Updating the Embedding Dependencies


  1. Gradle. If you don't have Gradle installed, you can get it on https://gradle.org/install/#manually.
  2. Depot tools.


To update the embedding dependencies, just cd into this directory, modify the dependencies in build.gradle and run gradle updateDependencies.

Once you have updated the dependencies, you can upload a new version by running cipd create --pkg-def cipd.yaml. For more, see the Chromium instructions on “Updating a CIPD dependency” for how to upload a package update to CIPD.

On successful upload, you will receive a hash for the upload such as

cipd: successfully uploaded and verified flutter/android/embedding_bundle:NZvE-rL3E66nHQZb5Vyl9-1Y_1MWEX7KURgOHqX2cYcC

Let's further annotate the new upload with the current timestamp.

$ cipd set-tag flutter/android/embedding_bundle --version=<new_version_hash> -tag=last_updated:<timestamp>

Example of a last-updated timestamp: 2019-07-29T15:27:42-0700

You can generate the same date format with date +%Y-%m-%dT%T%z.

You can run cipd describe flutter/android/embedding_bundle --version=<new_version_hash> to verify. You should see:

Package:       flutter/android/embedding_bundle
Instance ID:   <new_version_hash>

Then update the DEPS file (located at /src/flutter/DEPS) to use the new version by pointing to your new last_updated_at tag.

  'src/third_party/android_embedding_dependencies': {
     'packages': [
        'package': 'flutter/android/embedding_bundle',
        'version': 'last_updated:<timestamp>'
     'condition': 'download_android_deps',
     'dep_type': 'cipd',

You can now re-run gclient sync to fetch the latest package version.