blob: 2b55d54871713837bd72beec1172f7c836721caf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Configuration for the shell abstraction.
This module declares ShellConfig and knows how to compute it from command-line
arguments, applying any default paths inferred from the checkout, configuration
file, etc.
import ast
from devtoolslib import paths
class ShellConfigurationException(Exception):
"""Represents an error preventing creating a functional shell abstraction."""
class ShellConfig(object):
"""Configuration for the shell abstraction."""
def __init__(self): = None
self.shell_path = None
self.origin = None
self.map_url_list = []
self.map_origin_list = []
self.dev_servers = [] = None
self.verbose = None
# Android-only.
self.adb_path = None
self.target_device = None
self.logcat_tags = None
# Desktop-only.
self.use_osmesa = None
class DevServerConfig(object):
"""Configuration for a development server running on a host and available to
the shell.
def __init__(self): = None
self.mappings = None
def add_shell_arguments(parser):
"""Adds argparse arguments allowing to configure shell abstraction using
configure_shell() below.
# Arguments configuring the shell run.
parser.add_argument('--android', help='Run on Android',
parser.add_argument('--shell-path', help='Path of the Mojo shell binary.')
parser.add_argument('--origin', help='Origin for mojo: URLs. This can be a '
'web url or a local directory path.')
parser.add_argument('--map-url', action='append',
help='Define a mapping for a url in the format '
parser.add_argument('--map-origin', action='append',
help='Define a mapping for a url origin in the format '
parser.add_argument('--sky', action='store_true',
help='Maps mojo:sky_viewer as the content handler for '
'dart apps.')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true",
help="Increase output verbosity")
android_group = parser.add_argument_group('Android-only',
'These arguments apply only when --android is passed.')
android_group.add_argument('--adb-path', help='Path of the adb binary.')
android_group.add_argument('--target-device', help='Device to run on.')
android_group.add_argument('--logcat-tags', help='Comma-separated list of '
'additional logcat tags to display.')
desktop_group = parser.add_argument_group('Desktop-only',
'These arguments apply only when running on desktop.')
desktop_group.add_argument('--use-osmesa', action='store_true',
help='Configure the native viewport service '
'for off-screen rendering.')
config_file_group = parser.add_argument_group('Configuration file',
'These arguments allow to modify the behavior regarding the mojoconfig '
config_file_group.add_argument('--config-file', type=file,
help='Path of the configuration file to use.')
config_file_group.add_argument('--no-config-file', action='store_true',
help='Pass to skip automatic discovery of the '
'mojoconfig file.')
# Arguments allowing to indicate the build directory we are targeting when
# running within a Chromium-like checkout (e.g. Mojo checkout). These will go
# away once we have devtools config files, see
chromium_checkout_group = parser.add_argument_group(
'Chromium-like checkout configuration',
'These arguments allow to infer paths to tools and build results '
'when running within a Chromium-like checkout')
debug_group = chromium_checkout_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
debug_group.add_argument('--debug', help='Debug build (default)',
default=True, action='store_true')
debug_group.add_argument('--release', help='Release build', default=False,
dest='debug', action='store_false')
help='CPU architecture to run for.',
choices=['x64', 'x86', 'arm'])
def _discover_config_file():
config_file_path = paths.find_within_ancestors('mojoconfig')
if not config_file_path:
return None
return open(config_file_path, 'r')
def _read_config_file(config_file, aliases):
spec =
for alias_pattern, alias_value in aliases:
spec = spec.replace(alias_pattern, alias_value)
return ast.literal_eval(spec)
def get_shell_config(script_args):
"""Processes command-line options defined in add_shell_arguments(), applying
any inferred default paths and produces an instance of ShellConfig.
An instance of ShellConfig.
# Infer paths based on the Chromium configuration options
# (--debug/--release, etc.), if running within a Chromium-like checkout.
inferred_paths = paths.infer_paths(, script_args.debug,
shell_config = ShellConfig() =
shell_config.shell_path = (script_args.shell_path or
shell_config.origin = script_args.origin
shell_config.map_url_list = script_args.map_url
shell_config.map_origin_list = script_args.map_origin =
shell_config.verbose = script_args.verbose
# Android-only.
shell_config.adb_path = (script_args.adb_path or inferred_paths['adb_path'])
shell_config.target_device = script_args.target_device
shell_config.logcat_tags = script_args.logcat_tags
# Desktop-only.
shell_config.use_osmesa = script_args.use_osmesa
if ( and not shell_config.origin and
shell_config.origin = inferred_paths['build_dir_path']
# Read the mojoconfig file.
config_file = script_args.config_file
if not script_args.no_config_file:
config_file = config_file or _discover_config_file()
if config_file:
with config_file:
config_file_aliases = []
if inferred_paths['build_dir_path']:
config = None
if script_args.verbose:
print 'Reading config file from: ' +
config = _read_config_file(config_file, config_file_aliases)
except SyntaxError:
raise ShellConfigurationException('Failed to parse the mojoconfig '
if 'dev_servers' in config:
for dev_server_spec in config['dev_servers']:
dev_server_config = DevServerConfig() = dev_server_spec['host']
dev_server_config.mappings = []
for prefix, path in dev_server_spec['mappings']:
dev_server_config.mappings.append((prefix, path))
except (ValueError, KeyError):
raise ShellConfigurationException('Failed to parse dev_servers in '
'the mojoconfig file.')
return shell_config