePeekInType value)
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline void HashSet<T, U, V, W>::clear()
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline bool HashSet<T, U, V, W>::isValidValue(ValuePeekInType value)
if (ValueTraits::isDeletedValue(value))
return false;
if (HashFunctions::safeToCompareToEmptyOrDeleted) {
if (value == ValueTraits::emptyValue())
return false;
} else {
if (isHashTraitsEmptyValue<ValueTraits>(value))
return false;
return true;
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline typename HashSet<T, U, V, W>::ValuePassOutType HashSet<T, U, V, W>::take(iterator it)
if (it == end())
return ValueTraits::emptyValue();
ValuePassOutType result = ValueTraits::passOut(const_cast<ValueType&>(*it));
return result;
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline typename HashSet<T, U, V, W>::ValuePassOutType HashSet<T, U, V, W>::take(ValuePeekInType value)
return take(find(value));
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline typename HashSet<T, U, V, W>::ValuePassOutType HashSet<T, U, V, W>::takeAny()
return take(begin());
template<typename C, typename W>
inline void copyToVector(const C& collection, W& vector)
typedef typename C::const_iterator iterator;
iterator it = collection.begin();
iterator end = collection.end();
for (unsigned i = 0; it != end; ++it, ++i)
vector[i] = *it;
} // namespace WTF
using WTF::HashSet;