tree: 78ce9ce015683f28b9e716dcbe785315470f4d8c [path history] [tgz]
  1. lib/
  2. sdk_ext/
  3. .analysis_options
  4. .gitignore
  7. pubspec.yaml
  9. rules.gni

Dart Mojo Applications

Mojo Application API


Application Packaging

All Dart sources for a Mojo application are collected in a specially formatted zip file, which is understood by Dart's content handler in the Mojo shell. This section describes what the various parts of that package are, and how they all make it to the right place.

GN Template

Dart Mojo applications are built with the GN template ‘dartzip_packaged_application’ defined in //mojo/public/dart/rules.gni. Here is an example:

dartzip_packaged_application("foo") {
  output_name = "dart_foo"
  uses_pub = true
  sources = [
  deps = [

There are several parts:

  • output_name is the name of the resulting .mojo file if it should be different from the name of the target. (In this case we get dart_foo.mojo instead of foo.mojo.)
  • uses_pub should be true when the application depends on Dart packages pulled down from pub. The application should have pubspec.yaml and pubspec.lock files adjacent to main.dart. More on this below.
  • sources is the list of Dart sources for the application. Each application must contain a main.dart file. main.dart must be the library entry point, and must contain the main() function.
  • deps has the usual meaning. In the example above, //mojo/services/network/public/interfaces indicates that the “foo” application uses the Dart bindings generated for the network service.

pub packages

Dart Mojo applications may use packages from the pub package repository at

The “foo” example above has uses_pub set to true. Suppose its pubspec.yaml is as follows:

name: foo
version: 0.0.1
description: Foo
  crypto: ">=0.9.0 <0.10.0"

The script //mojo/public/tools/git/ should be run before build time, e.g. as a “runhooks” action during gclient sync. The script traverses a directory tree looking for pubspec.yaml files. On finding one, in the containing directory, it runs pub get. This creates a “packages/” directory in the source tree adjacent to the pubspec.yaml file containing the downloaded Dart packages. pub get also creates a pubspec.lock file that locks down pub packages to specific versions. This pubspec.lock file must be checked in in order to have hermetic builds.

During the build, The dartzip_packaged_application rule looks for a “packages/” directory, and copies its contents into the zip file.

Generated bindings

The script //mojo/public/tools/bindings/generators/ and the templates under //mojo/public/tools/bindings/generators/dart_templates govern how .mojom files are compiled into Dart code.

Consider the network_error.mojom file from the network services used by our “foo” example:

module mojo;

struct NetworkError {
  int32 code;
  string? description;

This contents of this file are in the mojo module. The Dart source generated for this file will end up under, e.g. //out/Debug/gen/dart-gen/mojom/mojo/network_error.mojom.dart, along with the other Dart sources generated for .mojom files in the mojo module.

Resulting layout

They layout for our “foo” example will be the following:

//crypto/...  # Dart's crypto pub package.
//mojo/public/dart/...  # Mojo SDK Dart libraries.
//mojom/mojo/...  # Generated bindings in the mojo module.

Where //mojo/public/dart contains Dart's Mojo bindings, //crypto contains the crypto pub package, and //mojom/mojo contains the generated bindings in the mojom module for the network service.

Mojo's Dart content handler sets the package root for a Dart application to be the root directory of the unpacked zip file. Therefore, Dart sources in this application can use the following imports:

import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:mojo/public/dart/application.dart';
import 'package:mojom/mojo/network_error.mojom.dart';