| name: devtools_app |
| description: Web-based performance tooling for Dart and Flutter. |
| publish_to: none |
| |
| # Note: this version should only be updated by running tools/update_version.dart |
| # that updates all versions of devtools packages (devtools_app, devtools_test). |
| version: 2.33.0 |
| |
| repository: https://github.com/flutter/devtools/tree/master/packages/devtools_app |
| |
| environment: |
| sdk: ">=3.3.0-91.0.dev <4.0.0" |
| flutter: ">=3.17.0-0.0.pre" |
| |
| dependencies: |
| ansi_up: ^1.0.0 |
| # path: ../../third_party/packages/ansi_up |
| # Pin ansicolor to version before pre-NNBD version 1.1.0, should be ^1.0.5 |
| # See https://github.com/flutter/devtools/issues/2530 |
| ansicolor: ^2.0.0 |
| async: ^2.0.0 |
| clock: ^1.1.1 |
| codicon: ^1.0.0 |
| collection: ^1.15.0 |
| dap: ^1.1.0 |
| dds_service_extensions: ^1.6.0 |
| devtools_app_shared: ^0.0.7 |
| devtools_extensions: ^0.0.10 |
| devtools_shared: ^6.0.1 |
| dtd: ^1.0.0 |
| file: ">=6.0.0 <8.0.0" |
| file_selector: ^1.0.0 |
| flutter: |
| sdk: flutter |
| flutter_markdown: ^0.6.8 |
| # TODO: https://github.com/flutter/devtools/issues/4569 - unpin this version |
| flutter_riverpod: 2.0.0-dev.9 |
| flutter_web_plugins: |
| sdk: flutter |
| http: ^1.1.0 |
| image: ^4.1.3 |
| intl: ^0.18.0 |
| js: ^0.6.1+1 |
| json_rpc_2: ^3.0.2 |
| logging: ^1.1.1 |
| meta: ^1.9.1 |
| mime: ^1.0.0 |
| path: ^1.8.0 |
| perfetto_ui_compiled: |
| path: ../../third_party/packages/perfetto_ui_compiled |
| pointer_interceptor: ^0.9.3+3 |
| provider: ^6.0.2 |
| # Only used for debug mode logic. |
| shared_preferences: ^2.0.15 |
| sse: ^4.1.2 |
| stack_trace: ^1.10.0 |
| stream_channel: ^2.1.1 |
| string_scanner: ^1.1.0 |
| unified_analytics: ^5.8.1 |
| url_launcher: ^6.1.0 |
| url_launcher_web: ^2.0.6 |
| vm_service: ^14.0.0 |
| # TODO https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/52853 - unpin this version |
| vm_snapshot_analysis: 0.7.2 |
| web: ^0.4.1 |
| web_socket_channel: ^2.1.0 |
| # widget_icons: ^0.0.1 |
| |
| dev_dependencies: |
| args: ^2.4.2 |
| build_runner: ^2.3.3 |
| devtools_test: 2.33.0 |
| fake_async: ^1.3.1 |
| flutter_driver: |
| sdk: flutter |
| flutter_lints: ^2.0.3 |
| flutter_test: |
| sdk: flutter |
| integration_test: |
| sdk: flutter |
| mockito: ^5.4.1 |
| stager: ^1.0.1 |
| test: ^1.21.1 |
| web_benchmarks: ^1.1.0 |
| webkit_inspection_protocol: ">=0.5.0 <2.0.0" |
| |
| flutter: |
| uses-material-design: true |
| assets: |
| - assets/ |
| - assets/img/ |
| - assets/img/layout_explorer/ |
| - assets/img/layout_explorer/cross_axis_alignment/ |
| - assets/img/layout_explorer/main_axis_alignment/ |
| - assets/img/legend/ |
| - icons/ |
| - icons/actions/ |
| - icons/custom/ |
| - icons/general/ |
| - icons/gutter/ |
| - icons/inspector/ |
| - icons/inspector/widget_icons/ |
| - icons/memory/ |
| - icons/perf/ |
| # We have to explicitly list every asset under `packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/` |
| # since directory support is not available for assets under `packages/`. |
| # See (https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/112019). |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/index.html |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/service_worker.js |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/devtools/devtools_dark.css |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/devtools/devtools_light.css |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/devtools/devtools_shared.css |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/devtools/devtools_theme_handler.js |
| # The version number for all the Perfetto asset paths below is updated by running |
| # `devtools_tool update-perfetto`. |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/engine_bundle.js |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/frontend_bundle.js |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/manifest.json |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/perfetto.css |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/trace_processor.wasm |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/brand.png |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/favicon.png |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/logo-128.png |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/logo-3d.png |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/scheduling_latency.png |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/MaterialSymbolsOutlined.woff2 |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/Roboto-100.woff2 |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/Roboto-300.woff2 |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/Roboto-400.woff2 |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/Roboto-500.woff2 |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/RobotoCondensed-Light.woff2 |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/RobotoCondensed-Regular.woff2 |
| - packages/perfetto_ui_compiled/dist/v33.0-1838a06af/assets/RobotoMono-Regular.woff2 |
| |
| fonts: |
| - family: Roboto |
| fonts: |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto/Roboto-Thin.ttf |
| weight: 100 |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto/Roboto-Light.ttf |
| weight: 300 |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto/Roboto-Regular.ttf |
| weight: 400 |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto/Roboto-Medium.ttf |
| weight: 500 |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto/Roboto-Bold.ttf |
| weight: 700 |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto/Roboto-Black.ttf |
| weight: 900 |
| - family: RobotoMono |
| fonts: |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto_Mono/RobotoMono-Thin.ttf |
| weight: 100 |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto_Mono/RobotoMono-Light.ttf |
| weight: 300 |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto_Mono/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf |
| weight: 400 |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto_Mono/RobotoMono-Medium.ttf |
| weight: 500 |
| - asset: fonts/Roboto_Mono/RobotoMono-Bold.ttf |
| weight: 700 |
| - family: Octicons |
| fonts: |
| - asset: fonts/Octicons.ttf |
| - family: Codicon |
| fonts: |
| - asset: packages/codicon/font/codicon.ttf |
| |
| dependency_overrides: |
| devtools_shared: |
| path: ../devtools_shared |
| devtools_app_shared: |
| path: ../devtools_app_shared |
| devtools_test: |
| path: ../devtools_test |
| devtools_extensions: |
| path: ../devtools_extensions |