blob: 129b853cf29fddbe4cc97943f2c447998d05252e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart' as yaml;
import 'package:yaml_edit/yaml_edit.dart';
import '../action_version.dart';
import '../github.dart';
import '../github_action_resolver.dart';
import '../repo_tweak.dart';
final _instance = GitHubActionTweak._();
class GitHubActionTweak extends RepoTweak {
factory GitHubActionTweak() => _instance;
: super(
id: 'github-actions',
'ensure GitHub actions use the latest versions and are keyed '
'by SHA',
FutureOr<FixResult> fix(Directory checkout, String repoSlug) async {
final files = _workflowFiles(checkout);
if (files.isEmpty) {
return FixResult.noFixesMade;
final neededFixes = <Object>[];
await _withResolver((githubResolver) async {
for (var file in files) {
final relativePath = p.relative(file.path, from: checkout.path);
print(' Fixing $relativePath');
final fileChecks = await _fixFile(file, githubResolver);
if (fileChecks.isNotEmpty) {
neededFixes.add({relativePath: fileChecks});
return FixResult(fixes: neededFixes);
List<File> _workflowFiles(Directory checkout) {
final workflowDir = Directory(p.join(checkout.path, _workflowsDir));
if (!workflowDir.existsSync()) {
return const [];
return workflowDir
(element) =>
element.path.endsWith('.yml') || element.path.endsWith('.yaml'),
Future<List<String>> _fixFile(
File workflowFile,
GitHubActionResolver resolver,
) async {
final versions = await _versionsForFile(workflowFile, resolver);
final repos = => e.fullRepo).toSet();
final latestVersions = {
for (var repo in repos) repo: await resolver.latestStable(repo),
final items = <String>[];
final content = workflowFile.readAsStringSync();
final editor = YamlEditor(content);
final fileYaml = yaml.loadYaml(content, sourceUrl: workflowFile.uri);
final jobs = (fileYaml as Map)['jobs'] as yaml.YamlMap;
for (var jobEntry in jobs.entries) {
final steps = jobEntry.steps;
for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
final step = steps[i];
final stepMap = step as yaml.YamlMap;
final uses = stepMap['uses'] as String?;
if (uses != null) {
final currentVersion = ActionVersion.parse(uses);
if (currentVersion.path != null) {
// skipping things with path!
final targetVersion = latestVersions[currentVersion.fullRepo]!;
final targetActionVersion = ActionVersion(
repo: currentVersion.repo,
path: null,
version: targetVersion.sha,
if (targetActionVersion != currentVersion) {
final path = ['jobs', jobEntry.key, 'steps', i, 'uses'];
'Updated ${path.join('/')} from $currentVersion to '
return items;
Future<Set<ActionVersion>> _versionsForFile(
File workflowFile,
GitHubActionResolver resolver,
) async {
final content = workflowFile.readAsStringSync();
final fileYaml = yaml.loadYaml(content, sourceUrl: workflowFile.uri);
final jobs = (fileYaml as Map)['jobs'] as yaml.YamlMap;
final result = <ActionVersion>{};
for (var jobEntry in jobs.entries) {
final steps = jobEntry.steps;
for (var step in steps) {
final stepMap = step as yaml.YamlMap;
final uses = stepMap['uses'] as String?;
if (uses != null) {
final parsed = ActionVersion.parse(uses);
if (parsed.path == null) {
} else {
print("skipping $parsed – we don't support paths yet");
return result;
extension on MapEntry<dynamic, dynamic> {
List<dynamic> get steps =>
(value as Map)['steps'] as yaml.YamlList? ?? const [];
Future<void> _withResolver(
Future<void> Function(GitHubActionResolver) action,
) async {
final resolver = GitHubActionResolver(github: createGitHubClient());
try {
await action(resolver);
} finally {
const _workflowsDir = '.github/workflows';