tree: 94f4f423cc43c61c5dede2a0d70f2bef89a9e721 [path history] [tgz]
  2. Dockerfile
  3. engine_gclient

This directory includes scripts to build the docker container image used for building flutter/engine in our CI system (currently Cirrus).

In order to run the scripts, you have to set up docker and gcloud. Please refer to internal doc go/installdocker for how to set up docker on gLinux.

Cirrus will build (and cache) a Docker image based on this Dockerfile for Linux tasks using its Dockerfile as CI feature. Any change to the Dockerfile will cause a new task to be triggered to build and tag a new version of the Docker image which will be a dependency of the other Linux tasks. This task will instantiate a new GCP VM based on the image specified in the .cirrus.yml builder_image_name field.

To test changes to the Linux Dockerfile, create a PR with the changes, and Cirrus will attempt to build a new image.

To debug locally, you can build an image with ./, but pushing to the registry is no longer necessary.