sync ui geometry.dart into web_ui geometry.dart; add null safety annotations (#18356)

sync ui geometry.dart into web_ui geometry.dart; add null safety
diff --git a/lib/ui/geometry.dart b/lib/ui/geometry.dart
index 3d6183d..a3ac1d9 100644
--- a/lib/ui/geometry.dart
+++ b/lib/ui/geometry.dart
@@ -13,14 +13,12 @@
   /// The first argument sets the horizontal component, and the second the
   /// vertical component.
-  const OffsetBase(double dx, double dy)
-      : _dx = dx ?? 0.0,
-        _dy = dy ?? 0.0,
-        assert(dx != null),
-        assert(dy != null);
+  const OffsetBase(this._dx, this._dy)
+      : assert(_dx != null),
+        assert(_dy != null);
-  final double _dx;
-  final double _dy;
+  final double/*!*/ _dx;
+  final double/*!*/ _dy;
   /// Returns true if either component is [double.infinity], and false if both
   /// are finite (or negative infinity, or NaN).
@@ -31,7 +29,7 @@
   /// See also:
   ///  * [isFinite], which is true if both components are finite (and not NaN).
-  bool get isInfinite => _dx >= double.infinity || _dy >= double.infinity;
+  bool/*!*/ get isInfinite => _dx >= double.infinity || _dy >= double.infinity;
   /// Whether both components are finite (neither infinite nor NaN).
@@ -39,7 +37,7 @@
   ///  * [isInfinite], which returns true if either component is equal to
   ///    positive infinity.
-  bool get isFinite => _dx.isFinite && _dy.isFinite;
+  bool/*!*/ get isFinite => _dx.isFinite && _dy.isFinite;
   /// Less-than operator. Compares an [Offset] or [Size] to another [Offset] or
   /// [Size], and returns true if both the horizontal and vertical values of the
@@ -48,7 +46,7 @@
   /// This is a partial ordering. It is possible for two values to be neither
   /// less, nor greater than, nor equal to, another.
-  bool operator <(OffsetBase other) => _dx < other._dx && _dy < other._dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator <(OffsetBase/*!*/ other) => _dx < other._dx && _dy < other._dy;
   /// Less-than-or-equal-to operator. Compares an [Offset] or [Size] to another
   /// [Offset] or [Size], and returns true if both the horizontal and vertical
@@ -58,7 +56,7 @@
   /// This is a partial ordering. It is possible for two values to be neither
   /// less, nor greater than, nor equal to, another.
-  bool operator <=(OffsetBase other) => _dx <= other._dx && _dy <= other._dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator <=(OffsetBase/*!*/ other) => _dx <= other._dx && _dy <= other._dy;
   /// Greater-than operator. Compares an [Offset] or [Size] to another [Offset]
   /// or [Size], and returns true if both the horizontal and vertical values of
@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@
   /// This is a partial ordering. It is possible for two values to be neither
   /// less, nor greater than, nor equal to, another.
-  bool operator >(OffsetBase other) => _dx > other._dx && _dy > other._dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator >(OffsetBase/*!*/ other) => _dx > other._dx && _dy > other._dy;
   /// Greater-than-or-equal-to operator. Compares an [Offset] or [Size] to
   /// another [Offset] or [Size], and returns true if both the horizontal and
@@ -78,24 +76,24 @@
   /// This is a partial ordering. It is possible for two values to be neither
   /// less, nor greater than, nor equal to, another.
-  bool operator >=(OffsetBase other) => _dx >= other._dx && _dy >= other._dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator >=(OffsetBase/*!*/ other) => _dx >= other._dx && _dy >= other._dy;
   /// Equality operator. Compares an [Offset] or [Size] to another [Offset] or
   /// [Size], and returns true if the horizontal and vertical values of the
   /// left-hand-side operand are equal to the horizontal and vertical values of
   /// the right-hand-side operand respectively. Returns false otherwise.
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
     return other is OffsetBase
         && other._dx == _dx
         && other._dy == _dy;
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(_dx, _dy);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(_dx, _dy);
-  String toString() => 'OffsetBase(${_dx?.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${_dy?.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
+  String/*!*/ toString() => 'OffsetBase(${_dx.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${_dy.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
 /// An immutable 2D floating-point offset.
@@ -122,37 +120,37 @@
 class Offset extends OffsetBase {
   /// Creates an offset. The first argument sets [dx], the horizontal component,
   /// and the second sets [dy], the vertical component.
-  const Offset(double dx, double dy) : super(dx, dy);
+  const Offset(double/*!*/ dx, double/*!*/ dy) : super(dx, dy);
   /// Creates an offset from its [direction] and [distance].
   /// The direction is in radians clockwise from the positive x-axis.
   /// The distance can be omitted, to create a unit vector (distance = 1.0).
-  factory Offset.fromDirection(double direction, [ double distance = 1.0 ]) {
+  factory Offset.fromDirection(double/*!*/ direction, [ double/*!*/ distance = 1.0 ]) {
     return Offset(distance * math.cos(direction), distance * math.sin(direction));
   /// The x component of the offset.
   /// The y component is given by [dy].
-  double get dx => _dx;
+  double/*!*/ get dx => _dx;
   /// The y component of the offset.
   /// The x component is given by [dx].
-  double get dy => _dy;
+  double/*!*/ get dy => _dy;
   /// The magnitude of the offset.
   /// If you need this value to compare it to another [Offset]'s distance,
   /// consider using [distanceSquared] instead, since it is cheaper to compute.
-  double get distance => math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+  double/*!*/ get distance => math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
   /// The square of the magnitude of the offset.
   /// This is cheaper than computing the [distance] itself.
-  double get distanceSquared => dx * dx + dy * dy;
+  double/*!*/ get distanceSquared => dx * dx + dy * dy;
   /// The angle of this offset as radians clockwise from the positive x-axis, in
   /// the range -[pi] to [pi], assuming positive values of the x-axis go to the
@@ -181,7 +179,7 @@
   ///  * [distance], to compute the magnitude of the vector.
   ///  * [Canvas.rotate], which uses the same convention for its angle.
-  double get direction => math.atan2(dy, dx);
+  double/*!*/ get direction => math.atan2(dy, dx);
   /// An offset with zero magnitude.
@@ -215,7 +213,7 @@
   /// Offset a = const Offset(10.0, 10.0);
   /// Offset b = -a; // same as: a.scale(-1.0, -1.0)
   /// ```
-  Offset scale(double scaleX, double scaleY) => Offset(dx * scaleX, dy * scaleY);
+  Offset/*!*/ scale(double/*!*/ scaleX, double/*!*/ scaleY) => Offset(dx * scaleX, dy * scaleY);
   /// Returns a new offset with translateX added to the x component and
   /// translateY added to the y component.
@@ -229,7 +227,7 @@
   /// Offset c = a + b; // same as: a.translate(b.dx, b.dy)
   /// Offset d = a - b; // same as: a.translate(-b.dx, -b.dy)
   /// ```
-  Offset translate(double translateX, double translateY) => Offset(dx + translateX, dy + translateY);
+  Offset/*!*/ translate(double/*!*/ translateX, double/*!*/ translateY) => Offset(dx + translateX, dy + translateY);
   /// Unary negation operator.
@@ -237,7 +235,7 @@
   /// If the [Offset] represents an arrow on a plane, this operator returns the
   /// same arrow but pointing in the reverse direction.
-  Offset operator -() => Offset(-dx, -dy);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator -() => Offset(-dx, -dy);
   /// Binary subtraction operator.
@@ -246,7 +244,7 @@
   /// left-hand-side operand's [dy] minus the right-hand-side operand's [dy].
   /// See also [translate].
-  Offset operator -(Offset other) => Offset(dx - other.dx, dy - other.dy);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator -(Offset/*!*/ other) => Offset(dx - other.dx, dy - other.dy);
   /// Binary addition operator.
@@ -255,7 +253,7 @@
   /// two operands.
   /// See also [translate].
-  Offset operator +(Offset other) => Offset(dx + other.dx, dy + other.dy);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator +(Offset/*!*/ other) => Offset(dx + other.dx, dy + other.dy);
   /// Multiplication operator.
@@ -264,7 +262,7 @@
   /// right-hand-side operand (a double).
   /// See also [scale].
-  Offset operator *(double operand) => Offset(dx * operand, dy * operand);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator *(double/*!*/ operand) => Offset(dx * operand, dy * operand);
   /// Division operator.
@@ -273,21 +271,21 @@
   /// operand (a double).
   /// See also [scale].
-  Offset operator /(double operand) => Offset(dx / operand, dy / operand);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator /(double/*!*/ operand) => Offset(dx / operand, dy / operand);
   /// Integer (truncating) division operator.
   /// Returns an offset whose coordinates are the coordinates of the
   /// left-hand-side operand (an Offset) divided by the scalar right-hand-side
   /// operand (a double), rounded towards zero.
-  Offset operator ~/(double operand) => Offset((dx ~/ operand).toDouble(), (dy ~/ operand).toDouble());
+  Offset/*!*/ operator ~/(double/*!*/ operand) => Offset((dx ~/ operand).toDouble(), (dy ~/ operand).toDouble());
   /// Modulo (remainder) operator.
   /// Returns an offset whose coordinates are the remainder of dividing the
   /// coordinates of the left-hand-side operand (an Offset) by the scalar
   /// right-hand-side operand (a double).
-  Offset operator %(double operand) => Offset(dx % operand, dy % operand);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator %(double/*!*/ operand) => Offset(dx % operand, dy % operand);
   /// Rectangle constructor operator.
@@ -299,7 +297,7 @@
   /// Rect myRect = & const Size(100.0, 100.0);
   /// // same as: Rect.fromLTWH(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0)
   /// ```
-  Rect operator &(Size other) => Rect.fromLTWH(dx, dy, other.width, other.height);
+  Rect/*!*/ operator &(Size/*!*/ other) => Rect.fromLTWH(dx, dy, other.width, other.height);
   /// Linearly interpolate between two offsets.
@@ -316,7 +314,7 @@
   /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
   /// an [AnimationController].
-  static Offset lerp(Offset a, Offset b, double t) {
+  static Offset/*!*/ lerp(Offset/*?*/ a, Offset/*?*/ b, double/*!*/ t) {
     assert(t != null);
     if (a == null && b == null)
       return null;
@@ -329,17 +327,17 @@
   /// Compares two Offsets for equality.
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
     return other is Offset
         && other.dx == dx
         && other.dy == dy;
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(dx, dy);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(dx, dy);
-  String toString() => 'Offset(${dx?.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${dy?.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
+  String/*!*/ toString() => 'Offset(${dx.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${dy.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
 /// Holds a 2D floating-point size.
@@ -347,11 +345,11 @@
 /// You can think of this as an [Offset] from the origin.
 class Size extends OffsetBase {
   /// Creates a [Size] with the given [width] and [height].
-  const Size(double width, double height) : super(width, height);
+  const Size(double/*!*/ width, double/*!*/ height) : super(width, height);
   /// Creates an instance of [Size] that has the same values as another.
   // Used by the rendering library's _DebugSize hack.
-  Size.copy(Size source) : super(source.width, source.height);
+  Size.copy(Size/*!*/ source) : super(source.width, source.height);
   /// Creates a square [Size] whose [width] and [height] are the given dimension.
@@ -359,13 +357,13 @@
   ///  * [Size.fromRadius], which is more convenient when the available size
   ///    is the radius of a circle.
-  const Size.square(double dimension) : super(dimension, dimension);
+  const Size.square(double/*!*/ dimension) : super(dimension, dimension);
   /// Creates a [Size] with the given [width] and an infinite [height].
-  const Size.fromWidth(double width) : super(width, double.infinity);
+  const Size.fromWidth(double/*!*/ width) : super(width, double.infinity);
   /// Creates a [Size] with the given [height] and an infinite [width].
-  const Size.fromHeight(double height) : super(double.infinity, height);
+  const Size.fromHeight(double/*!*/ height) : super(double.infinity, height);
   /// Creates a square [Size] whose [width] and [height] are twice the given
   /// dimension.
@@ -375,13 +373,13 @@
   /// See also:
   ///  * [Size.square], which creates a square with the given dimension.
-  const Size.fromRadius(double radius) : super(radius * 2.0, radius * 2.0);
+  const Size.fromRadius(double/*!*/ radius) : super(radius * 2.0, radius * 2.0);
   /// The horizontal extent of this size.
-  double get width => _dx;
+  double/*!*/ get width => _dx;
   /// The vertical extent of this size.
-  double get height => _dy;
+  double/*!*/ get height => _dy;
   /// The aspect ratio of this size.
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
   ///    ratio.
   ///  * [FittedBox], a widget that (in most modes) attempts to maintain a
   ///    child widget's aspect ratio while changing its size.
-  double get aspectRatio {
+  double/*!*/ get aspectRatio {
     if (height != 0.0)
       return width / height;
     if (width > 0.0)
@@ -421,7 +419,7 @@
   /// Whether this size encloses a non-zero area.
   /// Negative areas are considered empty.
-  bool get isEmpty => width <= 0.0 || height <= 0.0;
+  bool/*!*/ get isEmpty => width <= 0.0 || height <= 0.0;
   /// Binary subtraction operator for [Size].
@@ -439,7 +437,7 @@
   /// right-hand-side operand, and a [height] consisting of the [height] of the
   /// left-hand-side operand minus the [Offset.dy] dimension of the
   /// right-hand-side operand.
-  OffsetBase operator -(OffsetBase other) {
+  OffsetBase/*!*/ operator -(OffsetBase/*!*/ other) {
     if (other is Size)
       return Offset(width - other.width, height - other.height);
     if (other is Offset)
@@ -454,41 +452,41 @@
   /// right-hand-side operand, an [Offset], and whose [height] is the sum of the
   /// [height] of the left-hand-side operand and the [Offset.dy] dimension of
   /// the right-hand-side operand.
-  Size operator +(Offset other) => Size(width + other.dx, height + other.dy);
+  Size/*!*/ operator +(Offset/*!*/ other) => Size(width + other.dx, height + other.dy);
   /// Multiplication operator.
   /// Returns a [Size] whose dimensions are the dimensions of the left-hand-side
   /// operand (a [Size]) multiplied by the scalar right-hand-side operand (a
   /// [double]).
-  Size operator *(double operand) => Size(width * operand, height * operand);
+  Size/*!*/ operator *(double/*!*/ operand) => Size(width * operand, height * operand);
   /// Division operator.
   /// Returns a [Size] whose dimensions are the dimensions of the left-hand-side
   /// operand (a [Size]) divided by the scalar right-hand-side operand (a
   /// [double]).
-  Size operator /(double operand) => Size(width / operand, height / operand);
+  Size/*!*/ operator /(double/*!*/ operand) => Size(width / operand, height / operand);
   /// Integer (truncating) division operator.
   /// Returns a [Size] whose dimensions are the dimensions of the left-hand-side
   /// operand (a [Size]) divided by the scalar right-hand-side operand (a
   /// [double]), rounded towards zero.
-  Size operator ~/(double operand) => Size((width ~/ operand).toDouble(), (height ~/ operand).toDouble());
+  Size/*!*/ operator ~/(double/*!*/ operand) => Size((width ~/ operand).toDouble(), (height ~/ operand).toDouble());
   /// Modulo (remainder) operator.
   /// Returns a [Size] whose dimensions are the remainder of dividing the
   /// left-hand-side operand (a [Size]) by the scalar right-hand-side operand (a
   /// [double]).
-  Size operator %(double operand) => Size(width % operand, height % operand);
+  Size/*!*/ operator %(double/*!*/ operand) => Size(width % operand, height % operand);
   /// The lesser of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height].
-  double get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
   /// The greater of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height].
-  double get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
   // Convenience methods that do the equivalent of calling the similarly named
   // methods on a Rect constructed from the given origin and this size.
@@ -498,60 +496,60 @@
   /// and this [Size].
   /// See also [Rect.topLeft].
-  Offset topLeft(Offset origin) => origin;
+  Offset/*!*/ topLeft(Offset/*!*/ origin) => origin;
   /// The offset to the center of the top edge of the rectangle described by the
   /// given offset (which is interpreted as the top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.topCenter].
-  Offset topCenter(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy);
+  Offset/*!*/ topCenter(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the top and right edges of the rectangle
   /// described by the given offset (which is interpreted as the top-left corner)
   /// and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.topRight].
-  Offset topRight(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy);
+  Offset/*!*/ topRight(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy);
   /// The offset to the center of the left edge of the rectangle described by the
   /// given offset (which is interpreted as the top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.centerLeft].
-  Offset centerLeft(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ centerLeft(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the point halfway between the left and right and the top and
   /// bottom edges of the rectangle described by the given offset (which is
   /// interpreted as the top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [].
-  Offset center(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ center(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the center of the right edge of the rectangle described by the
   /// given offset (which is interpreted as the top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.centerLeft].
-  Offset centerRight(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ centerRight(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the bottom and left edges of the
   /// rectangle described by the given offset (which is interpreted as the
   /// top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.bottomLeft].
-  Offset bottomLeft(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + height);
+  Offset/*!*/ bottomLeft(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + height);
   /// The offset to the center of the bottom edge of the rectangle described by
   /// the given offset (which is interpreted as the top-left corner) and this
   /// size.
   /// See also [Rect.bottomLeft].
-  Offset bottomCenter(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy + height);
+  Offset/*!*/ bottomCenter(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy + height);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the bottom and right edges of the
   /// rectangle described by the given offset (which is interpreted as the
   /// top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.bottomRight].
-  Offset bottomRight(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy + height);
+  Offset/*!*/ bottomRight(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy + height);
   /// Whether the point specified by the given offset (which is assumed to be
   /// relative to the top left of the size) lies between the left and right and
@@ -559,12 +557,12 @@
   /// Rectangles include their top and left edges but exclude their bottom and
   /// right edges.
-  bool contains(Offset offset) {
+  bool/*!*/ contains(Offset/*!*/ offset) {
     return offset.dx >= 0.0 && offset.dx < width && offset.dy >= 0.0 && offset.dy < height;
   /// A [Size] with the [width] and [height] swapped.
-  Size get flipped => Size(height, width);
+  Size/*!*/ get flipped => Size(height, width);
   /// Linearly interpolate between two sizes
@@ -581,7 +579,7 @@
   /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
   /// an [AnimationController].
-  static Size lerp(Size a, Size b, double t) {
+  static Size/*!*/ lerp(Size/*?*/ a, Size/*?*/ b, double/*!*/ t) {
     assert(t != null);
     if (a == null && b == null)
       return null;
@@ -595,17 +593,17 @@
   /// Compares two Sizes for equality.
   // We don't compare the runtimeType because of _DebugSize in the framework.
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
     return other is Size
         && other._dx == _dx
         && other._dy == _dy;
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(_dx, _dy);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(_dx, _dy);
-  String toString() => 'Size(${width?.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${height?.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
+  String/*!*/ toString() => 'Size(${width.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${height.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
 /// An immutable, 2D, axis-aligned, floating-point rectangle whose coordinates
@@ -620,27 +618,23 @@
 class Rect {
   /// Construct a rectangle from its left, top, right, and bottom edges.
-      const Rect.fromLTRB(double left, double top, double right, double bottom)
-          : left = left ?? 0.0,
-            right = right ?? 0.0,
-            top = top ?? 0.0,
-            bottom = bottom ?? 0.0,
-            assert(left != null),
-            assert(top != null),
-            assert(right != null),
-            assert(bottom != null);
+  const Rect.fromLTRB(this.left,, this.right, this.bottom)
+      : assert(left != null),
+        assert(top != null),
+        assert(right != null),
+        assert(bottom != null);
   /// Construct a rectangle from its left and top edges, its width, and its
   /// height.
   /// To construct a [Rect] from an [Offset] and a [Size], you can use the
   /// rectangle constructor operator `&`. See [Offset.&].
-  const Rect.fromLTWH(double left, double top, double width, double height) : this.fromLTRB(left, top, left + width, top + height);
+  const Rect.fromLTWH(double/*!*/ left, double/*!*/ top, double/*!*/ width, double/*!*/ height) : this.fromLTRB(left, top, left + width, top + height);
   /// Construct a rectangle that bounds the given circle.
   /// The `center` argument is assumed to be an offset from the origin.
-  Rect.fromCircle({ Offset center, double radius }) : this.fromCenter(
+  Rect.fromCircle({ Offset/*!*/ center, double/*!*/ radius }) : this.fromCenter(
     center: center,
     width: radius * 2,
     height: radius * 2,
@@ -649,7 +643,7 @@
   /// Constructs a rectangle from its center point, width, and height.
   /// The `center` argument is assumed to be an offset from the origin.
-  Rect.fromCenter({ Offset center, double width, double height }) : this.fromLTRB(
+  Rect.fromCenter({ Offset center/*!*/, double/*!*/ width, double/*!*/ height }) : this.fromLTRB(
     center.dx - width / 2,
     center.dy - height / 2,
     center.dx + width / 2,
@@ -658,39 +652,39 @@
   /// Construct the smallest rectangle that encloses the given offsets, treating
   /// them as vectors from the origin.
-  Rect.fromPoints(Offset a, Offset b) : this.fromLTRB(
+  Rect.fromPoints(Offset/*!*/ a, Offset/*!*/ b) : this.fromLTRB(
     math.min(a.dx, b.dx),
     math.min(a.dy, b.dy),
     math.max(a.dx, b.dx),
     math.max(a.dy, b.dy),
-  Float32List get _value32 => Float32List.fromList(<double>[left, top, right, bottom]);
+  Float32List/*!*/ get _value32 => Float32List.fromList(<double>[left, top, right, bottom]);
   /// The offset of the left edge of this rectangle from the x axis.
-  final double left;
+  final double/*!*/ left;
   /// The offset of the top edge of this rectangle from the y axis.
-  final double top;
+  final double/*!*/ top;
   /// The offset of the right edge of this rectangle from the x axis.
-  final double right;
+  final double/*!*/ right;
   /// The offset of the bottom edge of this rectangle from the y axis.
-  final double bottom;
+  final double/*!*/ bottom;
   /// The distance between the left and right edges of this rectangle.
-  double get width => right - left;
+  double/*!*/ get width => right - left;
   /// The distance between the top and bottom edges of this rectangle.
-  double get height => bottom - top;
+  double/*!*/ get height => bottom - top;
   /// The distance between the upper-left corner and the lower-right corner of
   /// this rectangle.
-  Size get size => Size(width, height);
+  Size/*!*/ get size => Size(width, height);
   /// Whether any of the dimensions are `NaN`.
-  bool get hasNaN => left.isNaN || top.isNaN || right.isNaN || bottom.isNaN;
+  bool/*!*/ get hasNaN => left.isNaN || top.isNaN || right.isNaN || bottom.isNaN;
   /// A rectangle with left, top, right, and bottom edges all at zero.
   static const Rect zero = Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
@@ -705,7 +699,7 @@
   /// Whether any of the coordinates of this rectangle are equal to positive infinity.
   // included for consistency with Offset and Size
-  bool get isInfinite {
+  bool/*!*/ get isInfinite {
     return left >= double.infinity
         || top >= double.infinity
         || right >= double.infinity
@@ -713,17 +707,17 @@
   /// Whether all coordinates of this rectangle are finite.
-  bool get isFinite => left.isFinite && top.isFinite && right.isFinite && bottom.isFinite;
+  bool/*!*/ get isFinite => left.isFinite && top.isFinite && right.isFinite && bottom.isFinite;
   /// Whether this rectangle encloses a non-zero area. Negative areas are
   /// considered empty.
-  bool get isEmpty => left >= right || top >= bottom;
+  bool/*!*/ get isEmpty => left >= right || top >= bottom;
   /// Returns a new rectangle translated by the given offset.
   /// To translate a rectangle by separate x and y components rather than by an
   /// [Offset], consider [translate].
-  Rect shift(Offset offset) {
+  Rect/*!*/ shift(Offset/*!*/ offset) {
     return Rect.fromLTRB(left + offset.dx, top + offset.dy, right + offset.dx, bottom + offset.dy);
@@ -732,23 +726,23 @@
   /// To translate a rectangle by an [Offset] rather than by separate x and y
   /// components, consider [shift].
-  Rect translate(double translateX, double translateY) {
+  Rect/*!*/ translate(double/*!*/ translateX, double/*!*/ translateY) {
     return Rect.fromLTRB(left + translateX, top + translateY, right + translateX, bottom + translateY);
   /// Returns a new rectangle with edges moved outwards by the given delta.
-  Rect inflate(double delta) {
+  Rect/*!*/ inflate(double/*!*/ delta) {
     return Rect.fromLTRB(left - delta, top - delta, right + delta, bottom + delta);
   /// Returns a new rectangle with edges moved inwards by the given delta.
-  Rect deflate(double delta) => inflate(-delta);
+  Rect/*!*/ deflate(double/*!*/ delta) => inflate(-delta);
   /// Returns a new rectangle that is the intersection of the given
   /// rectangle and this rectangle. The two rectangles must overlap
   /// for this to be meaningful. If the two rectangles do not overlap,
   /// then the resulting Rect will have a negative width or height.
-  Rect intersect(Rect other) {
+  Rect/*!*/ intersect(Rect/*!*/ other) {
     return Rect.fromLTRB(
       math.max(left, other.left),
@@ -759,7 +753,7 @@
   /// Returns a new rectangle which is the bounding box containing this
   /// rectangle and the given rectangle.
-  Rect expandToInclude(Rect other) {
+  Rect/*!*/ expandToInclude(Rect/*!*/ other) {
     return Rect.fromLTRB(
         math.min(left, other.left),
@@ -769,7 +763,7 @@
   /// Whether `other` has a nonzero area of overlap with this rectangle.
-  bool overlaps(Rect other) {
+  bool/*!*/ overlaps(Rect/*!*/ other) {
     if (right <= other.left || other.right <= left)
       return false;
     if (bottom <= || other.bottom <= top)
@@ -779,57 +773,57 @@
   /// The lesser of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height] of this
   /// rectangle.
-  double get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
   /// The greater of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height] of this
   /// rectangle.
-  double get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
   /// The offset to the intersection of the top and left edges of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.topLeft].
-  Offset get topLeft => Offset(left, top);
+  Offset/*!*/ get topLeft => Offset(left, top);
   /// The offset to the center of the top edge of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.topCenter].
-  Offset get topCenter => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top);
+  Offset/*!*/ get topCenter => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the top and right edges of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.topRight].
-  Offset get topRight => Offset(right, top);
+  Offset/*!*/ get topRight => Offset(right, top);
   /// The offset to the center of the left edge of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.centerLeft].
-  Offset get centerLeft => Offset(left, top + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ get centerLeft => Offset(left, top + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the point halfway between the left and right and the top and
   /// bottom edges of this rectangle.
   /// See also [].
-  Offset get center => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ get center => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the center of the right edge of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.centerLeft].
-  Offset get centerRight => Offset(right, top + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ get centerRight => Offset(right, top + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the bottom and left edges of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.bottomLeft].
-  Offset get bottomLeft => Offset(left, bottom);
+  Offset/*!*/ get bottomLeft => Offset(left, bottom);
   /// The offset to the center of the bottom edge of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.bottomLeft].
-  Offset get bottomCenter => Offset(left + width / 2.0, bottom);
+  Offset/*!*/ get bottomCenter => Offset(left + width / 2.0, bottom);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the bottom and right edges of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.bottomRight].
-  Offset get bottomRight => Offset(right, bottom);
+  Offset/*!*/ get bottomRight => Offset(right, bottom);
   /// Whether the point specified by the given offset (which is assumed to be
   /// relative to the origin) lies between the left and right and the top and
@@ -837,7 +831,7 @@
   /// Rectangles include their top and left edges but exclude their bottom and
   /// right edges.
-  bool contains(Offset offset) {
+  bool/*!*/ contains(Offset/*!*/ offset) {
     return offset.dx >= left && offset.dx < right && offset.dy >= top && offset.dy < bottom;
@@ -856,7 +850,7 @@
   /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
   /// an [AnimationController].
-  static Rect lerp(Rect a, Rect b, double t) {
+  static Rect/*!*/ lerp(Rect/*?*/ a, Rect/*?*/ b, double/*!*/ t) {
     assert(t != null);
     if (a == null && b == null)
       return null;
@@ -875,7 +869,7 @@
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
     if (identical(this, other))
       return true;
     if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType)
@@ -888,25 +882,25 @@
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(left, top, right, bottom);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(left, top, right, bottom);
-  String toString() => 'Rect.fromLTRB(${left.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${bottom.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
+  String/*!*/ toString() => 'Rect.fromLTRB(${left.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${bottom.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
 /// A radius for either circular or elliptical shapes.
 class Radius {
   /// Constructs a circular radius. [x] and [y] will have the same radius value.
-  const Radius.circular(double radius) : this.elliptical(radius, radius);
+  const Radius.circular(double/*!*/ radius) : this.elliptical(radius, radius);
   /// Constructs an elliptical radius with the given radii.
   const Radius.elliptical(this.x, this.y);
   /// The radius value on the horizontal axis.
-  final double x;
+  final double/*!*/ x;
   /// The radius value on the vertical axis.
-  final double y;
+  final double/*!*/ y;
   /// A radius with [x] and [y] values set to zero.
@@ -921,49 +915,49 @@
   /// occur as part of expressions. For example, negating a radius of one pixel
   /// and then adding the result to another radius is equivalent to subtracting
   /// a radius of one pixel from the other.
-  Radius operator -() => Radius.elliptical(-x, -y);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator -() => Radius.elliptical(-x, -y);
   /// Binary subtraction operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose [x] value is the left-hand-side operand's [x]
   /// minus the right-hand-side operand's [x] and whose [y] value is the
   /// left-hand-side operand's [y] minus the right-hand-side operand's [y].
-  Radius operator -(Radius other) => Radius.elliptical(x - other.x, y - other.y);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator -(Radius/*!*/ other) => Radius.elliptical(x - other.x, y - other.y);
   /// Binary addition operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose [x] value is the sum of the [x] values of the
   /// two operands, and whose [y] value is the sum of the [y] values of the
   /// two operands.
-  Radius operator +(Radius other) => Radius.elliptical(x + other.x, y + other.y);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator +(Radius/*!*/ other) => Radius.elliptical(x + other.x, y + other.y);
   /// Multiplication operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose coordinates are the coordinates of the
   /// left-hand-side operand (a radius) multiplied by the scalar
   /// right-hand-side operand (a double).
-  Radius operator *(double operand) => Radius.elliptical(x * operand, y * operand);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator *(double/*!*/ operand) => Radius.elliptical(x * operand, y * operand);
   /// Division operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose coordinates are the coordinates of the
   /// left-hand-side operand (a radius) divided by the scalar right-hand-side
   /// operand (a double).
-  Radius operator /(double operand) => Radius.elliptical(x / operand, y / operand);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator /(double/*!*/ operand) => Radius.elliptical(x / operand, y / operand);
   /// Integer (truncating) division operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose coordinates are the coordinates of the
   /// left-hand-side operand (a radius) divided by the scalar right-hand-side
   /// operand (a double), rounded towards zero.
-  Radius operator ~/(double operand) => Radius.elliptical((x ~/ operand).toDouble(), (y ~/ operand).toDouble());
+  Radius/*!*/ operator ~/(double/*!*/ operand) => Radius.elliptical((x ~/ operand).toDouble(), (y ~/ operand).toDouble());
   /// Modulo (remainder) operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose coordinates are the remainder of dividing the
   /// coordinates of the left-hand-side operand (a radius) by the scalar
   /// right-hand-side operand (a double).
-  Radius operator %(double operand) => Radius.elliptical(x % operand, y % operand);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator %(double/*!*/ operand) => Radius.elliptical(x % operand, y % operand);
   /// Linearly interpolate between two radii.
@@ -980,7 +974,7 @@
   /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
   /// an [AnimationController].
-  static Radius lerp(Radius a, Radius b, double t) {
+  static Radius/*!*/ lerp(Radius/*?*/ a, Radius/*?*/ b, double/*!*/ t) {
     assert(t != null);
     if (a == null && b == null)
       return null;
@@ -997,7 +991,7 @@
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
     if (identical(this, other))
       return true;
     if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType)
@@ -1009,10 +1003,10 @@
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(x, y);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(x, y);
-  String toString() {
+  String/*!*/ toString() {
     return x == y ? 'Radius.circular(${x.toStringAsFixed(1)})' :
                     'Radius.elliptical(${x.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
@@ -1023,8 +1017,8 @@
 class RRect {
   /// Construct a rounded rectangle from its left, top, right, and bottom edges,
   /// and the same radii along its horizontal axis and its vertical axis.
-  const RRect.fromLTRBXY(double left, double top, double right, double bottom,
-                   double radiusX, double radiusY) : this._raw(
+  const RRect.fromLTRBXY(double/*!*/ left, double/*!*/ top, double/*!*/ right, double/*!*/ bottom,
+                   double/*!*/ radiusX, double/*!*/ radiusY) : this._raw(
     top: top,
     left: left,
     right: right,
@@ -1041,8 +1035,8 @@
   /// Construct a rounded rectangle from its left, top, right, and bottom edges,
   /// and the same radius in each corner.
-  RRect.fromLTRBR(double left, double top, double right, double bottom,
-                  Radius radius)
+  RRect.fromLTRBR(double/*!*/ left, double/*!*/ top, double/*!*/ right, double/*!*/ bottom,
+                  Radius/*!*/ radius)
     : this._raw(
         top: top,
         left: left,
@@ -1060,7 +1054,7 @@
   /// Construct a rounded rectangle from its bounding box and the same radii
   /// along its horizontal axis and its vertical axis.
-  RRect.fromRectXY(Rect rect, double radiusX, double radiusY)
+  RRect.fromRectXY(Rect/*!*/ rect, double/*!*/ radiusX, double/*!*/ radiusY)
     : this._raw(
         left: rect.left,
@@ -1078,7 +1072,7 @@
   /// Construct a rounded rectangle from its bounding box and a radius that is
   /// the same in each corner.
-  RRect.fromRectAndRadius(Rect rect, Radius radius)
+  RRect.fromRectAndRadius(Rect/*!*/ rect, Radius/*!*/ radius)
     : this._raw(
         left: rect.left,
@@ -1099,14 +1093,14 @@
   /// The corner radii default to [], i.e. right-angled corners.
-    double left,
-    double top,
-    double right,
-    double bottom, {
-    Radius topLeft =,
-    Radius topRight =,
-    Radius bottomRight =,
-    Radius bottomLeft =,
+    double/*!*/ left,
+    double/*!*/ top,
+    double/*!*/ right,
+    double/*!*/ bottom, {
+    Radius/*!*/ topLeft =,
+    Radius/*!*/ topRight =,
+    Radius/*!*/ bottomRight =,
+    Radius/*!*/ bottomLeft =,
   }) : this._raw(
          top: top,
          left: left,
@@ -1127,12 +1121,12 @@
   /// The corner radii default to [], i.e. right-angled corners
-    Rect rect,
+    Rect/*!*/ rect,
-      Radius topLeft =,
-      Radius topRight =,
-      Radius bottomRight =,
-      Radius bottomLeft =
+      Radius/*!*/ topLeft =,
+      Radius/*!*/ topRight =,
+      Radius/*!*/ bottomRight =,
+      Radius/*!*/ bottomLeft =
   ) : this._raw(
@@ -1191,58 +1185,58 @@
   /// The offset of the left edge of this rectangle from the x axis.
-  final double left;
+  final double/*!*/ left;
   /// The offset of the top edge of this rectangle from the y axis.
-  final double top;
+  final double/*!*/ top;
   /// The offset of the right edge of this rectangle from the x axis.
-  final double right;
+  final double/*!*/ right;
   /// The offset of the bottom edge of this rectangle from the y axis.
-  final double bottom;
+  final double/*!*/ bottom;
   /// The top-left horizontal radius.
-  final double tlRadiusX;
+  final double/*!*/ tlRadiusX;
   /// The top-left vertical radius.
-  final double tlRadiusY;
+  final double/*!*/ tlRadiusY;
   /// The top-left [Radius].
-  Radius get tlRadius => Radius.elliptical(tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY);
+  Radius/*!*/ get tlRadius => Radius.elliptical(tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY);
   /// The top-right horizontal radius.
-  final double trRadiusX;
+  final double/*!*/ trRadiusX;
   /// The top-right vertical radius.
-  final double trRadiusY;
+  final double/*!*/ trRadiusY;
   /// The top-right [Radius].
-  Radius get trRadius => Radius.elliptical(trRadiusX, trRadiusY);
+  Radius/*!*/ get trRadius => Radius.elliptical(trRadiusX, trRadiusY);
   /// The bottom-right horizontal radius.
-  final double brRadiusX;
+  final double/*!*/ brRadiusX;
   /// The bottom-right vertical radius.
-  final double brRadiusY;
+  final double/*!*/ brRadiusY;
   /// The bottom-right [Radius].
-  Radius get brRadius => Radius.elliptical(brRadiusX, brRadiusY);
+  Radius/*!*/ get brRadius => Radius.elliptical(brRadiusX, brRadiusY);
   /// The bottom-left horizontal radius.
-  final double blRadiusX;
+  final double/*!*/ blRadiusX;
   /// The bottom-left vertical radius.
-  final double blRadiusY;
+  final double/*!*/ blRadiusY;
   /// The bottom-left [Radius].
-  Radius get blRadius => Radius.elliptical(blRadiusX, blRadiusY);
+  Radius/*!*/ get blRadius => Radius.elliptical(blRadiusX, blRadiusY);
   /// A rounded rectangle with all the values set to zero.
   static const RRect zero = RRect._raw();
   /// Returns a new [RRect] translated by the given offset.
-  RRect shift(Offset offset) {
+  RRect/*!*/ shift(Offset/*!*/ offset) {
     return RRect._raw(
       left: left + offset.dx,
       top: top + offset.dy,
@@ -1261,7 +1255,7 @@
   /// Returns a new [RRect] with edges and radii moved outwards by the given
   /// delta.
-  RRect inflate(double delta) {
+  RRect/*!*/ inflate(double/*!*/ delta) {
     return RRect._raw(
       left: left - delta,
       top: top - delta,
@@ -1279,22 +1273,22 @@
   /// Returns a new [RRect] with edges and radii moved inwards by the given delta.
-  RRect deflate(double delta) => inflate(-delta);
+  RRect/*!*/ deflate(double/*!*/ delta) => inflate(-delta);
   /// The distance between the left and right edges of this rectangle.
-  double get width => right - left;
+  double/*!*/ get width => right - left;
   /// The distance between the top and bottom edges of this rectangle.
-  double get height => bottom - top;
+  double/*!*/ get height => bottom - top;
   /// The bounding box of this rounded rectangle (the rectangle with no rounded corners).
-  Rect get outerRect => Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
+  Rect/*!*/ get outerRect => Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
   /// The non-rounded rectangle that is constrained by the smaller of the two
   /// diagonals, with each diagonal traveling through the middle of the curve
   /// corners. The middle of a corner is the intersection of the curve with its
   /// respective quadrant bisector.
-  Rect get safeInnerRect {
+  Rect/*!*/ get safeInnerRect {
     const double kInsetFactor = 0.29289321881; // 1-cos(pi/4)
     final double leftRadius = math.max(blRadiusX, tlRadiusX);
@@ -1316,7 +1310,7 @@
   /// intersection of the [wideMiddleRect] and the [tallMiddleRect]. If any of
   /// the intersections are void, the resulting [Rect] will have negative width
   /// or height.
-  Rect get middleRect {
+  Rect/*!*/ get middleRect {
     final double leftRadius = math.max(blRadiusX, tlRadiusX);
     final double topRadius = math.max(tlRadiusY, trRadiusY);
     final double rightRadius = math.max(trRadiusX, brRadiusX);
@@ -1333,7 +1327,7 @@
   /// has the full width of the rounded rectangle. If the rounded rectangle does
   /// not have an axis-aligned intersection of its left and right side, the
   /// resulting [Rect] will have negative width or height.
-  Rect get wideMiddleRect {
+  Rect/*!*/ get wideMiddleRect {
     final double topRadius = math.max(tlRadiusY, trRadiusY);
     final double bottomRadius = math.max(brRadiusY, blRadiusY);
     return Rect.fromLTRB(
@@ -1348,7 +1342,7 @@
   /// has the full height of the rounded rectangle. If the rounded rectangle
   /// does not have an axis-aligned intersection of its top and bottom side, the
   /// resulting [Rect] will have negative width or height.
-  Rect get tallMiddleRect {
+  Rect/*!*/ get tallMiddleRect {
     final double leftRadius = math.max(blRadiusX, tlRadiusX);
     final double rightRadius = math.max(trRadiusX, brRadiusX);
     return Rect.fromLTRB(
@@ -1361,14 +1355,14 @@
   /// Whether this rounded rectangle encloses a non-zero area.
   /// Negative areas are considered empty.
-  bool get isEmpty => left >= right || top >= bottom;
+  bool/*!*/ get isEmpty => left >= right || top >= bottom;
   /// Whether all coordinates of this rounded rectangle are finite.
-  bool get isFinite => left.isFinite && top.isFinite && right.isFinite && bottom.isFinite;
+  bool/*!*/ get isFinite => left.isFinite && top.isFinite && right.isFinite && bottom.isFinite;
   /// Whether this rounded rectangle is a simple rectangle with zero
   /// corner radii.
-  bool get isRect {
+  bool/*!*/ get isRect {
     return (tlRadiusX == 0.0 || tlRadiusY == 0.0) &&
            (trRadiusX == 0.0 || trRadiusY == 0.0) &&
            (blRadiusX == 0.0 || blRadiusY == 0.0) &&
@@ -1376,7 +1370,7 @@
   /// Whether this rounded rectangle has a side with no straight section.
-  bool get isStadium {
+  bool/*!*/ get isStadium {
     return tlRadius == trRadius
         && trRadius == brRadius
         && brRadius == blRadius
@@ -1384,7 +1378,7 @@
   /// Whether this rounded rectangle has no side with a straight section.
-  bool get isEllipse {
+  bool/*!*/ get isEllipse {
     return tlRadius == trRadius
         && trRadius == brRadius
         && brRadius == blRadius
@@ -1393,24 +1387,24 @@
   /// Whether this rounded rectangle would draw as a circle.
-  bool get isCircle => width == height && isEllipse;
+  bool/*!*/ get isCircle => width == height && isEllipse;
   /// The lesser of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height] of this
   /// rounded rectangle.
-  double get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
   /// The greater of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height] of this
   /// rounded rectangle.
-  double get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
   /// Whether any of the dimensions are `NaN`.
-  bool get hasNaN => left.isNaN || top.isNaN || right.isNaN || bottom.isNaN ||
+  bool/*!*/ get hasNaN => left.isNaN || top.isNaN || right.isNaN || bottom.isNaN ||
                      trRadiusX.isNaN || trRadiusY.isNaN || tlRadiusX.isNaN || tlRadiusY.isNaN ||
                      brRadiusX.isNaN || brRadiusY.isNaN || blRadiusX.isNaN || blRadiusY.isNaN;
   /// The offset to the point halfway between the left and right and the top and
   /// bottom edges of this rectangle.
-  Offset get center => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ get center => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top + height / 2.0);
   // Returns the minimum between min and scale to which radius1 and radius2
   // should be scaled with in order not to exceed the limit.
@@ -1430,7 +1424,7 @@
   /// See the [Skia scaling implementation](
   /// for more details.
-  RRect scaleRadii() {
+  RRect/*!*/ scaleRadii() {
     double scale = 1.0;
     scale = _getMin(scale, blRadiusY, tlRadiusY, height);
     scale = _getMin(scale, tlRadiusX, trRadiusX, width);
@@ -1477,7 +1471,7 @@
   /// radii the first time it is called on a particular [RRect] instance. When
   /// using this method, prefer to reuse existing [RRect]s rather than
   /// recreating the object each time.
-  bool contains(Offset point) {
+  bool/*!*/ contains(Offset/*!*/ point) {
     if (point.dx < left || point.dx >= right || point.dy < top || point.dy >= bottom)
       return false; // outside bounding box
@@ -1540,7 +1534,7 @@
   /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
   /// an [AnimationController].
-  static RRect lerp(RRect a, RRect b, double t) {
+  static RRect/*!*/ lerp(RRect/*?*/ a, RRect/*?*/ b, double/*!*/ t) {
     assert(t != null);
     if (a == null && b == null)
       return null;
@@ -1594,7 +1588,7 @@
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
     if (identical(this, other))
       return true;
     if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType)
@@ -1615,12 +1609,12 @@
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(left, top, right, bottom,
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(left, top, right, bottom,
     tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY, trRadiusX, trRadiusY,
     blRadiusX, blRadiusY, brRadiusX, brRadiusY);
-  String toString() {
+  String/*!*/ toString() {
     final String rect = '${left.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
                         '${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
                         '${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
@@ -1672,7 +1666,7 @@
   /// computations of the sine and cosine of the rotation so that they can be
   /// reused over multiple calls to this constructor, it may be more efficient
   /// to directly use this constructor instead.
-  RSTransform(double scos, double ssin, double tx, double ty) {
+  RSTransform(double/*!*/ scos, double/*!*/ ssin, double/*!*/ tx, double/*!*/ ty) {
       ..[0] = scos
       ..[1] = ssin
@@ -1700,12 +1694,12 @@
   /// over multiple [RSTransform] objects, it may be more efficient to directly
   /// use the more direct [new RSTransform] constructor instead.
   factory RSTransform.fromComponents({
-    double rotation,
-    double scale,
-    double anchorX,
-    double anchorY,
-    double translateX,
-    double translateY
+    double/*!*/ rotation,
+    double/*!*/ scale,
+    double/*!*/ anchorX,
+    double/*!*/ anchorY,
+    double/*!*/ translateX,
+    double/*!*/ translateY
   }) {
     final double scos = math.cos(rotation) * scale;
     final double ssin = math.sin(rotation) * scale;
@@ -1717,18 +1711,18 @@
   final Float32List _value = Float32List(4);
   /// The cosine of the rotation multiplied by the scale factor.
-  double get scos => _value[0];
+  double/*!*/ get scos => _value[0];
   /// The sine of the rotation multiplied by that same scale factor.
-  double get ssin => _value[1];
+  double/*!*/ get ssin => _value[1];
   /// The x coordinate of the translation, minus [scos] multiplied by the
   /// x-coordinate of the rotation point, plus [ssin] multiplied by the
   /// y-coordinate of the rotation point.
-  double get tx => _value[2];
+  double/*!*/ get tx => _value[2];
   /// The y coordinate of the translation, minus [ssin] multiplied by the
   /// x-coordinate of the rotation point, minus [scos] multiplied by the
   /// y-coordinate of the rotation point.
-  double get ty => _value[3];
+  double/*!*/ get ty => _value[3];
diff --git a/lib/web_ui/lib/src/ui/geometry.dart b/lib/web_ui/lib/src/ui/geometry.dart
index 93e18e4..a59afcb 100644
--- a/lib/web_ui/lib/src/ui/geometry.dart
+++ b/lib/web_ui/lib/src/ui/geometry.dart
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
   /// The first argument sets the horizontal component, and the second the
   /// vertical component.
-  const OffsetBase(double dx, double dy)
-      : _dx = dx, _dy = dy;
+  const OffsetBase(this._dx, this._dy)
+      : assert(_dx != null),
+        assert(_dy != null);
-  final double _dx;
-  final double _dy;
+  final double/*!*/ _dx;
+  final double/*!*/ _dy;
   /// Returns true if either component is [double.infinity], and false if both
   /// are finite (or negative infinity, or NaN).
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
   /// See also:
   ///  * [isFinite], which is true if both components are finite (and not NaN).
-  bool get isInfinite => _dx >= double.infinity || _dy >= double.infinity;
+  bool/*!*/ get isInfinite => _dx >= double.infinity || _dy >= double.infinity;
   /// Whether both components are finite (neither infinite nor NaN).
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@
   ///  * [isInfinite], which returns true if either component is equal to
   ///    positive infinity.
-  bool get isFinite => _dx.isFinite && _dy.isFinite;
+  bool/*!*/ get isFinite => _dx.isFinite && _dy.isFinite;
   /// Less-than operator. Compares an [Offset] or [Size] to another [Offset] or
   /// [Size], and returns true if both the horizontal and vertical values of the
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
   /// This is a partial ordering. It is possible for two values to be neither
   /// less, nor greater than, nor equal to, another.
-  bool operator <(OffsetBase other) => _dx < other._dx && _dy < other._dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator <(OffsetBase/*!*/ other) => _dx < other._dx && _dy < other._dy;
   /// Less-than-or-equal-to operator. Compares an [Offset] or [Size] to another
   /// [Offset] or [Size], and returns true if both the horizontal and vertical
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
   /// This is a partial ordering. It is possible for two values to be neither
   /// less, nor greater than, nor equal to, another.
-  bool operator <=(OffsetBase other) => _dx <= other._dx && _dy <= other._dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator <=(OffsetBase/*!*/ other) => _dx <= other._dx && _dy <= other._dy;
   /// Greater-than operator. Compares an [Offset] or [Size] to another [Offset]
   /// or [Size], and returns true if both the horizontal and vertical values of
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@
   /// This is a partial ordering. It is possible for two values to be neither
   /// less, nor greater than, nor equal to, another.
-  bool operator >(OffsetBase other) => _dx > other._dx && _dy > other._dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator >(OffsetBase/*!*/ other) => _dx > other._dx && _dy > other._dy;
   /// Greater-than-or-equal-to operator. Compares an [Offset] or [Size] to
   /// another [Offset] or [Size], and returns true if both the horizontal and
@@ -75,27 +76,24 @@
   /// This is a partial ordering. It is possible for two values to be neither
   /// less, nor greater than, nor equal to, another.
-  bool operator >=(OffsetBase other) => _dx > other._dx && _dy >= other._dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator >=(OffsetBase/*!*/ other) => _dx >= other._dx && _dy >= other._dy;
   /// Equality operator. Compares an [Offset] or [Size] to another [Offset] or
   /// [Size], and returns true if the horizontal and vertical values of the
   /// left-hand-side operand are equal to the horizontal and vertical values of
   /// the right-hand-side operand respectively. Returns false otherwise.
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
-    if (other is! OffsetBase) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    final OffsetBase typedOther = other;
-    return _dx == typedOther._dx && _dy == typedOther._dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
+    return other is OffsetBase
+        && other._dx == _dx
+        && other._dy == _dy;
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(_dx, _dy);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(_dx, _dy);
-  String toString() =>
-      '$runtimeType(${_dx?.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${_dy?.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
+  String/*!*/ toString() => 'OffsetBase(${_dx.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${_dy.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
 /// An immutable 2D floating-point offset.
@@ -122,38 +120,37 @@
 class Offset extends OffsetBase {
   /// Creates an offset. The first argument sets [dx], the horizontal component,
   /// and the second sets [dy], the vertical component.
-  const Offset(double dx, double dy) : super(dx, dy);
+  const Offset(double/*!*/ dx, double/*!*/ dy) : super(dx, dy);
   /// Creates an offset from its [direction] and [distance].
   /// The direction is in radians clockwise from the positive x-axis.
   /// The distance can be omitted, to create a unit vector (distance = 1.0).
-  factory Offset.fromDirection(double direction, [double distance = 1.0]) {
-    return Offset(
-        distance * math.cos(direction), distance * math.sin(direction));
+  factory Offset.fromDirection(double/*!*/ direction, [ double/*!*/ distance = 1.0 ]) {
+    return Offset(distance * math.cos(direction), distance * math.sin(direction));
   /// The x component of the offset.
   /// The y component is given by [dy].
-  double get dx => _dx;
+  double/*!*/ get dx => _dx;
   /// The y component of the offset.
   /// The x component is given by [dx].
-  double get dy => _dy;
+  double/*!*/ get dy => _dy;
   /// The magnitude of the offset.
   /// If you need this value to compare it to another [Offset]'s distance,
   /// consider using [distanceSquared] instead, since it is cheaper to compute.
-  double get distance => math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+  double/*!*/ get distance => math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
   /// The square of the magnitude of the offset.
   /// This is cheaper than computing the [distance] itself.
-  double get distanceSquared => dx * dx + dy * dy;
+  double/*!*/ get distanceSquared => dx * dx + dy * dy;
   /// The angle of this offset as radians clockwise from the positive x-axis, in
   /// the range -[pi] to [pi], assuming positive values of the x-axis go to the
@@ -182,7 +179,7 @@
   ///  * [distance], to compute the magnitude of the vector.
   ///  * [Canvas.rotate], which uses the same convention for its angle.
-  double get direction => math.atan2(dy, dx);
+  double/*!*/ get direction => math.atan2(dy, dx);
   /// An offset with zero magnitude.
@@ -216,8 +213,7 @@
   /// Offset a = const Offset(10.0, 10.0);
   /// Offset b = -a; // same as: a.scale(-1.0, -1.0)
   /// ```
-  Offset scale(double scaleX, double scaleY) =>
-      Offset(dx * scaleX, dy * scaleY);
+  Offset/*!*/ scale(double/*!*/ scaleX, double/*!*/ scaleY) => Offset(dx * scaleX, dy * scaleY);
   /// Returns a new offset with translateX added to the x component and
   /// translateY added to the y component.
@@ -231,8 +227,7 @@
   /// Offset c = a + b; // same as: a.translate(b.dx, b.dy)
   /// Offset d = a - b; // same as: a.translate(-b.dx, -b.dy)
   /// ```
-  Offset translate(double translateX, double translateY) =>
-      Offset(dx + translateX, dy + translateY);
+  Offset/*!*/ translate(double/*!*/ translateX, double/*!*/ translateY) => Offset(dx + translateX, dy + translateY);
   /// Unary negation operator.
@@ -240,7 +235,7 @@
   /// If the [Offset] represents an arrow on a plane, this operator returns the
   /// same arrow but pointing in the reverse direction.
-  Offset operator -() => Offset(-dx, -dy);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator -() => Offset(-dx, -dy);
   /// Binary subtraction operator.
@@ -249,7 +244,7 @@
   /// left-hand-side operand's [dy] minus the right-hand-side operand's [dy].
   /// See also [translate].
-  Offset operator -(Offset other) => Offset(dx - other.dx, dy - other.dy);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator -(Offset/*!*/ other) => Offset(dx - other.dx, dy - other.dy);
   /// Binary addition operator.
@@ -258,7 +253,7 @@
   /// two operands.
   /// See also [translate].
-  Offset operator +(Offset other) => Offset(dx + other.dx, dy + other.dy);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator +(Offset/*!*/ other) => Offset(dx + other.dx, dy + other.dy);
   /// Multiplication operator.
@@ -267,7 +262,7 @@
   /// right-hand-side operand (a double).
   /// See also [scale].
-  Offset operator *(double operand) => Offset(dx * operand, dy * operand);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator *(double/*!*/ operand) => Offset(dx * operand, dy * operand);
   /// Division operator.
@@ -276,22 +271,21 @@
   /// operand (a double).
   /// See also [scale].
-  Offset operator /(double operand) => Offset(dx / operand, dy / operand);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator /(double/*!*/ operand) => Offset(dx / operand, dy / operand);
   /// Integer (truncating) division operator.
   /// Returns an offset whose coordinates are the coordinates of the
   /// left-hand-side operand (an Offset) divided by the scalar right-hand-side
   /// operand (a double), rounded towards zero.
-  Offset operator ~/(double operand) =>
-      Offset((dx ~/ operand).toDouble(), (dy ~/ operand).toDouble());
+  Offset/*!*/ operator ~/(double/*!*/ operand) => Offset((dx ~/ operand).toDouble(), (dy ~/ operand).toDouble());
   /// Modulo (remainder) operator.
   /// Returns an offset whose coordinates are the remainder of dividing the
   /// coordinates of the left-hand-side operand (an Offset) by the scalar
   /// right-hand-side operand (a double).
-  Offset operator %(double operand) => Offset(dx % operand, dy % operand);
+  Offset/*!*/ operator %(double/*!*/ operand) => Offset(dx % operand, dy % operand);
   /// Rectangle constructor operator.
@@ -301,10 +295,9 @@
   /// ```dart
   /// Rect myRect = & const Size(100.0, 100.0);
-  /// // same as: new Rect.fromLTWH(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0)
+  /// // same as: Rect.fromLTWH(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0)
   /// ```
-  Rect operator &(Size other) =>
-      Rect.fromLTWH(dx, dy, other.width, other.height);
+  Rect/*!*/ operator &(Size/*!*/ other) => Rect.fromLTWH(dx, dy, other.width, other.height);
   /// Linearly interpolate between two offsets.
@@ -321,36 +314,30 @@
   /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
   /// an [AnimationController].
-  static Offset lerp(Offset a, Offset b, double t) {
+  static Offset/*!*/ lerp(Offset/*?*/ a, Offset/*?*/ b, double/*!*/ t) {
     assert(t != null);
-    if (a == null && b == null) {
+    if (a == null && b == null)
       return null;
-    }
-    if (a == null) {
+    if (a == null)
       return b * t;
-    }
-    if (b == null) {
+    if (b == null)
       return a * (1.0 - t);
-    }
     return Offset(lerpDouble(a.dx, b.dx, t), lerpDouble(a.dy, b.dy, t));
   /// Compares two Offsets for equality.
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
-    if (other is! Offset) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    final Offset typedOther = other;
-    return dx == typedOther.dx && dy == typedOther.dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
+    return other is Offset
+        && other.dx == dx
+        && other.dy == dy;
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(dx, dy);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(dx, dy);
-  String toString() =>
-      'Offset(${dx?.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${dy?.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
+  String/*!*/ toString() => 'Offset(${dx.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${dy.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
 /// Holds a 2D floating-point size.
@@ -358,25 +345,25 @@
 /// You can think of this as an [Offset] from the origin.
 class Size extends OffsetBase {
   /// Creates a [Size] with the given [width] and [height].
-  const Size(double width, double height) : super(width, height);
+  const Size(double/*!*/ width, double/*!*/ height) : super(width, height);
   /// Creates an instance of [Size] that has the same values as another.
   // Used by the rendering library's _DebugSize hack.
-  Size.copy(Size source) : super(source.width, source.height);
+  Size.copy(Size/*!*/ source) : super(source.width, source.height);
   /// Creates a square [Size] whose [width] and [height] are the given dimension.
   /// See also:
-  ///  * [new Size.fromRadius], which is more convenient when the available size
+  ///  * [Size.fromRadius], which is more convenient when the available size
   ///    is the radius of a circle.
-  const Size.square(double dimension) : super(dimension, dimension);
+  const Size.square(double/*!*/ dimension) : super(dimension, dimension);
   /// Creates a [Size] with the given [width] and an infinite [height].
-  const Size.fromWidth(double width) : super(width, double.infinity);
+  const Size.fromWidth(double/*!*/ width) : super(width, double.infinity);
   /// Creates a [Size] with the given [height] and an infinite [width].
-  const Size.fromHeight(double height) : super(double.infinity, height);
+  const Size.fromHeight(double/*!*/ height) : super(double.infinity, height);
   /// Creates a square [Size] whose [width] and [height] are twice the given
   /// dimension.
@@ -385,14 +372,14 @@
   /// See also:
-  ///  * [new Size.square], which creates a square with the given dimension.
-  const Size.fromRadius(double radius) : super(radius * 2.0, radius * 2.0);
+  ///  * [Size.square], which creates a square with the given dimension.
+  const Size.fromRadius(double/*!*/ radius) : super(radius * 2.0, radius * 2.0);
   /// The horizontal extent of this size.
-  double get width => _dx;
+  double/*!*/ get width => _dx;
   /// The vertical extent of this size.
-  double get height => _dy;
+  double/*!*/ get height => _dy;
   /// The aspect ratio of this size.
@@ -408,16 +395,13 @@
   ///    ratio.
   ///  * [FittedBox], a widget that (in most modes) attempts to maintain a
   ///    child widget's aspect ratio while changing its size.
-  double get aspectRatio {
-    if (height != 0.0) {
+  double/*!*/ get aspectRatio {
+    if (height != 0.0)
       return width / height;
-    }
-    if (width > 0.0) {
+    if (width > 0.0)
       return double.infinity;
-    }
-    if (width < 0.0) {
+    if (width < 0.0)
       return double.negativeInfinity;
-    }
     return 0.0;
@@ -435,7 +419,7 @@
   /// Whether this size encloses a non-zero area.
   /// Negative areas are considered empty.
-  bool get isEmpty => width <= 0.0 || height <= 0.0;
+  bool/*!*/ get isEmpty => width <= 0.0 || height <= 0.0;
   /// Binary subtraction operator for [Size].
@@ -453,13 +437,11 @@
   /// right-hand-side operand, and a [height] consisting of the [height] of the
   /// left-hand-side operand minus the [Offset.dy] dimension of the
   /// right-hand-side operand.
-  OffsetBase operator -(OffsetBase other) {
-    if (other is Size) {
+  OffsetBase/*!*/ operator -(OffsetBase/*!*/ other) {
+    if (other is Size)
       return Offset(width - other.width, height - other.height);
-    }
-    if (other is Offset) {
+    if (other is Offset)
       return Size(width - other.dx, height - other.dy);
-    }
     throw ArgumentError(other);
@@ -470,42 +452,41 @@
   /// right-hand-side operand, an [Offset], and whose [height] is the sum of the
   /// [height] of the left-hand-side operand and the [Offset.dy] dimension of
   /// the right-hand-side operand.
-  Size operator +(Offset other) => Size(width + other.dx, height + other.dy);
+  Size/*!*/ operator +(Offset/*!*/ other) => Size(width + other.dx, height + other.dy);
   /// Multiplication operator.
   /// Returns a [Size] whose dimensions are the dimensions of the left-hand-side
   /// operand (a [Size]) multiplied by the scalar right-hand-side operand (a
   /// [double]).
-  Size operator *(double operand) => Size(width * operand, height * operand);
+  Size/*!*/ operator *(double/*!*/ operand) => Size(width * operand, height * operand);
   /// Division operator.
   /// Returns a [Size] whose dimensions are the dimensions of the left-hand-side
   /// operand (a [Size]) divided by the scalar right-hand-side operand (a
   /// [double]).
-  Size operator /(double operand) => Size(width / operand, height / operand);
+  Size/*!*/ operator /(double/*!*/ operand) => Size(width / operand, height / operand);
   /// Integer (truncating) division operator.
   /// Returns a [Size] whose dimensions are the dimensions of the left-hand-side
   /// operand (a [Size]) divided by the scalar right-hand-side operand (a
   /// [double]), rounded towards zero.
-  Size operator ~/(double operand) =>
-      Size((width ~/ operand).toDouble(), (height ~/ operand).toDouble());
+  Size/*!*/ operator ~/(double/*!*/ operand) => Size((width ~/ operand).toDouble(), (height ~/ operand).toDouble());
   /// Modulo (remainder) operator.
   /// Returns a [Size] whose dimensions are the remainder of dividing the
   /// left-hand-side operand (a [Size]) by the scalar right-hand-side operand (a
   /// [double]).
-  Size operator %(double operand) => Size(width % operand, height % operand);
+  Size/*!*/ operator %(double/*!*/ operand) => Size(width % operand, height % operand);
   /// The lesser of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height].
-  double get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
   /// The greater of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height].
-  double get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
   // Convenience methods that do the equivalent of calling the similarly named
   // methods on a Rect constructed from the given origin and this size.
@@ -515,65 +496,60 @@
   /// and this [Size].
   /// See also [Rect.topLeft].
-  Offset topLeft(Offset origin) => origin;
+  Offset/*!*/ topLeft(Offset/*!*/ origin) => origin;
   /// The offset to the center of the top edge of the rectangle described by the
   /// given offset (which is interpreted as the top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.topCenter].
-  Offset topCenter(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy);
+  Offset/*!*/ topCenter(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the top and right edges of the rectangle
   /// described by the given offset (which is interpreted as the top-left corner)
   /// and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.topRight].
-  Offset topRight(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy);
+  Offset/*!*/ topRight(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy);
   /// The offset to the center of the left edge of the rectangle described by the
   /// given offset (which is interpreted as the top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.centerLeft].
-  Offset centerLeft(Offset origin) =>
-      Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ centerLeft(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the point halfway between the left and right and the top and
   /// bottom edges of the rectangle described by the given offset (which is
   /// interpreted as the top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [].
-  Offset center(Offset origin) =>
-      Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ center(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the center of the right edge of the rectangle described by the
   /// given offset (which is interpreted as the top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.centerLeft].
-  Offset centerRight(Offset origin) =>
-      Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ centerRight(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the bottom and left edges of the
   /// rectangle described by the given offset (which is interpreted as the
   /// top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.bottomLeft].
-  Offset bottomLeft(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + height);
+  Offset/*!*/ bottomLeft(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + height);
   /// The offset to the center of the bottom edge of the rectangle described by
   /// the given offset (which is interpreted as the top-left corner) and this
   /// size.
   /// See also [Rect.bottomLeft].
-  Offset bottomCenter(Offset origin) =>
-      Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy + height);
+  Offset/*!*/ bottomCenter(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy + height);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the bottom and right edges of the
   /// rectangle described by the given offset (which is interpreted as the
   /// top-left corner) and this size.
   /// See also [Rect.bottomRight].
-  Offset bottomRight(Offset origin) =>
-      Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy + height);
+  Offset/*!*/ bottomRight(Offset/*!*/ origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy + height);
   /// Whether the point specified by the given offset (which is assumed to be
   /// relative to the top left of the size) lies between the left and right and
@@ -581,15 +557,12 @@
   /// Rectangles include their top and left edges but exclude their bottom and
   /// right edges.
-  bool contains(Offset offset) {
-    return offset.dx >= 0.0 &&
-        offset.dx < width &&
-        offset.dy >= 0.0 &&
-        offset.dy < height;
+  bool/*!*/ contains(Offset/*!*/ offset) {
+    return offset.dx >= 0.0 && offset.dx < width && offset.dy >= 0.0 && offset.dy < height;
   /// A [Size] with the [width] and [height] swapped.
-  Size get flipped => Size(height, width);
+  Size/*!*/ get flipped => Size(height, width);
   /// Linearly interpolate between two sizes
@@ -606,38 +579,31 @@
   /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
   /// an [AnimationController].
-  static Size lerp(Size a, Size b, double t) {
+  static Size/*!*/ lerp(Size/*?*/ a, Size/*?*/ b, double/*!*/ t) {
     assert(t != null);
-    if (a == null && b == null) {
+    if (a == null && b == null)
       return null;
-    }
-    if (a == null) {
+    if (a == null)
       return b * t;
-    }
-    if (b == null) {
+    if (b == null)
       return a * (1.0 - t);
-    }
-    return Size(
-        lerpDouble(a.width, b.width, t), lerpDouble(a.height, b.height, t));
+    return Size(lerpDouble(a.width, b.width, t), lerpDouble(a.height, b.height, t));
   /// Compares two Sizes for equality.
   // We don't compare the runtimeType because of _DebugSize in the framework.
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
-    if (other is! Size) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    final Size typedOther = other;
-    return _dx == typedOther._dx && _dy == typedOther._dy;
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
+    return other is Size
+        && other._dx == _dx
+        && other._dy == _dy;
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(_dx, _dy);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(_dx, _dy);
-  String toString() =>
-      'Size(${width?.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${height?.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
+  String/*!*/ toString() => 'Size(${width.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${height.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
 /// An immutable, 2D, axis-aligned, floating-point rectangle whose coordinates
@@ -662,64 +628,60 @@
   /// To construct a [Rect] from an [Offset] and a [Size], you can use the
   /// rectangle constructor operator `&`. See [Offset.&].
-  const Rect.fromLTWH(double left, double top, double width, double height)
-      : this.fromLTRB(left, top, left + width, top + height);
+  const Rect.fromLTWH(double/*!*/ left, double/*!*/ top, double/*!*/ width, double/*!*/ height) : this.fromLTRB(left, top, left + width, top + height);
   /// Construct a rectangle that bounds the given circle.
   /// The `center` argument is assumed to be an offset from the origin.
-  Rect.fromCircle({Offset center, double radius})
-      : this.fromCenter(
-          center: center,
-          width: radius * 2,
-          height: radius * 2,
-        );
+  Rect.fromCircle({ Offset/*!*/ center, double/*!*/ radius }) : this.fromCenter(
+    center: center,
+    width: radius * 2,
+    height: radius * 2,
+  );
   /// Constructs a rectangle from its center point, width, and height.
   /// The `center` argument is assumed to be an offset from the origin.
-  Rect.fromCenter({Offset center, double width, double height})
-      : this.fromLTRB(
-          center.dx - width / 2,
-          center.dy - height / 2,
-          center.dx + width / 2,
-          center.dy + height / 2,
-        );
+  Rect.fromCenter({ Offset center/*!*/, double/*!*/ width, double/*!*/ height }) : this.fromLTRB(
+    center.dx - width / 2,
+    center.dy - height / 2,
+    center.dx + width / 2,
+    center.dy + height / 2,
+  );
   /// Construct the smallest rectangle that encloses the given offsets, treating
   /// them as vectors from the origin.
-  Rect.fromPoints(Offset a, Offset b)
-      : this.fromLTRB(
-          math.min(a.dx, b.dx),
-          math.min(a.dy, b.dy),
-          math.max(a.dx, b.dx),
-          math.max(a.dy, b.dy),
-        );
+  Rect.fromPoints(Offset/*!*/ a, Offset/*!*/ b) : this.fromLTRB(
+    math.min(a.dx, b.dx),
+    math.min(a.dy, b.dy),
+    math.max(a.dx, b.dx),
+    math.max(a.dy, b.dy),
+  );
   /// The offset of the left edge of this rectangle from the x axis.
-  final double left;
+  final double/*!*/ left;
   /// The offset of the top edge of this rectangle from the y axis.
-  final double top;
+  final double/*!*/ top;
   /// The offset of the right edge of this rectangle from the x axis.
-  final double right;
+  final double/*!*/ right;
   /// The offset of the bottom edge of this rectangle from the y axis.
-  final double bottom;
+  final double/*!*/ bottom;
   /// The distance between the left and right edges of this rectangle.
-  double get width => right - left;
+  double/*!*/ get width => right - left;
   /// The distance between the top and bottom edges of this rectangle.
-  double get height => bottom - top;
+  double/*!*/ get height => bottom - top;
   /// The distance between the upper-left corner and the lower-right corner of
   /// this rectangle.
-  Size get size => Size(width, height);
+  Size/*!*/ get size => Size(width, height);
   /// Whether any of the dimensions are `NaN`.
-  bool get hasNaN => left.isNaN || top.isNaN || right.isNaN || bottom.isNaN;
+  bool/*!*/ get hasNaN => left.isNaN || top.isNaN || right.isNaN || bottom.isNaN;
   /// A rectangle with left, top, right, and bottom edges all at zero.
   static const Rect zero = Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
@@ -730,33 +692,30 @@
   /// This covers the space from -1e9,-1e9 to 1e9,1e9.
   /// This is the space over which graphics operations are valid.
-  static const Rect largest =
-      Rect.fromLTRB(-_giantScalar, -_giantScalar, _giantScalar, _giantScalar);
+  static const Rect largest = Rect.fromLTRB(-_giantScalar, -_giantScalar, _giantScalar, _giantScalar);
   /// Whether any of the coordinates of this rectangle are equal to positive infinity.
   // included for consistency with Offset and Size
-  bool get isInfinite {
-    return left >= double.infinity ||
-        top >= double.infinity ||
-        right >= double.infinity ||
-        bottom >= double.infinity;
+  bool/*!*/ get isInfinite {
+    return left >= double.infinity
+        || top >= double.infinity
+        || right >= double.infinity
+        || bottom >= double.infinity;
   /// Whether all coordinates of this rectangle are finite.
-  bool get isFinite =>
-      left.isFinite && top.isFinite && right.isFinite && bottom.isFinite;
+  bool/*!*/ get isFinite => left.isFinite && top.isFinite && right.isFinite && bottom.isFinite;
   /// Whether this rectangle encloses a non-zero area. Negative areas are
   /// considered empty.
-  bool get isEmpty => left >= right || top >= bottom;
+  bool/*!*/ get isEmpty => left >= right || top >= bottom;
   /// Returns a new rectangle translated by the given offset.
   /// To translate a rectangle by separate x and y components rather than by an
   /// [Offset], consider [translate].
-  Rect shift(Offset offset) {
-    return Rect.fromLTRB(left + offset.dx, top + offset.dy, right + offset.dx,
-        bottom + offset.dy);
+  Rect/*!*/ shift(Offset/*!*/ offset) {
+    return Rect.fromLTRB(left + offset.dx, top + offset.dy, right + offset.dx, bottom + offset.dy);
   /// Returns a new rectangle with translateX added to the x components and
@@ -764,104 +723,104 @@
   /// To translate a rectangle by an [Offset] rather than by separate x and y
   /// components, consider [shift].
-  Rect translate(double translateX, double translateY) {
-    return Rect.fromLTRB(left + translateX, top + translateY,
-        right + translateX, bottom + translateY);
+  Rect/*!*/ translate(double/*!*/ translateX, double/*!*/ translateY) {
+    return Rect.fromLTRB(left + translateX, top + translateY, right + translateX, bottom + translateY);
   /// Returns a new rectangle with edges moved outwards by the given delta.
-  Rect inflate(double delta) {
-    return Rect.fromLTRB(
-        left - delta, top - delta, right + delta, bottom + delta);
+  Rect/*!*/ inflate(double/*!*/ delta) {
+    return Rect.fromLTRB(left - delta, top - delta, right + delta, bottom + delta);
   /// Returns a new rectangle with edges moved inwards by the given delta.
-  Rect deflate(double delta) => inflate(-delta);
+  Rect/*!*/ deflate(double/*!*/ delta) => inflate(-delta);
   /// Returns a new rectangle that is the intersection of the given
   /// rectangle and this rectangle. The two rectangles must overlap
   /// for this to be meaningful. If the two rectangles do not overlap,
   /// then the resulting Rect will have a negative width or height.
-  Rect intersect(Rect other) {
-    return Rect.fromLTRB(math.max(left, other.left), math.max(top,,
-        math.min(right, other.right), math.min(bottom, other.bottom));
+  Rect/*!*/ intersect(Rect/*!*/ other) {
+    return Rect.fromLTRB(
+      math.max(left, other.left),
+      math.max(top,,
+      math.min(right, other.right),
+      math.min(bottom, other.bottom)
+    );
   /// Returns a new rectangle which is the bounding box containing this
   /// rectangle and the given rectangle.
-  Rect expandToInclude(Rect other) {
+  Rect/*!*/ expandToInclude(Rect/*!*/ other) {
     return Rect.fromLTRB(
-      math.min(left, other.left),
-      math.min(top,,
-      math.max(right, other.right),
-      math.max(bottom, other.bottom),
+        math.min(left, other.left),
+        math.min(top,,
+        math.max(right, other.right),
+        math.max(bottom, other.bottom),
   /// Whether `other` has a nonzero area of overlap with this rectangle.
-  bool overlaps(Rect other) {
-    if (right <= other.left || other.right <= left) {
+  bool/*!*/ overlaps(Rect/*!*/ other) {
+    if (right <= other.left || other.right <= left)
       return false;
-    }
-    if (bottom <= || other.bottom <= top) {
+    if (bottom <= || other.bottom <= top)
       return false;
-    }
     return true;
   /// The lesser of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height] of this
   /// rectangle.
-  double get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
   /// The greater of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height] of this
   /// rectangle.
-  double get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
   /// The offset to the intersection of the top and left edges of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.topLeft].
-  Offset get topLeft => Offset(left, top);
+  Offset/*!*/ get topLeft => Offset(left, top);
   /// The offset to the center of the top edge of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.topCenter].
-  Offset get topCenter => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top);
+  Offset/*!*/ get topCenter => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the top and right edges of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.topRight].
-  Offset get topRight => Offset(right, top);
+  Offset/*!*/ get topRight => Offset(right, top);
   /// The offset to the center of the left edge of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.centerLeft].
-  Offset get centerLeft => Offset(left, top + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ get centerLeft => Offset(left, top + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the point halfway between the left and right and the top and
   /// bottom edges of this rectangle.
   /// See also [].
-  Offset get center => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ get center => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the center of the right edge of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.centerLeft].
-  Offset get centerRight => Offset(right, top + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ get centerRight => Offset(right, top + height / 2.0);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the bottom and left edges of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.bottomLeft].
-  Offset get bottomLeft => Offset(left, bottom);
+  Offset/*!*/ get bottomLeft => Offset(left, bottom);
   /// The offset to the center of the bottom edge of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.bottomLeft].
-  Offset get bottomCenter => Offset(left + width / 2.0, bottom);
+  Offset/*!*/ get bottomCenter => Offset(left + width / 2.0, bottom);
   /// The offset to the intersection of the bottom and right edges of this rectangle.
   /// See also [Size.bottomRight].
-  Offset get bottomRight => Offset(right, bottom);
+  Offset/*!*/ get bottomRight => Offset(right, bottom);
   /// Whether the point specified by the given offset (which is assumed to be
   /// relative to the origin) lies between the left and right and the top and
@@ -869,11 +828,8 @@
   /// Rectangles include their top and left edges but exclude their bottom and
   /// right edges.
-  bool contains(Offset offset) {
-    return offset.dx >= left &&
-        offset.dx < right &&
-        offset.dy >= top &&
-        offset.dy < bottom;
+  bool/*!*/ contains(Offset/*!*/ offset) {
+    return offset.dx >= left && offset.dx < right && offset.dy >= top && offset.dy < bottom;
   /// Linearly interpolate between two rectangles.
@@ -891,11 +847,10 @@
   /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
   /// an [AnimationController].
-  static Rect lerp(Rect a, Rect b, double t) {
+  static Rect/*!*/ lerp(Rect/*?*/ a, Rect/*?*/ b, double/*!*/ t) {
     assert(t != null);
-    if (a == null && b == null) {
+    if (a == null && b == null)
       return null;
-    }
     if (a == null)
       return Rect.fromLTRB(b.left * t, * t, b.right * t, b.bottom * t);
     if (b == null) {
@@ -911,41 +866,38 @@
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
-    if (identical(this, other)) {
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
+    if (identical(this, other))
       return true;
-    }
-    if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) {
+    if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType)
       return false;
-    }
-    final Rect typedOther = other;
-    return left == typedOther.left &&
-        top == &&
-        right == typedOther.right &&
-        bottom == typedOther.bottom;
+    return other is Rect
+        && other.left   == left
+        &&    == top
+        && other.right  == right
+        && other.bottom == bottom;
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(left, top, right, bottom);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(left, top, right, bottom);
-  String toString() =>
-      'Rect.fromLTRB(${left.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${bottom.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
+  String/*!*/ toString() => 'Rect.fromLTRB(${left.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${bottom.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
 /// A radius for either circular or elliptical shapes.
 class Radius {
   /// Constructs a circular radius. [x] and [y] will have the same radius value.
-  const Radius.circular(double radius) : this.elliptical(radius, radius);
+  const Radius.circular(double/*!*/ radius) : this.elliptical(radius, radius);
   /// Constructs an elliptical radius with the given radii.
   const Radius.elliptical(this.x, this.y);
   /// The radius value on the horizontal axis.
-  final double x;
+  final double/*!*/ x;
   /// The radius value on the vertical axis.
-  final double y;
+  final double/*!*/ y;
   /// A radius with [x] and [y] values set to zero.
@@ -960,55 +912,49 @@
   /// occur as part of expressions. For example, negating a radius of one pixel
   /// and then adding the result to another radius is equivalent to subtracting
   /// a radius of one pixel from the other.
-  Radius operator -() => Radius.elliptical(-x, -y);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator -() => Radius.elliptical(-x, -y);
   /// Binary subtraction operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose [x] value is the left-hand-side operand's [x]
   /// minus the right-hand-side operand's [x] and whose [y] value is the
   /// left-hand-side operand's [y] minus the right-hand-side operand's [y].
-  Radius operator -(Radius other) =>
-      Radius.elliptical(x - other.x, y - other.y);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator -(Radius/*!*/ other) => Radius.elliptical(x - other.x, y - other.y);
   /// Binary addition operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose [x] value is the sum of the [x] values of the
   /// two operands, and whose [y] value is the sum of the [y] values of the
   /// two operands.
-  Radius operator +(Radius other) =>
-      Radius.elliptical(x + other.x, y + other.y);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator +(Radius/*!*/ other) => Radius.elliptical(x + other.x, y + other.y);
   /// Multiplication operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose coordinates are the coordinates of the
   /// left-hand-side operand (a radius) multiplied by the scalar
   /// right-hand-side operand (a double).
-  Radius operator *(double operand) =>
-      Radius.elliptical(x * operand, y * operand);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator *(double/*!*/ operand) => Radius.elliptical(x * operand, y * operand);
   /// Division operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose coordinates are the coordinates of the
   /// left-hand-side operand (a radius) divided by the scalar right-hand-side
   /// operand (a double).
-  Radius operator /(double operand) =>
-      Radius.elliptical(x / operand, y / operand);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator /(double/*!*/ operand) => Radius.elliptical(x / operand, y / operand);
   /// Integer (truncating) division operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose coordinates are the coordinates of the
   /// left-hand-side operand (a radius) divided by the scalar right-hand-side
   /// operand (a double), rounded towards zero.
-  Radius operator ~/(double operand) =>
-      Radius.elliptical((x ~/ operand).toDouble(), (y ~/ operand).toDouble());
+  Radius/*!*/ operator ~/(double/*!*/ operand) => Radius.elliptical((x ~/ operand).toDouble(), (y ~/ operand).toDouble());
   /// Modulo (remainder) operator.
   /// Returns a radius whose coordinates are the remainder of dividing the
   /// coordinates of the left-hand-side operand (a radius) by the scalar
   /// right-hand-side operand (a double).
-  Radius operator %(double operand) =>
-      Radius.elliptical(x % operand, y % operand);
+  Radius/*!*/ operator %(double/*!*/ operand) => Radius.elliptical(x % operand, y % operand);
   /// Linearly interpolate between two radii.
@@ -1025,14 +971,12 @@
   /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
   /// an [AnimationController].
-  static Radius lerp(Radius a, Radius b, double t) {
+  static Radius/*!*/ lerp(Radius/*?*/ a, Radius/*?*/ b, double/*!*/ t) {
     assert(t != null);
-    if (a == null && b == null) {
+    if (a == null && b == null)
       return null;
-    }
-    if (a == null) {
+    if (a == null)
       return Radius.elliptical(b.x * t, b.y * t);
-    }
     if (b == null) {
       final double k = 1.0 - t;
       return Radius.elliptical(a.x * k, a.y * k);
@@ -1044,26 +988,25 @@
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
-    if (identical(this, other)) {
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
+    if (identical(this, other))
       return true;
-    }
-    if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) {
+    if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType)
       return false;
-    }
-    final Radius typedOther = other;
-    return typedOther.x == x && typedOther.y == y;
+    return other is Radius
+        && other.x == x
+        && other.y == y;
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(x, y);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(x, y);
-  String toString() {
-    return x == y
-        ? 'Radius.circular(${x.toStringAsFixed(1)})'
-        : 'Radius.elliptical(${x.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
-            '${y.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
+  String/*!*/ toString() {
+    return x == y ? 'Radius.circular(${x.toStringAsFixed(1)})' :
+                    'Radius.elliptical(${x.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
+                    '${y.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
@@ -1071,95 +1014,94 @@
 class RRect {
   /// Construct a rounded rectangle from its left, top, right, and bottom edges,
   /// and the same radii along its horizontal axis and its vertical axis.
-  const RRect.fromLTRBXY(double left, double top, double right, double bottom,
-      double radiusX, double radiusY)
-      : this._raw(
-          top: top,
-          left: left,
-          right: right,
-          bottom: bottom,
-          tlRadiusX: radiusX,
-          tlRadiusY: radiusY,
-          trRadiusX: radiusX,
-          trRadiusY: radiusY,
-          blRadiusX: radiusX,
-          blRadiusY: radiusY,
-          brRadiusX: radiusX,
-          brRadiusY: radiusY,
-          uniformRadii: radiusX == radiusY,
-        );
+  const RRect.fromLTRBXY(double/*!*/ left, double/*!*/ top, double/*!*/ right, double/*!*/ bottom,
+                   double/*!*/ radiusX, double/*!*/ radiusY) : this._raw(
+    top: top,
+    left: left,
+    right: right,
+    bottom: bottom,
+    tlRadiusX: radiusX,
+    tlRadiusY: radiusY,
+    trRadiusX: radiusX,
+    trRadiusY: radiusY,
+    blRadiusX: radiusX,
+    blRadiusY: radiusY,
+    brRadiusX: radiusX,
+    brRadiusY: radiusY,
+    uniformRadii: radiusX == radiusY,
+  );
   /// Construct a rounded rectangle from its left, top, right, and bottom edges,
   /// and the same radius in each corner.
-  RRect.fromLTRBR(
-      double left, double top, double right, double bottom, Radius radius)
-      : this._raw(
-          top: top,
-          left: left,
-          right: right,
-          bottom: bottom,
-          tlRadiusX: radius.x,
-          tlRadiusY: radius.y,
-          trRadiusX: radius.x,
-          trRadiusY: radius.y,
-          blRadiusX: radius.x,
-          blRadiusY: radius.y,
-          brRadiusX: radius.x,
-          brRadiusY: radius.y,
-          uniformRadii: radius.x == radius.y,
-        );
+  RRect.fromLTRBR(double/*!*/ left, double/*!*/ top, double/*!*/ right, double/*!*/ bottom,
+                  Radius/*!*/ radius)
+    : this._raw(
+        top: top,
+        left: left,
+        right: right,
+        bottom: bottom,
+        tlRadiusX: radius.x,
+        tlRadiusY: radius.y,
+        trRadiusX: radius.x,
+        trRadiusY: radius.y,
+        blRadiusX: radius.x,
+        blRadiusY: radius.y,
+        brRadiusX: radius.x,
+        brRadiusY: radius.y,
+        uniformRadii: radius.x == radius.y,
+      );
   /// Construct a rounded rectangle from its bounding box and the same radii
   /// along its horizontal axis and its vertical axis.
-  RRect.fromRectXY(Rect rect, double radiusX, double radiusY)
-      : this._raw(
-          top:,
-          left: rect.left,
-          right: rect.right,
-          bottom: rect.bottom,
-          tlRadiusX: radiusX,
-          tlRadiusY: radiusY,
-          trRadiusX: radiusX,
-          trRadiusY: radiusY,
-          blRadiusX: radiusX,
-          blRadiusY: radiusY,
-          brRadiusX: radiusX,
-          brRadiusY: radiusY,
-          uniformRadii: radiusX == radiusY,
-        );
+  RRect.fromRectXY(Rect/*!*/ rect, double/*!*/ radiusX, double/*!*/ radiusY)
+    : this._raw(
+        top:,
+        left: rect.left,
+        right: rect.right,
+        bottom: rect.bottom,
+        tlRadiusX: radiusX,
+        tlRadiusY: radiusY,
+        trRadiusX: radiusX,
+        trRadiusY: radiusY,
+        blRadiusX: radiusX,
+        blRadiusY: radiusY,
+        brRadiusX: radiusX,
+        brRadiusY: radiusY,
+        uniformRadii: radiusX == radiusY,
+      );
   /// Construct a rounded rectangle from its bounding box and a radius that is
   /// the same in each corner.
-  RRect.fromRectAndRadius(Rect rect, Radius radius)
-      : this._raw(
-          top:,
-          left: rect.left,
-          right: rect.right,
-          bottom: rect.bottom,
-          tlRadiusX: radius.x,
-          tlRadiusY: radius.y,
-          trRadiusX: radius.x,
-          trRadiusY: radius.y,
-          blRadiusX: radius.x,
-          blRadiusY: radius.y,
-          brRadiusX: radius.x,
-          brRadiusY: radius.y,
-          uniformRadii: radius.x == radius.y,
-        );
+  RRect.fromRectAndRadius(Rect/*!*/ rect, Radius/*!*/ radius)
+    : this._raw(
+        top:,
+        left: rect.left,
+        right: rect.right,
+        bottom: rect.bottom,
+        tlRadiusX: radius.x,
+        tlRadiusY: radius.y,
+        trRadiusX: radius.x,
+        trRadiusY: radius.y,
+        blRadiusX: radius.x,
+        blRadiusY: radius.y,
+        brRadiusX: radius.x,
+        brRadiusY: radius.y,
+        uniformRadii: radius.x == radius.y,
+      );
   /// Construct a rounded rectangle from its left, top, right, and bottom edges,
   /// and topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, and bottomLeft radii.
   /// The corner radii default to [], i.e. right-angled corners.
-    double left,
-    double top,
-    double right,
-    double bottom, {
-    Radius topLeft =,
-    Radius topRight =,
-    Radius bottomRight =,
-    Radius bottomLeft =,
+    double/*!*/ left,
+    double/*!*/ top,
+    double/*!*/ right,
+    double/*!*/ bottom, {
+    Radius/*!*/ topLeft =,
+    Radius/*!*/ topRight =,
+    Radius/*!*/ bottomRight =,
+    Radius/*!*/ bottomLeft =,
   }) : this._raw(
           top: top,
           left: left,
@@ -1186,12 +1128,15 @@
   /// topRight, bottomRight, and bottomLeft radii.
   /// The corner radii default to [], i.e. right-angled corners
-  RRect.fromRectAndCorners(Rect rect,
-      {Radius topLeft =,
-      Radius topRight =,
-      Radius bottomRight =,
-      Radius bottomLeft =})
-      : this._raw(
+  RRect.fromRectAndCorners(
+    Rect/*!*/ rect,
+    {
+      Radius/*!*/ topLeft =,
+      Radius/*!*/ topRight =,
+      Radius/*!*/ bottomRight =,
+      Radius/*!*/ bottomLeft =
+    }
+  ) : this._raw(
           left: rect.left,
           right: rect.right,
@@ -1242,62 +1187,62 @@
         this.webOnlyUniformRadii = uniformRadii;
   /// The offset of the left edge of this rectangle from the x axis.
-  final double left;
+  final double/*!*/ left;
   /// The offset of the top edge of this rectangle from the y axis.
-  final double top;
+  final double/*!*/ top;
   /// The offset of the right edge of this rectangle from the x axis.
-  final double right;
+  final double/*!*/ right;
   /// The offset of the bottom edge of this rectangle from the y axis.
-  final double bottom;
+  final double/*!*/ bottom;
   /// The top-left horizontal radius.
-  final double tlRadiusX;
+  final double/*!*/ tlRadiusX;
   /// The top-left vertical radius.
-  final double tlRadiusY;
+  final double/*!*/ tlRadiusY;
   /// The top-left [Radius].
-  Radius get tlRadius => Radius.elliptical(tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY);
+  Radius/*!*/ get tlRadius => Radius.elliptical(tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY);
   /// The top-right horizontal radius.
-  final double trRadiusX;
+  final double/*!*/ trRadiusX;
   /// The top-right vertical radius.
-  final double trRadiusY;
+  final double/*!*/ trRadiusY;
   /// The top-right [Radius].
-  Radius get trRadius => Radius.elliptical(trRadiusX, trRadiusY);
+  Radius/*!*/ get trRadius => Radius.elliptical(trRadiusX, trRadiusY);
   /// The bottom-right horizontal radius.
-  final double brRadiusX;
+  final double/*!*/ brRadiusX;
   /// The bottom-right vertical radius.
-  final double brRadiusY;
+  final double/*!*/ brRadiusY;
   /// The bottom-right [Radius].
-  Radius get brRadius => Radius.elliptical(brRadiusX, brRadiusY);
+  Radius/*!*/ get brRadius => Radius.elliptical(brRadiusX, brRadiusY);
   /// The bottom-left horizontal radius.
-  final double blRadiusX;
+  final double/*!*/ blRadiusX;
   /// The bottom-left vertical radius.
-  final double blRadiusY;
+  final double/*!*/ blRadiusY;
   /// If radii is equal for all corners.
   // webOnly
-  final bool webOnlyUniformRadii;
+  final bool/*!*/ webOnlyUniformRadii;
   /// The bottom-left [Radius].
-  Radius get blRadius => Radius.elliptical(blRadiusX, blRadiusY);
+  Radius/*!*/ get blRadius => Radius.elliptical(blRadiusX, blRadiusY);
   /// A rounded rectangle with all the values set to zero.
   static const RRect zero = RRect._raw();
   /// Returns a new [RRect] translated by the given offset.
-  RRect shift(Offset offset) {
+  RRect/*!*/ shift(Offset/*!*/ offset) {
     return RRect._raw(
       left: left + offset.dx,
       top: top + offset.dy,
@@ -1316,7 +1261,7 @@
   /// Returns a new [RRect] with edges and radii moved outwards by the given
   /// delta.
-  RRect inflate(double delta) {
+  RRect/*!*/ inflate(double/*!*/ delta) {
     return RRect._raw(
       left: left - delta,
       top: top - delta,
@@ -1334,22 +1279,22 @@
   /// Returns a new [RRect] with edges and radii moved inwards by the given delta.
-  RRect deflate(double delta) => inflate(-delta);
+  RRect/*!*/ deflate(double/*!*/ delta) => inflate(-delta);
   /// The distance between the left and right edges of this rectangle.
-  double get width => right - left;
+  double/*!*/ get width => right - left;
   /// The distance between the top and bottom edges of this rectangle.
-  double get height => bottom - top;
+  double/*!*/ get height => bottom - top;
   /// The bounding box of this rounded rectangle (the rectangle with no rounded corners).
-  Rect get outerRect => Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
+  Rect/*!*/ get outerRect => Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
   /// The non-rounded rectangle that is constrained by the smaller of the two
   /// diagonals, with each diagonal traveling through the middle of the curve
   /// corners. The middle of a corner is the intersection of the curve with its
   /// respective quadrant bisector.
-  Rect get safeInnerRect {
+  Rect/*!*/ get safeInnerRect {
     const double kInsetFactor = 0.29289321881; // 1-cos(pi/4)
     final double leftRadius = math.max(blRadiusX, tlRadiusX);
@@ -1358,10 +1303,11 @@
     final double bottomRadius = math.max(brRadiusY, blRadiusY);
     return Rect.fromLTRB(
-        left + leftRadius * kInsetFactor,
-        top + topRadius * kInsetFactor,
-        right - rightRadius * kInsetFactor,
-        bottom - bottomRadius * kInsetFactor);
+      left + leftRadius * kInsetFactor,
+      top + topRadius * kInsetFactor,
+      right - rightRadius * kInsetFactor,
+      bottom - bottomRadius * kInsetFactor
+    );
   /// The rectangle that would be formed using the axis-aligned intersection of
@@ -1370,115 +1316,121 @@
   /// intersection of the [wideMiddleRect] and the [tallMiddleRect]. If any of
   /// the intersections are void, the resulting [Rect] will have negative width
   /// or height.
-  Rect get middleRect {
+  Rect/*!*/ get middleRect {
     final double leftRadius = math.max(blRadiusX, tlRadiusX);
     final double topRadius = math.max(tlRadiusY, trRadiusY);
     final double rightRadius = math.max(trRadiusX, brRadiusX);
     final double bottomRadius = math.max(brRadiusY, blRadiusY);
-    return Rect.fromLTRB(left + leftRadius, top + topRadius,
-        right - rightRadius, bottom - bottomRadius);
+    return Rect.fromLTRB(
+      left + leftRadius,
+      top + topRadius,
+      right - rightRadius,
+      bottom - bottomRadius
+    );
   /// The biggest rectangle that is entirely inside the rounded rectangle and
   /// has the full width of the rounded rectangle. If the rounded rectangle does
   /// not have an axis-aligned intersection of its left and right side, the
   /// resulting [Rect] will have negative width or height.
-  Rect get wideMiddleRect {
+  Rect/*!*/ get wideMiddleRect {
     final double topRadius = math.max(tlRadiusY, trRadiusY);
     final double bottomRadius = math.max(brRadiusY, blRadiusY);
-    return Rect.fromLTRB(left, top + topRadius, right, bottom - bottomRadius);
+    return Rect.fromLTRB(
+      left,
+      top + topRadius,
+      right,
+      bottom - bottomRadius
+    );
   /// The biggest rectangle that is entirely inside the rounded rectangle and
   /// has the full height of the rounded rectangle. If the rounded rectangle
   /// does not have an axis-aligned intersection of its top and bottom side, the
   /// resulting [Rect] will have negative width or height.
-  Rect get tallMiddleRect {
+  Rect/*!*/ get tallMiddleRect {
     final double leftRadius = math.max(blRadiusX, tlRadiusX);
     final double rightRadius = math.max(trRadiusX, brRadiusX);
-    return Rect.fromLTRB(left + leftRadius, top, right - rightRadius, bottom);
+    return Rect.fromLTRB(
+      left + leftRadius,
+      top,
+      right - rightRadius,
+      bottom
+    );
   /// Whether this rounded rectangle encloses a non-zero area.
   /// Negative areas are considered empty.
-  bool get isEmpty => left >= right || top >= bottom;
+  bool/*!*/ get isEmpty => left >= right || top >= bottom;
   /// Whether all coordinates of this rounded rectangle are finite.
-  bool get isFinite =>
-      left.isFinite && top.isFinite && right.isFinite && bottom.isFinite;
+  bool/*!*/ get isFinite => left.isFinite && top.isFinite && right.isFinite && bottom.isFinite;
   /// Whether this rounded rectangle is a simple rectangle with zero
   /// corner radii.
-  bool get isRect {
+  bool/*!*/ get isRect {
     return (tlRadiusX == 0.0 || tlRadiusY == 0.0) &&
-        (trRadiusX == 0.0 || trRadiusY == 0.0) &&
-        (blRadiusX == 0.0 || blRadiusY == 0.0) &&
-        (brRadiusX == 0.0 || brRadiusY == 0.0);
+           (trRadiusX == 0.0 || trRadiusY == 0.0) &&
+           (blRadiusX == 0.0 || blRadiusY == 0.0) &&
+           (brRadiusX == 0.0 || brRadiusY == 0.0);
   /// Whether this rounded rectangle has a side with no straight section.
-  bool get isStadium {
-    return tlRadius == trRadius &&
-        trRadius == brRadius &&
-        brRadius == blRadius &&
-        (width <= 2.0 * tlRadiusX || height <= 2.0 * tlRadiusY);
+  bool/*!*/ get isStadium {
+    return tlRadius == trRadius
+        && trRadius == brRadius
+        && brRadius == blRadius
+        && (width <= 2.0 * tlRadiusX || height <= 2.0 * tlRadiusY);
   /// Whether this rounded rectangle has no side with a straight section.
-  bool get isEllipse {
-    return tlRadius == trRadius &&
-        trRadius == brRadius &&
-        brRadius == blRadius &&
-        width <= 2.0 * tlRadiusX &&
-        height <= 2.0 * tlRadiusY;
+  bool/*!*/ get isEllipse {
+    return tlRadius == trRadius
+        && trRadius == brRadius
+        && brRadius == blRadius
+        && width <= 2.0 * tlRadiusX
+        && height <= 2.0 * tlRadiusY;
   /// Whether this rounded rectangle would draw as a circle.
-  bool get isCircle => width == height && isEllipse;
+  bool/*!*/ get isCircle => width == height && isEllipse;
   /// The lesser of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height] of this
   /// rounded rectangle.
-  double get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
   /// The greater of the magnitudes of the [width] and the [height] of this
   /// rounded rectangle.
-  double get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
+  double/*!*/ get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
   /// Whether any of the dimensions are `NaN`.
-  bool get hasNaN =>
-      left.isNaN ||
-      top.isNaN ||
-      right.isNaN ||
-      bottom.isNaN ||
-      trRadiusX.isNaN ||
-      trRadiusY.isNaN ||
-      tlRadiusX.isNaN ||
-      tlRadiusY.isNaN ||
-      brRadiusX.isNaN ||
-      brRadiusY.isNaN ||
-      blRadiusX.isNaN ||
-      blRadiusY.isNaN;
+  bool/*!*/ get hasNaN => left.isNaN || top.isNaN || right.isNaN || bottom.isNaN ||
+                     trRadiusX.isNaN || trRadiusY.isNaN || tlRadiusX.isNaN || tlRadiusY.isNaN ||
+                     brRadiusX.isNaN || brRadiusY.isNaN || blRadiusX.isNaN || blRadiusY.isNaN;
   /// The offset to the point halfway between the left and right and the top and
   /// bottom edges of this rectangle.
-  Offset get center => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top + height / 2.0);
+  Offset/*!*/ get center => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top + height / 2.0);
   // Returns the minimum between min and scale to which radius1 and radius2
   // should be scaled with in order not to exceed the limit.
   double _getMin(double min, double radius1, double radius2, double limit) {
     final double sum = radius1 + radius2;
-    if (sum > limit && sum != 0.0) {
+    if (sum > limit && sum != 0.0)
       return math.min(min, limit / sum);
-    }
     return min;
-  // Scales all radii so that on each side their sum will not pass the size of
-  // the width/height.
-  //
-  // Inspired from:
-  //
-  RRect scaleRadii() {
+  /// Scales all radii so that on each side their sum will not exceed the size
+  /// of the width/height.
+  ///
+  /// Skia already handles RRects with radii that are too large in this way.
+  /// Therefore, this method is only needed for RRect use cases that require
+  /// the appropriately scaled radii values.
+  ///
+  /// See the [Skia scaling implementation](
+  /// for more details.
+  RRect/*!*/ scaleRadii() {
     double scale = 1.0;
     scale = _getMin(scale, blRadiusY, tlRadiusY, height);
     scale = _getMin(scale, tlRadiusX, trRadiusX, width);
@@ -1525,13 +1477,9 @@
   /// radii the first time it is called on a particular [RRect] instance. When
   /// using this method, prefer to reuse existing [RRect]s rather than
   /// recreating the object each time.
-  bool contains(Offset point) {
-    if (point.dx < left ||
-        point.dx >= right ||
-        point.dy < top ||
-        point.dy >= bottom) {
+  bool/*!*/ contains(Offset/*!*/ point) {
+    if (point.dx < left || point.dx >= right || point.dy < top || point.dy >= bottom)
       return false; // outside bounding box
-    }
     final RRect scaled = scaleRadii();
@@ -1548,19 +1496,19 @@
       radiusX = scaled.tlRadiusX;
       radiusY = scaled.tlRadiusY;
     } else if (point.dx > right - scaled.trRadiusX &&
-        point.dy < top + scaled.trRadiusY) {
+               point.dy < top + scaled.trRadiusY) {
       x = point.dx - right + scaled.trRadiusX;
       y = point.dy - top - scaled.trRadiusY;
       radiusX = scaled.trRadiusX;
       radiusY = scaled.trRadiusY;
     } else if (point.dx > right - scaled.brRadiusX &&
-        point.dy > bottom - scaled.brRadiusY) {
+               point.dy > bottom - scaled.brRadiusY) {
       x = point.dx - right + scaled.brRadiusX;
       y = point.dy - bottom + scaled.brRadiusY;
       radiusX = scaled.brRadiusX;
       radiusY = scaled.brRadiusY;
     } else if (point.dx < left + scaled.blRadiusX &&
-        point.dy > bottom - scaled.blRadiusY) {
+               point.dy > bottom - scaled.blRadiusY) {
       x = point.dx - left - scaled.blRadiusX;
       y = point.dy - bottom + scaled.blRadiusY;
       radiusX = scaled.blRadiusX;
@@ -1572,9 +1520,8 @@
     x = x / radiusX;
     y = y / radiusY;
     // check if the point is outside the unit circle
-    if (x * x + y * y > 1.0) {
+    if (x * x + y * y > 1.0)
       return false;
-    }
     return true;
@@ -1593,11 +1540,10 @@
   /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
   /// an [AnimationController].
-  static RRect lerp(RRect a, RRect b, double t) {
+  static RRect/*!*/ lerp(RRect/*?*/ a, RRect/*?*/ b, double/*!*/ t) {
     assert(t != null);
-    if (a == null && b == null) {
+    if (a == null && b == null)
       return null;
-    }
     if (a == null) {
       return RRect._raw(
         left: b.left * t,
@@ -1648,50 +1594,51 @@
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
-    if (identical(this, other)) {
+  bool/*!*/ operator ==(dynamic other) {
+    if (identical(this, other))
       return true;
-    }
-    if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) {
+    if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType)
       return false;
-    }
-    final RRect typedOther = other;
-    return left == typedOther.left &&
-        top == &&
-        right == typedOther.right &&
-        bottom == typedOther.bottom &&
-        tlRadiusX == typedOther.tlRadiusX &&
-        tlRadiusY == typedOther.tlRadiusY &&
-        trRadiusX == typedOther.trRadiusX &&
-        trRadiusY == typedOther.trRadiusY &&
-        blRadiusX == typedOther.blRadiusX &&
-        blRadiusY == typedOther.blRadiusY &&
-        brRadiusX == typedOther.brRadiusX &&
-        brRadiusY == typedOther.brRadiusY;
+    return other is RRect
+        && other.left      == left
+        &&       == top
+        && other.right     == right
+        && other.bottom    == bottom
+        && other.tlRadiusX == tlRadiusX
+        && other.tlRadiusY == tlRadiusY
+        && other.trRadiusX == trRadiusX
+        && other.trRadiusY == trRadiusY
+        && other.blRadiusX == blRadiusX
+        && other.blRadiusY == blRadiusY
+        && other.brRadiusX == brRadiusX
+        && other.brRadiusY == brRadiusY;
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(left, top, right, bottom, tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY,
-      trRadiusX, trRadiusY, blRadiusX, blRadiusY, brRadiusX, brRadiusY);
+  int/*!*/ get hashCode => hashValues(left, top, right, bottom,
+    tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY, trRadiusX, trRadiusY,
+    blRadiusX, blRadiusY, brRadiusX, brRadiusY);
-  String toString() {
+  String/*!*/ toString() {
     final String rect = '${left.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
-        '${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
-        '${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
-        '${bottom.toStringAsFixed(1)}';
-    if (tlRadius == trRadius && trRadius == brRadius && brRadius == blRadius) {
+                        '${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
+                        '${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
+                        '${bottom.toStringAsFixed(1)}';
+    if (tlRadius == trRadius &&
+        trRadius == brRadius &&
+        brRadius == blRadius) {
       if (tlRadius.x == tlRadius.y)
         return 'RRect.fromLTRBR($rect, ${tlRadius.x.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
       return 'RRect.fromLTRBXY($rect, ${tlRadius.x.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${tlRadius.y.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
     return 'RRect.fromLTRBAndCorners('
-        '$rect, '
-        'topLeft: $tlRadius, '
-        'topRight: $trRadius, '
-        'bottomRight: $brRadius, '
-        'bottomLeft: $blRadius'
-        ')';
+             '$rect, '
+             'topLeft: $tlRadius, '
+             'topRight: $trRadius, '
+             'bottomRight: $brRadius, '
+             'bottomLeft: $blRadius'
+           ')';
@@ -1720,12 +1667,12 @@
   /// argument multiplied by the x-coordinate of the rotation point, minus the
   /// `scos` argument multiplied by the y-coordinate of the rotation point.
-  /// The [new RSTransform.fromComponents] method may be a simpler way to
+  /// The [RSTransform.fromComponents] method may be a simpler way to
   /// construct these values. However, if there is a way to factor out the
   /// computations of the sine and cosine of the rotation so that they can be
   /// reused over multiple calls to this constructor, it may be more efficient
   /// to directly use this constructor instead.
-  RSTransform(double scos, double ssin, double tx, double ty) {
+  RSTransform(double/*!*/ scos, double/*!*/ ssin, double/*!*/ tx, double/*!*/ ty) {
       ..[0] = scos
       ..[1] = ssin
@@ -1752,13 +1699,14 @@
   /// (which are computed each time this constructor is called) and reuse them
   /// over multiple [RSTransform] objects, it may be more efficient to directly
   /// use the more direct [new RSTransform] constructor instead.
-  factory RSTransform.fromComponents(
-      {double rotation,
-      double scale,
-      double anchorX,
-      double anchorY,
-      double translateX,
-      double translateY}) {
+  factory RSTransform.fromComponents({
+    double/*!*/ rotation,
+    double/*!*/ scale,
+    double/*!*/ anchorX,
+    double/*!*/ anchorY,
+    double/*!*/ translateX,
+    double/*!*/ translateY
+  }) {
     final double scos = math.cos(rotation) * scale;
     final double ssin = math.sin(rotation) * scale;
     final double tx = translateX + -scos * anchorX + ssin * anchorY;
@@ -1769,74 +1717,18 @@
   final Float32List _value = Float32List(4);
   /// The cosine of the rotation multiplied by the scale factor.
-  double get scos => _value[0];
+  double/*!*/ get scos => _value[0];
   /// The sine of the rotation multiplied by that same scale factor.
-  double get ssin => _value[1];
+  double/*!*/ get ssin => _value[1];
   /// The x coordinate of the translation, minus [scos] multiplied by the
   /// x-coordinate of the rotation point, plus [ssin] multiplied by the
   /// y-coordinate of the rotation point.
-  double get tx => _value[2];
+  double/*!*/ get tx => _value[2];
   /// The y coordinate of the translation, minus [ssin] multiplied by the
   /// x-coordinate of the rotation point, minus [scos] multiplied by the
   /// y-coordinate of the rotation point.
-  double get ty => _value[3];
-/// Holds 2 floating-point coordinates.
-class Point {
-  const Point(this.x, this.y);
-  final double x;
-  final double y;
-  static const Point origin = Point(0.0, 0.0);
-  Point operator -() => Point(-x, -y);
-  Offset operator -(Point other) => Offset(x - other.x, y - other.y);
-  Point operator +(Offset other) => Point(x + other.dx, y + other.dy);
-  Rect operator &(Size other) => Rect.fromLTWH(x, y, other.width, other.height);
-  Point operator *(double operand) => Point(x * operand, y * operand);
-  Point operator /(double operand) => Point(x / operand, y / operand);
-  Point operator ~/(double operand) =>
-      Point((x ~/ operand).toDouble(), (y ~/ operand).toDouble());
-  Point operator %(double operand) => Point(x % operand, y % operand);
-  // does the equivalent of "return this - Point.origin"
-  Offset toOffset() => Offset(x, y);
-  /// Linearly interpolate between two points
-  ///
-  /// If either point is null, this function interpolates from [Point.origin].
-  static Point lerp(Point a, Point b, double t) {
-    if (a == null && b == null) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    if (a == null) {
-      return b * t;
-    }
-    if (b == null) {
-      return a * (1.0 - t);
-    }
-    return Point(lerpDouble(a.x, b.x, t), lerpDouble(a.y, b.y, t));
-  }
-  @override
-  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
-    if (other is! Point) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    final Point typedOther = other;
-    return x == typedOther.x && y == typedOther.y;
-  }
-  @override
-  int get hashCode => hashValues(x, y);
-  @override
-  String toString() =>
-      'Point(${x?.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${y?.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
+  double/*!*/ get ty => _value[3];