blob: 0b79f695fbfb7d4f85d9c556bc1dc4265f536901 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package tests
import (
func TestProxyClosesPipe(t *testing.T) {
request, pointer := echo.CreateMessagePipeForEcho()
// Create a message with valid header and invalid payload and send it.
header := bindings.MessageHeader{0, bindings.MessageIsResponseFlag, 1}
message, err := bindings.EncodeMessage(header, &header)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error encoding message: %v", err)
requestPipe := request.PassMessagePipe()
if r := requestPipe.WriteMessage(message.Bytes, nil, system.MOJO_WRITE_MESSAGE_FLAG_NONE); r != system.MOJO_RESULT_OK {
t.Fatalf("Can't send a message: %v", r)
// Make echo request with response (that is already sent).
echoProxy := echo.NewEchoProxy(pointer, waiter)
_, err = echoProxy.EchoString(bindings.StringPointer("hello, world"))
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Message is invalid, error expected")
// Wait for the pipe to be closed.
waitResponseChan := make(chan bindings.WaitResponse)
waiter.AsyncWait(requestPipe, system.MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_PEER_CLOSED, waitResponseChan)
waitResponse := <-waitResponseChan
if waitResponse.Result != system.MOJO_RESULT_OK {
t.Fatalf("Error waiting on pipe to be closed: %v", waitResponse.Result)
type echoImpl struct{}
func (impl *echoImpl) EchoString(in *string) (*string, error) {
return nil, nil
func TestStubClosesPipe(t *testing.T) {
request, pointer := echo.CreateMessagePipeForEcho()
// Create a message with valid header and invalid payload and send it.
header := bindings.MessageHeader{0, bindings.MessageIsResponseFlag, 1}
message, err := bindings.EncodeMessage(header, &header)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error encoding message: %v", err)
pointerPipe := pointer.PassMessagePipe()
if r := pointerPipe.WriteMessage(message.Bytes, nil, system.MOJO_WRITE_MESSAGE_FLAG_NONE); r != system.MOJO_RESULT_OK {
t.Fatalf("Can't send a message: %v", r)
// Make echo request with response (that is already sent).
echoStub := echo.NewEchoStub(request, &echoImpl{}, waiter)
if err := echoStub.ServeRequest(); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Message is invalid, error expected")
// Wait for the pipe to be closed.
waitResponseChan := make(chan bindings.WaitResponse)
waiter.AsyncWait(pointerPipe, system.MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_PEER_CLOSED, waitResponseChan)
waitResponse := <-waitResponseChan
if waitResponse.Result != system.MOJO_RESULT_OK {
t.Fatalf("Error waiting on pipe to be closed: %v", waitResponse.Result)