blob: 6e036c81f0c3762466510027e9b7952465292429 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mojo/edk/system/unique_identifier.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "mojo/edk/embedder/platform_support.h"
namespace mojo {
namespace system {
// static
UniqueIdentifier UniqueIdentifier::Generate(
embedder::PlatformSupport* platform_support) {
UniqueIdentifier rv;
platform_support->GetCryptoRandomBytes(rv.data_, sizeof(rv.data_));
return rv;
// static
UniqueIdentifier UniqueIdentifier::FromString(const std::string& s,
bool* success) {
UniqueIdentifier rv;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes;
if (base::HexStringToBytes(s, &bytes) && bytes.size() == sizeof(rv.data_)) {
memcpy(rv.data_, &bytes[0], sizeof(rv.data_));
*success = true;
} else {
*success = false;
return rv;
std::string UniqueIdentifier::ToString() const {
// TODO(vtl): Maybe we should base-64 encode instead?
return base::HexEncode(data_, sizeof(data_));
} // namespace system
} // namespace mojo