blob: fe6131f8ac085a6dacf6d38e60a52632d69cfb23 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Apptest runner specific to the particular Dart apptest framework in
/mojo/dart/apptests, built on top of the general apptest runner."""
import logging
import re
_logging = logging.getLogger()
from devtoolslib.apptest import run_apptest
SUCCESS_PATTERN = re.compile('^.+ .+: All tests passed!', re.MULTILINE)
def _dart_apptest_output_test(output):
return is not None
# TODO(erg): Support android, launched services and fixture isolation.
def run_dart_apptest(shell, shell_args, apptest_url, apptest_args, timeout):
"""Runs a dart apptest.
shell_args: The arguments for mojo_shell.
apptest_url: Url of the apptest app to run.
apptest_args: Parameters to be passed to the apptest app.
True iff the test succeeded, False otherwise.
return run_apptest(shell, shell_args, apptest_url, apptest_args, timeout,