blob: 60aca649c30046e03fd828dcb00a5ba38b2afa34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atk/atk.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_offset_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom-forward.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_export.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_position.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_range.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node_base.h"
// This deleter is used in order to ensure that we properly always free memory
// used by AtkAttributeSet.
struct AtkAttributeSetDeleter {
void operator()(AtkAttributeSet* attributes) {
using AtkAttributes = std::unique_ptr<AtkAttributeSet, AtkAttributeSetDeleter>;
// Some ATK interfaces require returning a (const gchar*), use
// this macro to make it safe to return a pointer to a temporary
// string.
{ \
static std::string result; \
result = (str_expr); \
return result.c_str(); \
namespace ui {
struct FindInPageResultInfo {
AtkObject* node;
int start_offset;
int end_offset;
bool operator==(const FindInPageResultInfo& other) const {
return (node == other.node) && (start_offset == other.start_offset) &&
(end_offset == other.end_offset);
// AtkTableCell was introduced in ATK 2.12. Ubuntu Trusty has ATK 2.10.
// Compile-time checks are in place for ATK versions that are older than 2.12.
// However, we also need runtime checks in case the version we are building
// against is newer than the runtime version. To prevent a runtime error, we
// check that we have a version of ATK that supports AtkTableCell. If we do,
// we dynamically load the symbol; if we don't, the interface is absent from
// the accessible object and its methods will not be exposed or callable.
// The definitions below ensure we have no missing symbols. Note that in
// environments where we have ATK > 2.12, the definitions of AtkTableCell and
// AtkTableCellIface below are overridden by the runtime version.
// TODO(accessibility) Remove AtkTableCellInterface when 2.12 is the minimum
// supported version.
struct AX_EXPORT AtkTableCellInterface {
typedef struct _AtkTableCell AtkTableCell;
static GType GetType();
static GPtrArray* GetColumnHeaderCells(AtkTableCell* cell);
static GPtrArray* GetRowHeaderCells(AtkTableCell* cell);
static bool GetRowColumnSpan(AtkTableCell* cell,
gint* row,
gint* column,
gint* row_span,
gint* col_span);
static bool Exists();
// This class with an enum is used to generate a bitmask which tracks the ATK
// interfaces that an AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux's ATKObject implements.
class ImplementedAtkInterfaces {
enum class Value {
kDefault = 1 << 1,
kDocument = 1 << 1,
kHyperlink = 1 << 2,
kHypertext = 1 << 3,
kImage = 1 << 4,
kSelection = 1 << 5,
kTableCell = 1 << 6,
kTable = 1 << 7,
kText = 1 << 8,
kValue = 1 << 9,
kWindow = 1 << 10,
bool Implements(Value interface) const {
return value_ & static_cast<int>(interface);
void Add(Value other) { value_ |= static_cast<int>(other); }
bool operator!=(const ImplementedAtkInterfaces& other) {
return value_ != other.value_;
int value() const { return value_; }
int value_ = static_cast<int>(Value::kDefault);
// Implements accessibility on Aura Linux using ATK.
class AX_EXPORT AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux : public AXPlatformNodeBase {
~AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux() override;
static AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* FromAtkObject(const AtkObject*);
// Set or get the root-level Application object that's the parent of all
// top-level windows.
static void SetApplication(AXPlatformNode* application);
static AXPlatformNode* application();
static void EnsureGTypeInit();
// Do asynchronous static initialization.
static void StaticInitialize();
// Enables AXMode calling AXPlatformNode::NotifyAddAXModeFlags. It's used
// when ATK APIs are called.
static void EnableAXMode();
// EnsureAtkObjectIsValid will destroy and recreate |atk_object_| if the
// interface mask is different. This partially relies on looking at the tree's
// structure. This must not be called when the tree is unstable e.g. in the
// middle of being unserialized.
void EnsureAtkObjectIsValid();
void Destroy() override;
AtkRole GetAtkRole() const;
void GetAtkState(AtkStateSet* state_set);
AtkRelationSet* GetAtkRelations();
void GetExtents(gint* x,
gint* y,
gint* width,
gint* height,
AtkCoordType coord_type);
void GetPosition(gint* x, gint* y, AtkCoordType coord_type);
void GetSize(gint* width, gint* height);
gfx::NativeViewAccessible HitTestSync(gint x,
gint y,
AtkCoordType coord_type);
bool GrabFocus();
bool FocusFirstFocusableAncestorInWebContent();
bool GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAtOffset(int offset);
bool GrabFocusOrSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint();
bool SetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint();
bool DoDefaultAction();
const gchar* GetDefaultActionName();
AtkAttributeSet* GetAtkAttributes();
gfx::Vector2d GetParentOriginInScreenCoordinates() const;
gfx::Vector2d GetParentFrameOriginInScreenCoordinates() const;
gfx::Rect GetExtentsRelativeToAtkCoordinateType(
AtkCoordType coord_type) const;
// AtkDocument helpers
const gchar* GetDocumentAttributeValue(const gchar* attribute) const;
AtkAttributeSet* GetDocumentAttributes() const;
// AtkHyperlink helpers
AtkHyperlink* GetAtkHyperlink();
#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 30, 0)
void ScrollToPoint(AtkCoordType atk_coord_type, int x, int y);
void ScrollNodeRectIntoView(gfx::Rect rect, AtkScrollType atk_scroll_type);
void ScrollNodeIntoView(AtkScrollType atk_scroll_type);
#endif // defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 30, 0)
#if defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 32, 0)
base::Optional<gfx::Rect> GetUnclippedHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
int start_offset,
int end_offset);
bool ScrollSubstringIntoView(AtkScrollType atk_scroll_type,
int start_offset,
int end_offset);
bool ScrollSubstringToPoint(int start_offset,
int end_offset,
AtkCoordType atk_coord_type,
int x,
int y);
#endif // defined(ATK_CHECK_VERSION) && ATK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 32, 0)
// Misc helpers
void GetFloatAttributeInGValue(ax::mojom::FloatAttribute attr, GValue* value);
// Event helpers
void OnActiveDescendantChanged();
void OnCheckedStateChanged();
void OnEnabledChanged();
void OnExpandedStateChanged(bool is_expanded);
void OnFocused();
void OnWindowActivated();
void OnWindowDeactivated();
void OnMenuPopupStart();
void OnMenuPopupEnd();
void OnAllMenusEnded();
void OnSelected();
void OnSelectedChildrenChanged();
void OnTextAttributesChanged();
void OnTextSelectionChanged();
void OnValueChanged();
void OnNameChanged();
void OnDescriptionChanged();
void OnSortDirectionChanged();
void OnInvalidStatusChanged();
void OnDocumentTitleChanged();
void OnSubtreeCreated();
void OnSubtreeWillBeDeleted();
void OnParentChanged();
void OnWindowVisibilityChanged();
void OnScrolledToAnchor();
void OnAlertShown();
void RunPostponedEvents();
void ResendFocusSignalsForCurrentlyFocusedNode();
bool SupportsSelectionWithAtkSelection();
bool SelectionAndFocusAreTheSame();
void SetActiveViewsDialog();
// AXPlatformNode overrides.
// This has a side effect of creating the AtkObject if one does not already
// exist.
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNativeViewAccessible() override;
void NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event event_type) override;
// AXPlatformNodeBase overrides.
void Init(AXPlatformNodeDelegate* delegate) override;
bool IsPlatformCheckable() const override;
base::Optional<int> GetIndexInParent() override;
bool IsNameExposed();
void UpdateHypertext();
const AXHypertext& GetAXHypertext();
const base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments& GetHypertextAdjustments();
size_t UTF16ToUnicodeOffsetInText(size_t utf16_offset);
size_t UnicodeToUTF16OffsetInText(int unicode_offset);
int GetTextOffsetAtPoint(int x, int y, AtkCoordType atk_coord_type);
// Called on a toplevel frame to set the document parent, which is the parent
// of the toplevel document. This is used to properly express the ATK embeds
// relationship between a toplevel frame and its embedded document.
void SetDocumentParent(AtkObject* new_document_parent);
int GetCaretOffset();
bool SetCaretOffset(int offset);
bool SetTextSelectionForAtkText(int start_offset, int end_offset);
bool HasSelection();
void GetSelectionExtents(int* start_offset, int* end_offset);
gchar* GetSelectionWithText(int* start_offset, int* end_offset);
// Return the text attributes for this node given an offset. The start
// and end attributes will be assigned to the start_offset and end_offset
// pointers if they are non-null. The return value AtkAttributeSet should
// be freed with atk_attribute_set_free.
const TextAttributeList& GetTextAttributes(int offset,
int* start_offset,
int* end_offset);
// Return the default text attributes for this node. The default text
// attributes are the ones that apply to the entire node. Attributes found at
// a given offset can be thought of as overriding the default attribute.
// The return value AtkAttributeSet should be freed with
// atk_attribute_set_free.
const TextAttributeList& GetDefaultTextAttributes();
void ActivateFindInPageResult(int start_offset, int end_offset);
void TerminateFindInPage();
// If there is a find in page result for the toplevel document of this node,
// return it, otherwise return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<FindInPageResultInfo> GetSelectionOffsetsFromFindInPage();
std::pair<int, int> GetSelectionOffsetsForAtk();
// Get the embedded object ("hyperlink") indices for this object in the
// parent. If this object doesn't have a parent or isn't embedded, return
// nullopt.
base::Optional<std::pair<int, int>> GetEmbeddedObjectIndices();
std::string accessible_name_;
// Offsets for the AtkText API are calculated in UTF-16 code point offsets,
// but the ATK APIs want all offsets to be in "characters," which we
// understand to be Unicode character offsets. We keep a lazily generated set
// of Adjustments to convert between UTF-16 and Unicode character offsets.
base::Optional<base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments> text_unicode_adjustments_ =
void AddAttributeToList(const char* name,
const char* value,
PlatformAttributeList* attributes) override;
using AXPositionInstance = AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance;
using AXPositionInstanceType = typename AXPositionInstance::element_type;
using AXNodeRange = AXRange<AXPositionInstanceType>;
// This is static to ensure that we aren't trying to access the rest of the
// accessibility tree during node initialization.
static ImplementedAtkInterfaces GetGTypeInterfaceMask(const AXNodeData& data);
GType GetAccessibilityGType();
AtkObject* CreateAtkObject();
// Get or Create AtkObject. Note that it could return nullptr except
// ax::mojom::Role::kApplication when the mode is not enabled.
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetOrCreateAtkObject();
void DestroyAtkObjects();
void AddRelationToSet(AtkRelationSet*,
AXPlatformNode* target);
bool IsInLiveRegion();
base::Optional<std::pair<int, int>> GetEmbeddedObjectIndicesForId(int id);
void ComputeStylesIfNeeded();
int FindStartOfStyle(int start_offset, ax::mojom::MoveDirection direction);
// Reset any find in page operations for the toplevel document of this node.
void ForgetCurrentFindInPageResult();
// Activate a find in page result for the toplevel document of this node.
void ActivateFindInPageInParent(int start_offset, int end_offset);
// If this node is the toplevel document node, find its parent and set it on
// the toplevel frame which contains the node.
void SetDocumentParentOnFrameIfNecessary();
// Find the child which is a document containing the primary web content.
AtkObject* FindPrimaryWebContentDocument();
// Returns true if it is a web content for the relations.
bool IsWebDocumentForRelations();
// If a selection that intersects this node get the full selection
// including start and end node ids.
void GetFullSelection(int32_t* anchor_node_id,
int* anchor_offset,
int32_t* focus_node_id,
int* focus_offset);
// Returns true if this node's AtkObject is suitable for emitting AtkText
// signals. ATs don't expect static text objects to emit AtkText signals.
bool EmitsAtkTextEvents() const;
// Find the first ancestor which is an editable root or a document. This node
// will be one which contains a single selection.
AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux& FindEditableRootOrDocument();
// Find the first common ancestor between this node and a given node.
AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* FindCommonAncestor(AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* other);
// Update the selection information stored in this node. This should be
// called on the editable root, the root node of the accessibility tree, or
// the document (ie the node returned by FindEditableRootOrDocument()).
void UpdateSelectionInformation(int32_t anchor_node_id,
int anchor_offset,
int32_t focus_node_id,
int focus_offset);
// Emit a GObject signal indicating a selection change.
void EmitSelectionChangedSignal(bool had_selection);
// Emit a GObject signal indicating that the caret has moved.
void EmitCaretChangedSignal();
bool HadNonZeroWidthSelection() const { return had_nonzero_width_selection; }
std::pair<int32_t, int> GetCurrentCaret() const { return current_caret_; }
// If the given argument can be found as a child of this node, return its
// hypertext extents, otherwise return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<std::pair<int, int>> GetHypertextExtentsOfChild(
AXPlatformNodeAuraLinux* child);
// The AtkStateType for a checkable node can vary depending on the role.
AtkStateType GetAtkStateTypeForCheckableNode();
gfx::Point ConvertPointToScreenCoordinates(const gfx::Point& point,
AtkCoordType atk_coord_type);
// Keep information of latest ImplementedAtkInterfaces mask to rebuild the
// ATK object accordingly when the platform node changes.
ImplementedAtkInterfaces interface_mask_;
// We own a reference to these ref-counted objects.
AtkObject* atk_object_ = nullptr;
AtkHyperlink* atk_hyperlink_ = nullptr;
// A weak pointers which help us track the ATK embeds relation.
AtkObject* document_parent_ = nullptr;
// Whether or not this node (if it is a frame or a window) was
// minimized the last time it's visibility changed.
bool was_minimized_ = false;
// Information about the selection meant to be stored on the return value of
// FindEditableRootOrDocument().
// Whether or not we previously had a selection where the anchor and focus
// were not equal. This is what ATK consider a "selection."
bool had_nonzero_width_selection = false;
// Information about the current caret location (a node id and an offset).
// This is used to track when the caret actually moves during a selection
// change.
std::pair<int32_t, int> current_caret_ = {-1, -1};
// A map which converts between an offset in the node's hypertext and the
// ATK text attributes at that offset.
TextAttributeMap offset_to_text_attributes_;
// The default ATK text attributes for this node.
TextAttributeList default_text_attributes_;
bool window_activate_event_postponed_ = false;
} // namespace ui