blob: 47a51ef00cbe9a3ec1ef88887234c8a3d3de8081 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_android) {
if (target_cpu == "arm") {
} else {
# TODO(brettw) remove this once && early-out is checked in.
arm_version = 0
declare_args() {
# Enable asserts, even in release builds.
sky_asserts_always_on = false
# Experimental support for the Dart VM.
sky_use_dart = false
# Default to strict mode in debug builds.
if (is_debug) {
sky_dart_strict_mode = true
} else {
sky_dart_strict_mode = false
# feature_defines_list ---------------------------------------------------------
feature_defines_list = []
if (is_debug) {
# TODO(GYP) this should also be set when release_valgrind_build is set,
# but we don't have that flag in the GN build yet.
feature_defines_list += [ "WTF_USE_DYNAMIC_ANNOTATIONS=1" ]
if (!is_mac) {
# Mac OS X has not implemented support for ENABLE(OPENTYPE_VERTICAL) yet.
feature_defines_list += [ "ENABLE_OPENTYPE_VERTICAL=1" ]
if (sky_asserts_always_on) {
feature_defines_list += [ "ENABLE_ASSERT=1" ]
if (sky_dart_strict_mode) {
feature_defines_list += [ "ENABLE_DART_STRICT=1" ]
if (sky_use_dart) {
feature_defines_list += [ "WTF_USE_DART=1" ]
# feature_defines_string -------------------------------------------------------
# Convert the list to a space-separated string for passing to scripts.
# This would be the equivalent of passing '<(feature_defines)' in GYP.
feature_defines_string =
"trim string")