blob: 17c1bf90890dd1eeb65715b758b2b95496982bbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// HACK: pretend to be dart.ui in order to access its internals
// @dart = 2.6
library dart.ui;
import 'dart:async';
// this needs to be imported because painting.dart expects it this way
import 'dart:collection' as collection;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:developer' as developer;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:nativewrappers'; // ignore: unused_import
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// HACK: these parts are to get access to private functions tested here.
part '../../lib/ui/annotations.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/channel_buffers.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/compositing.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/geometry.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/hash_codes.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/hooks.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/lerp.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/natives.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/painting.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/pointer.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/semantics.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/text.dart';
part '../../lib/ui/window.dart';
void main() {
group('window callback zones', () {
VoidCallback originalOnMetricsChanged;
VoidCallback originalOnLocaleChanged;
FrameCallback originalOnBeginFrame;
VoidCallback originalOnDrawFrame;
TimingsCallback originalOnReportTimings;
PointerDataPacketCallback originalOnPointerDataPacket;
VoidCallback originalOnSemanticsEnabledChanged;
SemanticsActionCallback originalOnSemanticsAction;
PlatformMessageCallback originalOnPlatformMessage;
VoidCallback originalOnTextScaleFactorChanged;
double oldDPR;
Size oldSize;
double oldDepth;
WindowPadding oldPadding;
WindowPadding oldInsets;
WindowPadding oldSystemGestureInsets;
setUp(() {
oldDPR = window.devicePixelRatio;
oldSize = window.physicalSize;
oldDepth = window.physicalDepth;
oldPadding = window.viewPadding;
oldInsets = window.viewInsets;
oldSystemGestureInsets = window.systemGestureInsets;
originalOnMetricsChanged = window.onMetricsChanged;
originalOnLocaleChanged = window.onLocaleChanged;
originalOnBeginFrame = window.onBeginFrame;
originalOnDrawFrame = window.onDrawFrame;
originalOnReportTimings = window.onReportTimings;
originalOnPointerDataPacket = window.onPointerDataPacket;
originalOnSemanticsEnabledChanged = window.onSemanticsEnabledChanged;
originalOnSemanticsAction = window.onSemanticsAction;
originalOnPlatformMessage = window.onPlatformMessage;
originalOnTextScaleFactorChanged = window.onTextScaleFactorChanged;
tearDown(() {
oldDPR, // DPR
oldSize.width, // width
oldSize.height, // height
oldDepth, // depth, // padding top
oldPadding.right, // padding right
oldPadding.bottom, // padding bottom
oldPadding.left, // padding left, // inset top
oldInsets.right, // inset right
oldInsets.bottom, // inset bottom
oldInsets.left, // inset left, // system gesture inset top
oldSystemGestureInsets.right, // system gesture inset right
oldSystemGestureInsets.bottom, // system gesture inset bottom
oldSystemGestureInsets.left, // system gesture inset left
window.onMetricsChanged = originalOnMetricsChanged;
window.onLocaleChanged = originalOnLocaleChanged;
window.onBeginFrame = originalOnBeginFrame;
window.onDrawFrame = originalOnDrawFrame;
window.onReportTimings = originalOnReportTimings;
window.onPointerDataPacket = originalOnPointerDataPacket;
window.onSemanticsEnabledChanged = originalOnSemanticsEnabledChanged;
window.onSemanticsAction = originalOnSemanticsAction;
window.onPlatformMessage = originalOnPlatformMessage;
window.onTextScaleFactorChanged = originalOnTextScaleFactorChanged;
test('updateUserSettings can handle an empty object', () {
// this should now throw.
expect(true, equals(true));
test('onMetricsChanged preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
double devicePixelRatio;
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onMetricsChanged = () {
runZone = Zone.current;
devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
0.1234, // DPR
0.0, // width
0.0, // height
0.0, // depth
0.0, // padding top
0.0, // padding right
0.0, // padding bottom
0.0, // padding left
0.0, // inset top
0.0, // inset right
0.0, // inset bottom
0.0, // inset left
0.0, // system gesture inset top
0.0, // system gesture inset right
0.0, // system gesture inset bottom
0.0, // system gesture inset left
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
expect(devicePixelRatio, equals(0.1234));
test('onLocaleChanged preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
Locale locale;
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onLocaleChanged = () {
runZone = Zone.current;
locale = window.locale;
_updateLocales(<String>['en', 'US', '', '']);
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
expect(locale, equals(const Locale('en', 'US')));
test('onBeginFrame preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
Duration start;
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onBeginFrame = (Duration value) {
runZone = Zone.current;
start = value;
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
expect(start, equals(const Duration(microseconds: 1234)));
test('onDrawFrame preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onDrawFrame = () {
runZone = Zone.current;
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
test('onReportTimings preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
window._setNeedsReportTimings = (bool _) {};
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onReportTimings = (List<FrameTiming> timings) {
runZone = Zone.current;
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
test('onPointerDataPacket preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
PointerDataPacket data;
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onPointerDataPacket = (PointerDataPacket value) {
runZone = Zone.current;
data = value;
final ByteData testData = ByteData.view(Uint8List(0).buffer);
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
expect(, equals(_unpackPointerDataPacket(testData).data));
test('onSemanticsEnabledChanged preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
bool enabled;
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onSemanticsEnabledChanged = () {
runZone = Zone.current;
enabled = window.semanticsEnabled;
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
expect(enabled, isNotNull);
expect(enabled, equals(window._semanticsEnabled));
test('onSemanticsAction preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
int id;
int action;
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onSemanticsAction = (int i, SemanticsAction a, ByteData _) {
runZone = Zone.current;
action = a.index;
id = i;
_dispatchSemanticsAction(1234, 4, null);
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
expect(id, equals(1234));
expect(action, equals(4));
test('onPlatformMessage preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
String name;
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onPlatformMessage = (String value, _, __) {
runZone = Zone.current;
name = value;
_dispatchPlatformMessage('testName', null, null);
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
expect(name, equals('testName'));
test('onTextScaleFactorChanged preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
double textScaleFactor;
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onTextScaleFactorChanged = () {
runZone = Zone.current;
textScaleFactor = window.textScaleFactor;
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
expect(textScaleFactor, equals(0.5));
test('onThemeBrightnessMode preserves callback zone', () {
Zone innerZone;
Zone runZone;
Brightness platformBrightness;
runZoned(() {
innerZone = Zone.current;
window.onPlatformBrightnessChanged = () {
runZone = Zone.current;
platformBrightness = window.platformBrightness;
expect(runZone, isNotNull);
expect(runZone, same(innerZone));
expect(platformBrightness, equals(Brightness.dark));
test('Window padding/insets/viewPadding/systemGestureInsets', () {
1.0, // DPR
800.0, // width
600.0, // height
100.0, // depth
50.0, // padding top
0.0, // padding right
40.0, // padding bottom
0.0, // padding left
0.0, // inset top
0.0, // inset right
0.0, // inset bottom
0.0, // inset left
0.0, // system gesture inset top
0.0, // system gesture inset right
0.0, // system gesture inset bottom
0.0, // system gesture inset left
expect(window.viewInsets.bottom, 0.0);
expect(window.viewPadding.bottom, 40.0);
expect(window.padding.bottom, 40.0);
expect(window.physicalDepth, 100.0);
expect(window.systemGestureInsets.bottom, 0.0);
1.0, // DPR
800.0, // width
600.0, // height
100.0, // depth
50.0, // padding top
0.0, // padding right
40.0, // padding bottom
0.0, // padding left
0.0, // inset top
0.0, // inset right
400.0, // inset bottom
0.0, // inset left
0.0, // system gesture insets top
0.0, // system gesture insets right
44.0, // system gesture insets bottom
0.0, // system gesture insets left
expect(window.viewInsets.bottom, 400.0);
expect(window.viewPadding.bottom, 40.0);
expect(window.padding.bottom, 0.0);
expect(window.physicalDepth, 100.0);
expect(window.systemGestureInsets.bottom, 44.0);