Roll src/third_party/dart 14fd3b7d6a..f6768b6fb3 (5 commits)

f6768b6fb3 Update the data version to prevent the use of outdated cached data
8fee2596e5 Remove some unused front_end dependencies
725c070632 report error on type reference before factory keyword
ff99692175 dartfix update analysis options to enable NNBD
aed696cea7 [infra] Update checked in SDKs to 2.2.1-dev.3.0
2 files changed
tree: cc4d318f94726a371ffa5039703e8df43485ce74
  1. assets/
  2. benchmarking/
  3. build/
  4. ci/
  5. common/
  6. docs/
  7. flow/
  8. flutter_kernel_transformers/
  9. fml/
  10. frontend_server/
  11. lib/
  12. runtime/
  13. shell/
  14. sky/
  15. synchronization/
  16. testing/
  17. third_party/
  18. tools/
  19. vulkan/
  20. web_sdk/
  21. .cirrus.yml
  22. .clang-format
  23. .gitattributes
  24. .gitignore
  25. analysis_options.yaml
  29. DEPS

Flutter Engine

Build Status

Flutter is a new way to build high-performance, cross-platform mobile apps. Flutter is optimized for today‘s, and tomorrow’s, mobile devices. We are focused on low-latency input and high frame rates on Android and iOS.

The Flutter Engine is a portable runtime for hosting Flutter applications. It implements Flutter's core libraries, including animation and graphics, file and network I/O, accessibility support, plugin architecture, and a Dart runtime and compile toolchain. Most developers will interact with Flutter via the Flutter Framework, which provides a modern, reactive framework, and a rich set of platform, layout and foundation widgets.

If you are new to Flutter, then you will find more general information on the Flutter project, including tutorials and samples, on our Web site at For specific information about Flutter's APIs, consider our API reference which can be found at the

If you intend to contribute to Flutter, welcome! You are encouraged to start with our contributor guide, which helps onboard new team members.