blob: 46646805105c30924b6d57a39999f42691bd7112 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_set>
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "dart/runtime/include/dart_api.h"
#include "mojo/dart/embedder/mojo_dart_state.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/types.h"
namespace tonic {
class DartDependency;
class DartLibraryLoader;
namespace mojo {
namespace dart {
struct DartControllerConfig {
: application_data(nullptr),
use_network_loader(false) {
void SetVmFlags(const char** vm_flags, intptr_t vm_flags_count) {
this->vm_flags = vm_flags;
this->vm_flags_count = vm_flags_count;
// See if compile_all is one of the vm flags.
compile_all = false;
const char* kCompileAllFlag = "--compile_all";
const intptr_t kCompileAllFlagLen = strlen(kCompileAllFlag);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < vm_flags_count; i++) {
if (strncmp(vm_flags[i], kCompileAllFlag, kCompileAllFlagLen) == 0) {
compile_all = true;
void SetScriptFlags(const char** script_flags, intptr_t script_flags_count) {
this->script_flags = script_flags;
this->script_flags_count = script_flags_count;
void* application_data;
bool strict_compilation;
std::string script_uri;
std::string package_root;
IsolateCallbacks callbacks;
Dart_EntropySource entropy;
const char** vm_flags;
int vm_flags_count;
const char** script_flags;
int script_flags_count;
MojoHandle handle;
bool compile_all;
char** error;
bool use_network_loader;
// The DartController may need to request for services to be connected
// to for an isolate that isn't associated with a Mojo application. An
// implementation of this class can be passed to the DartController during
// initialization. ConnectToService requests can come from any thread.
// An implementation of this interface is available from the Dart content
// handler, where connections are made via the content handler application.
class DartControllerServiceConnector {
// List of services that are supported.
enum ServiceId {
DartControllerServiceConnector() {}
virtual ~DartControllerServiceConnector() {}
// Connects to service_id and returns a bare MojoHandle. Calls to this
// can be made from any thread.
virtual MojoHandle ConnectToService(ServiceId service_id) = 0;
class DartController {
// Initializes the VM, starts up Dart's handle watcher, and runs the script
// config.script to completion. This function returns when the script exits
// and the handle watcher is shutdown. If you need to run multiple Dart
// scripts in the same VM, use the calls below.
static bool RunSingleDartScript(const DartControllerConfig& config);
// Initializes the Dart VM, and starts up Dart's handle watcher.
// If strict_compilation is true, the VM runs scripts with assertions and
// type checking enabled.
static bool Initialize(DartControllerServiceConnector* service_connector,
bool strict_compilation);
// Assumes Initialize has been called. Runs the main function using the
// script, arguments, and package_root given by 'config'.
static bool RunDartScript(const DartControllerConfig& config);
// Waits for the handle watcher isolate to finish and shuts down the VM.
static void Shutdown();
// Does this controller support the 'dart:io' library?
static bool SupportDartMojoIo();
// Initialize 'dart:io' for the current isolate.
static void InitializeDartMojoIo();
// Shutdown 'dart:io' for the current isolate.
static void ShutdownDartMojoIo();
static Dart_Handle LibraryTagHandler(Dart_LibraryTag tag,
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle url);
// Start the handle watcher isolate.
static void StartHandleWatcherIsolate();
// Stop the handle watcher isolate.
static void StopHandleWatcherIsolate();
// Dart API callback(s).
static Dart_Isolate IsolateCreateCallback(const char* script_uri,
const char* main,
const char* package_root,
Dart_IsolateFlags* flags,
void* callback_data,
char** error);
static void IsolateShutdownCallback(void* callback_data);
static void UnhandledExceptionCallback(Dart_Handle error);
// Dart API callback helper(s).
static Dart_Isolate CreateIsolateHelper(void* dart_app,
bool strict_compilation,
IsolateCallbacks callbacks,
const std::string& script_uri,
const std::string& package_root,
char** error,
bool use_network_loader);
static void InitVmIfNeeded(Dart_EntropySource entropy,
const char** arguments,
int arguments_count);
static void BlockForServiceIsolate();
static void BlockForServiceIsolateLocked();
static void LoadEmptyScript(const std::string& script_uri);
static tonic::DartLibraryProvider* library_provider_;
static base::Lock lock_;
static bool initialized_;
static bool strict_compilation_;
static bool service_isolate_running_;
static DartControllerServiceConnector* service_connector_;
} // namespace dart
} // namespace mojo