Roll src/third_party/skia d077e6a3d013..ca76920e7875 (1 commits) (#18503)

diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index 83b445b..14eb912 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   'skia_git': '',
   # OCMock is for testing only so there is no google clone
   'ocmock_git': '',
-  'skia_revision': 'd077e6a3d013e02c1f3bf0d3735b64ced28f31f5',
+  'skia_revision': 'ca76920e78752872f6edb7045c4858e05cf91488',
   # When updating the Dart revision, ensure that all entries that are
   # dependencies of Dart are also updated to match the entries in the
diff --git a/ci/licenses_golden/licenses_skia b/ci/licenses_golden/licenses_skia
index d01457d..fbc8bbb 100644
--- a/ci/licenses_golden/licenses_skia
+++ b/ci/licenses_golden/licenses_skia
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Signature: 3450f0228415445cb7c812b30e5be02e
+Signature: 7af8a62af9303af5f33b362232905469