tree: e04eac9c60918dfb752ce3d13acd09957ffc564d [path history] [tgz]
  1. scripts/
  2. test_infra/
  3. devtools_benchmarks_test.dart
  5. web_bundle_size_test.dart

DevTools benchmark tests

There are two types of benchmarks that we currently support: size and performance.

  1. devtools_benchmarks_test.dart - measures DevTools frame times.
  2. web_bundle_size_test.dart - measures DevTools release build size.

The benchmark tests are run automatically on the CI. See the “benchmark-performance” and “benchmark-size” jobs.

Running benchmark tests locally

[!NOTE] The performance and size benchmarks cannot be run concurrently (e.g. by running flutter test benchmark/). See the #caveats section below.

All of the commands below should be run from the packages/devtools_app directory.

Performance benchmarks

To run the performance benchmark tests locally, run:

dart run benchmark/scripts/run_benchmarks.dart

Provide arguments to the run_benchmarks.dart script in order to:

  • compute the average of multiple benchmark runs
  • compute a delta against a prior benchmark run
  • save the benchmark results to a file
  • run the benchmarks in the browser
  • run the benchmarks with the dart2wasm compiler
  • run the benchmarks with the skwasm web renderer

Run dart run benchmark/scripts/run_benchmarks.dart -h to see details.

To run the test that verifies we can run benchmark tests, run:

flutter test benchmark/devtools_benchmarks_test.dart

Size benchmarks

To run the size benchmark test locally, run:

flutter test benchmark/web_bundle_size_test.dart


The size benchmark must be ran by itself because it actually modifies the devtools_app/build folder to create and measure the release build web bundle size. If this test is ran while other tests are running, it can affect the measurements that the size benchmark test takes, and it can affect the DevTools build that the other running tests are using.

Adding a new benchmark test or test case

The tests are defined by “automators”, which live in the benchmark/test_infra/automators directory. To add a new test or test case, either modify an existing automator or add a new one for a new screen. Follow existing examples in that directory for guidance.

Comparing two benchmark test runs

There are two ways to calculate the delta between two benchmark test runs:

  1. Compare two benchmarks from file:

    • In order to compare two different benchmark runs, you first need to run the benchmark tests and save the results to a file:
      dart run benchmark/scripts/run_benchmarks.dart --save-to-file=/Users/me/baseline.json
      dart run benchmark/scripts/run_benchmarks.dart --save-to-file=/Users/me/test.json
    • Then, to compare the benchmarks and calculate deltas, run:
      dart run benchmark/scripts/compare_benchmarks.dart /Users/me/baseline_file.json /Users/me/test_file.json
  2. Compare a new benchmark run with a benchmark from file:

    • pass the baseline benchmark file path to the --baseline flag when running the run_benchmarks.dart script:
      dart run benchmark/scripts/run_benchmarks.dart --baseline=/Users/me/baseline_file.json``