blob: c142611f15803584bd5e9e647a48decc5f4815e4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
class Shell(object):
"""Represents an abstract Mojo shell."""
def serve_local_directory(self, local_dir_path, port=0):
"""Serves the content of the local (host) directory, making it available to
the shell under the url returned by the function.
The server will run on a separate thread until the program terminates. The
call returns immediately.
local_dir_path: path to the directory to be served
port: port at which the server will be available to the shell
The url that the shell can use to access the content of |local_dir_path|.
raise NotImplementedError()
def serve_local_directories(self, mappings, port=0):
"""Serves the content of the local (host) directories, making it available
to the shell under the url returned by the function.
The server will run on a separate thread until the program terminates. The
call returns immediately.
mappings: List of tuples (prefix, local_base_path_list) mapping URLs that
start with |prefix| to one or more local directories enumerated in
|local_base_path_list|. The prefixes should skip the leading slash.
The first matching prefix and the first location that contains the
requested file will be used each time.
port: port at which the server will be available to the shell
The url that the shell can use to access the server.
raise NotImplementedError()
def forward_host_port_to_shell(self, host_port):
"""Forwards a port on the host machine to the same port wherever the shell
is running.
This is a no-op if the shell is running locally.
raise NotImplementedError()
def run(self, arguments):
"""Runs the shell with given arguments until shell exits, passing the stdout
mingled with stderr produced by the shell onto the stdout.
Exit code retured by the shell or None if the exit code cannot be
raise NotImplementedError()
def run_and_get_output(self, arguments, timeout=None):
"""Runs the shell with given arguments until shell exits and returns the
arguments: list of arguments for the shell
timeout: maximum running time in seconds, after which the shell will be
A tuple of (return_code, output, did_time_out). |return_code| is the exit
code returned by the shell or None if the exit code cannot be retrieved.
|output| is the stdout mingled with the stderr produced by the shell.
|did_time_out| is True iff the shell was terminated because it exceeded
the |timeout| and False otherwise.
raise NotImplementedError()