blob: fefeab732470eeba0c467cd9a1897bef5bf02057 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Apptest runner specific to the particular gtest-based apptest framework in
/mojo/public/cpp/application/tests/, built on top of the general apptest
import logging
import re
from devtoolslib.apptest import run_apptest
_logger = logging.getLogger()
def _gtest_apptest_output_test(output):
# Fail on output with gtest's "[ FAILED ]" or a lack of "[ PASSED ]".
# The latter condition ensures failure on broken command lines or output.
# Check output instead of exit codes because mojo_shell always exits with 0.
if (output is None or
(output.find("[ FAILED ]") != -1 or output.find("[ PASSED ]") == -1)):
return False
return True
def run_gtest_apptest(shell, shell_args, apptest_url, apptest_args, timeout,
"""Runs a gtest apptest.
shell: Wrapper around concrete Mojo shell, implementing devtools Shell
shell_args: The arguments for mojo_shell.
apptest_url: Url of the apptest app to run.
apptest_args: Parameters to be passed to the apptest app.
isolate: Iff True, each test in the app will be run in a separate shell run.
True iff the test succeeded, False otherwise.
if not isolate:
return run_apptest(shell, shell_args, apptest_url, apptest_args, timeout,
# List the apptest fixtures so they can be run independently for isolation.
fixtures = get_fixtures(shell, shell_args, apptest_url)
if not fixtures:
print "No tests to run found in %s." % apptest_url
return False
apptest_result = True
for fixture in fixtures:
isolated_apptest_args = apptest_args + ["--gtest_filter=%s" % fixture]
success = run_apptest(shell, shell_args, apptest_url, isolated_apptest_args,
timeout, _gtest_apptest_output_test)
if not success:
apptest_result = False
return apptest_result
def get_fixtures(shell, shell_args, apptest):
"""Returns the "Test.Fixture" list from an apptest using mojo_shell.
Tests are listed by running the given apptest in mojo_shell and passing
--gtest_list_tests. The output is parsed and reformatted into a list like
[TestSuite.TestFixture, ... ]
An empty list is returned on failure, with errors logged.
apptest: The URL of the test application to run.
arguments = []
arguments.append("--args-for=%s %s" % (apptest, "--gtest_list_tests"))
(exit_code, output, did_time_out) = shell.run_and_get_output(arguments)
if exit_code or did_time_out:
command_line = "mojo_shell " + " ".join(["%r" % x for x in arguments])
print "Failed to get test fixtures: %r" % command_line
print 72 * '-'
print output
print 72 * '-'
return []
_logger.debug("Tests listed:\n%s" % output)
return _gtest_list_tests(output)
def _gtest_list_tests(gtest_list_tests_output):
"""Returns a list of strings formatted as TestSuite.TestFixture from the
output of running --gtest_list_tests on a GTEST application."""
# Remove log lines.
gtest_list_tests_output = re.sub("^(\[|WARNING: linker:).*\n",
if not re.match("^(\w*\.\r?\n( \w*\r?\n)+)+", gtest_list_tests_output):
raise Exception("Unrecognized --gtest_list_tests output:\n%s" %
output_lines = gtest_list_tests_output.split("\n")
test_list = []
for line in output_lines:
if not line:
if line[0] != " ":
suite = line.strip()
test_list.append(suite + line.strip())
return test_list