tree: 45389e624df1c099195e5741a44e3b4a4f78eab6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. builder.dart
  2. codegen_aot_compiler.dart
  3. codegen_runtime_renderer.dart
  5. utilities.dart


Mustachio is a code generation-based Mustache render system designed with Dartdoc's needs in mind.

Mustache background

Mustache templating takes a context object and renders it into a template. For example, an instance of the Library class can be rendered into the library.html template file. Mustache is primarily a templating syntax, where tags specify how keys on the context object are rendered into the template. For example, consider the following template:

<h1>{{ name }}</h1>
{{ #hasDetails }}
  {{ #details }}
  <li>{{ text }}</li>
  {{ /details }}
{{ /hasDetails }}

Mustache specifies that {{ name }} represents a variable tag, where the value of the context object‘s name property is interpolated into the template. {{ #hasDetails }} and {{ #details }} each specify a section tag, where the template content between {{ #hasDetails }} and {{ /hasDetails }} is rendered zero, one, or multiple times, possibly with a new context object, depending on the value of the context object’s hasDetails property. The catch is in how a Dart program can access a property of an object via a runtime-derived String name.

The two popular Mustache packages for Dart (mustache and mustache4dart) each use mirrors, which is slow, and whose future is unknown. The mustache_template package avoids mirrors by restricting context objects to just Maps and Lists of values. Neither of these existing solutions were optimal for Dartdoc. For a time, dartdoc used the mustache package. When dartdoc creates documentation for a package, the majority of the time is spent generating the HTML output from package metadata. Benchmarking shows that much time is spent using mirrors.


The primary motivation to design a new template rendering solution is to reduce the time to generate package documentation. In mid-2020, on a current MacBook Pro, it took 12 minutes to generate the Flutter documentation. A solution which uses static dispatch instead of mirrors's runtime reflection will be much faster. A prototype demonstrated that a new system which parses templates ahead-of-time against known context types could render the Flutter documentation in 3 minutes.

There are several secondary benefits:

  • Correct static typing - a solution which uses property access on statically typed objects ensures that properties (getters, specifically) exist, illuminating typos.
  • Property usage - a solution which uses normal property access (calling getters) on statically typed objects allows analyzers and IDEs to understand when a property is referenced within a template. This is required for automated refactoring, finding references, finding definition, and “unused” static analysis.
  • The possibility to restrict API usage - currently, any custom template which a package author writes can walk the entire UML diagram of dartdoc's internals, and any types which can be accessed via public properties from the primary ModelElement types. This reaches out to include hundreds of types, and tens of thousands of properties. A code-generation solution allows dartdoc to declare only a supported, restricted subset.

Mustache's dynamically typed background

Mustache was originally authored as a templating system to be used in JavaScript. JavaScript's dynamic typing and use of objects and object properties lends itself to simple ideas in parsing Mustache. A renderer can request from any object a property with a String name parsed from a Mustache template string. JavaScript also has notions of “falsey” and “truthy” which are used in rendering sections and inverted sections.

This design is a perfect fit for JavaScript. A Mustache renderer for Dart which accesses properties in “the normal way” (not using mirrors, and not using dynamic dispatch) requires a non-trivial design. In fact, the two code-generated renderer designs provided here each require ahead-of-time knowledge of the complete set of types which may be rendered with Mustache templates. No design is given for a Mustache renderer which can render arbitrary objects.

Design overview

Two rendering methods

When dartdoc generates documentation for a package, it renders context objects using Mustache templates. For example, an EnumTemplateData instance (for a specific enum) is rendered using a file, enum.html. When generating documentation for,, and, standard, static templates are used. When generating documentation for Fuchsia, custom templates are used, which are only known and resolved at runtime.

Two code generation-based rendering methods are designed below. The first design is for a tool which can generate the code to render objects of specific types using runtime-interpreted Mustache template blocks. The second design is for a tool which can generate the code to render objects of specific types using pre-compiled Mustache template blocks.

The first tool generates code specific to one set of known types, one renderer per type. Each generated renderer accepts an instance of the appropriate type, and a Mustache template block.

The renderers access properties of objects via normal Dart property access (without reflection, and without dynamic dispatch), but require complete mappings from property names to property accessors for each type.

The second tool generates code specific to one set of known types, and one set of known templates and partials, one renderer per type-template pair. Each generated renderer accepts an instance of the appropriate type. Each template is pre-encoded into the appropriate renderer, including the parse tree and all key resolution.

The renderers access properties of objects via normal Dart property access (without reflection, and without dynamic dispatch).

When using the standard templates to generate documentation, Dartdoc can make use of the pre-compiled renderers. When using custom templates to generate documentation, Dartdoc must make use of the renderers which interpret template blocks at runtime.


Dartdoc's standard templates do not use all features of Mustache. Ergo, Mustachio does not support all features of Mustache. Namely:

  • no support for Lambda tags
  • no support for Set Delimiter tags
  • no support for resolving Map keys or List indexes


The Mustache parser is shared between the two code-generation methods. Parsing a Mustache template block of text (from a template or a partial) into a syntax tree, without resolving keys, is a solved problem; Mustachio's Parser is not novel.

The output of this parser is a syntax tree consisting of the following node types:

  • Text node - plain text as it appears in the template
  • Variable node - a node containing the variable tag key
  • Section node - a node containing the section tag key, whether the section tag is inverted, and the syntax tree of the section block
  • Partial node - a node containing the partial tag key

Generated renderer for a specific type which interprets templates at runtime

Mustachio's first set of generated renderers render objects into runtime-interpreted Mustache template blocks. Each template block may be the content of a Mustache template file, a Mustache partial file, or a Mustache section.

The mechanics of the tool which generates these renderers is a separate concern from the mechanics of the renderers themselves. This section is primarily concerned with documenting how the renderers work. At the end, a higher level description of the code generator can be found.

Example types

Any examples in this section will use the following types:

abstract class User {
  String get name;
  UserProfile get profile;
  bool get isFeatured;
  List<Post>? get posts;
  Post? featuredPost;

abstract class UserProfile {
  String get avatarUrl;
  String get biography;

abstract class Post {
  String get title;
  String get content;
  bool? get isPublished;

A User object can be rendered into the following Mustache template:

<h1>{{ name }}</h1>
{{ #profile }}
  <img src={{ avatarUrl }}/>
  <p>{{ biography }}</p>
{{ /profile }}
{{ #posts }}
  {{ #isPublished }}
      <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
      <p>{{ content }}</h2>
  {{ /isPublished }}
{{ /posts }}

Render function

Each generated renderer is paired with a generated public render function, which is the public interface for rendering objects into Mustache templates, and private render function, which is a convenience function for constructing a renderer and rendering an AST with it.

String renderUser(User context, Template template) {
  return _render_User(context, template.ast, template);

String _render_User(User context, List<MustachioNode> ast, Template template,
    {RendererBase<Object> parent}) {
  var renderer = _Renderer_User(context, parent, template);
  return renderer.buffer.toString();

In order to use the public render function, one first needs a Template object. This is a container for a parsed Mustache template. The Template.parse constructor accepts a file path and an optional partial resolver. It parses the Mustache template at the given file path, and also reads and parses all partials referenced in the template. The returned Template object contains a mapping of all partial keys to partial file paths, and also a mapping of all partial file paths to partial Template objects. This Template object can be used to render various context objects, without needing to re-read or re-parse the template file or any referenced partial files.

The renderUser function just requires two arguments, the User object to render, and the Mustache Template object that it should be rendered into.

Renderer outline

In order to support repeated sections and value sections, a renderer for a type T requires renderers for other types:

  • If T has a getter of type S, then a renderer for type T may be called upon to render a value section for that getter, which requires a renderer for type S.
  • If T has a getter of type Iterable<S> for some type S, then a renderer for type T may be called upon to render a repeated section for that getter, which requires a renderer for type S.

An instance of a renderer needs four things in order to render an object using a Mustache syntax tree (a template block):

  • the context object,
  • the Mustache template block (a list of nodes),
  • the path to the directory in which the Mustache template is located, in order to locate partials,
  • optionally, a parent renderer

Additionally, a renderer needs various functions in order to render each getter for the renderer's context type. It may need to render each getter (1) as a variable, (2) possibly as a conditional section, (3) possibly as a repeated section, and (4) possibly as a value section).

Here are all of the elements of such a renderer for the User class:

class Renderer_User extends RendererBase<User> {
  static final Map<String, Property<CT_>> propertyMap<CT_ extends User>() => ...;

  Renderer_User(User context, RendererBase<Object> parent, Template template)
      : super(context, parent, template);

  Property<User> getProperty(String key) {
    if (propertyMap<User>().containsKey(key)) {
      return propertyMap<User>()[key];
    } else {
      return null;
  • The base class, RendererBase, provides functionality common to all renderers, for example a buffer to which output may be written; each of the methods discussed in Rendering a block below.
  • The map of properties forms the bulk of each individual renderer. The Property class is described just below.
  • The renderer instance may be asked to render multiple blocks; while rendering a list of nodes, the children of certain nodes are rendered without changing context, and so can use the same renderer. In particular:
    • when rendering a conditional section,
    • when rendering an inverted repeated section or inverted value section,
    • when rendering a partial.

Map of properties

The core functionality of accessing getters on an object by name (as a String) is a static map of properties for each type which may be used as a context object during the rendering process. Each getter names is mapped to a Property object which holds functions that allow performing certain rendering actions using the given property.

The property map is actually a function because it needs to be type parameterized on CT_, a type variable bounded to the type of the context object. This is an unfortunate complication which arises from the design of Property being a collection of functions. Since a renderer can be used to render subtypes of the context type, we cannot type all of the functions in the Properties with the context type; they must each be typed with the runtime type of the context object.

Here is the Property interface:

class Property<T> {
  final Object Function(T context) getValue;
  final String Function(T, Property<T>, List<String>) renderVariable;
  final bool Function(T context) getBool;
  final Iterable<String> Function(T, RendererBase<T>, List<MustachioNode>)
  final bool Function(T) isNullValue;
  final String Function(T, RendererBase<T>, List<MustachioNode>) renderValue;

For each valid getter on a type, the renderer will map out a Property object with non-null values for the appropriate functions, and null values for inappropriate functions.

The getValue function

For every valid getter, the Property object will contain a function named getValue which calls the getter and returns the result. This function is used to render a property in a variable node. For example, the Property for name on the User renderer has the following getValue function:

(CT_ c) =>
The renderVariable function

TODO(srawlins): Write.

The getBool function

For every valid getter with a bool? or bool return type, the Property object contains a function named getBool which returns the non-null bool value of the getter (null is converted to false). This function is used to render a property in a conditional section node (or an inverted one). For example, the Property for isPublished on the Post renderer has the following getBool function:

(CT_ c) => c.isPublished == true
The renderIterable function

For every valid getter with a return type assignable to Iterable<Object?>?, the Property object contains a function named renderIterable which requires some parameters: the context object, the current renderer, and the AST to render. This function is used to render a property in a repeated section node (or an inverted one). For example, the Property for posts on the User renderer has the following renderIterable function:

(CT_ c, RendererBase<CT_> r, List<MustachioNode> ast) {
      (e) => _render_Post(e, ast, r.template, parent: r));

This function needs the three arguments so that it can iterate over the posts of the context object, and then create new instances of the Post renderer, which requires the AST to render, and the parent context.

The isNullValue and renderValue functions

For each valid getter which has neither a bool return type nor an Iterable return type, the Property object contains a function named isNullValue which returns whether the value of the getter is null or not. It also contains a function named renderValue which requires more parameters: the context object, the current renderer, and the AST to render. These functions are used to render a property in a value section node (or an inverted one). For example, the Property for profile on the User renderer has the following isNullValue function:

(CT_ c) => c.profile == null

and renderValue function:

(CT_ c, RendererBase<CT_> r, List<MustachioNode> ast) {
  return _render_UserProfile(c.profile, ast, r.template, parent: r);

The renderValue function needs the three arguments so that it can render the property value using a new UserProfile renderer, which requires the AST to render, and the parent context.

Rendering a block

The RendererBase class defines a very simple renderBlock method. This method iterates over an AST, delegating to other methods depending on the type of each node:

  /// Renders a block of Mustache template, the [ast], into [buffer].
  void renderBlock(List<MustachioNode> ast) {
    for (var node in ast) {
      if (node is Text) {
      } else if (node is Variable) {
        var content = getFields(node);
      } else if (node is Section) {
      } else if (node is Partial) {

Text is rendered verbatim.

Rendering a variable is mostly a matter of resolving the variable (see below).

Sections and Partials are complex enough to warrant their own methods.

Resolving a variable key

Rendering a variable requires resolution; the variable‘s key may consist of multiple names, (e.g. {{ }} is a variable node with a key of “”; this key has three names: “foo”, “bar”, and “baz”) and resolution may require context objects further down in the stack. This resolution is performed in the renderer’s getFields method.

  String getFields(Variable node) {
    var names = node.key;
    if (names.length == 1 && names.single == '.') {
      return context.toString();
    var property = getProperty(names.first);
    if (property != null) {
      var remainingNames = [...names.skip(1)];
      try {
        return property.renderVariable(context, property, remainingNames);
      } on PartialMustachioResolutionError catch (e) {
        // The error thrown by [Property.renderVariable] does not have all of
        // the names required for a decent error. We throw a new error here.
        throw MustachioResolutionError(...);
    } else if (parent != null) {
      return parent.getFields(node);
    } else {
      throw MustachioResolutionError(...);

We can see the entire resolution process here:

  • If the key is just “.”, then we render the current context object as a String.
  • If the first name (which is often the whole key) is found on the context object's property map, then we resolve the name as a property on the context object.
    • For each remaining name in the key names, we search the resolved object for a property with this name. If it is found, we resolve the name as a property on the previously resolved object. If it is not found, resolution has failed.
  • If the first name is not found on the context object, we request that the parent renderer resolve the key.
  • If there is no parent, resolution has failed.

Rendering a section

A section key is not allowed to have multiple names. We first search for a property on the context object with the key as its name. If we don't find it, we search the parent context:

    var key = node.key.first;
    var property = getProperty(key);
    if (property == null) {
      if (parent == null) {
        throw MustachioResolutionError(...);
      } else {
        return parent.section(node);

The getProperty method returns the Property instance for the specified name, which has various methods on it which can access the property for various purposes.

Conditional section

First we check if the property can be used in a conditional section:

    if (property.getBool != null) {
      var boolResult = property.getBool(context);
      if ((boolResult && !node.invert) || (!boolResult && node.invert)) {

If the getter's return type is not bool? or bool, then getBool returns null.

If the getter's return type is bool? or bool, then getBool is a function which takes the context object as an argument, and returns the non-nullable bool value of the property on the context object (resolving a null value as false).

Since a conditional section can be inverted, we have to account for this when deciding to render the children.

Repeated section

If the getter does not result in a conditional section, we check whether it is iterable:

    if (property.renderIterable != null) {
      var renderedIterable =
          property.renderIterable(context, this, node.children);
      if (node.invert && renderedIterable.isEmpty) {
        // An inverted section is rendered with the current context.
      } else if (!node.invert && renderedIterable.isNotEmpty) {
        var buffer = StringBuffer()..writeAll(renderedIterable);
      // Otherwise, render nothing.


If the getter's return type is not a subtype of Iterable<Object?>?, then renderIterable returns null.

If the getter's return type is a subtype of Iterable<Object?>?, then renderIterable, detailed here, is a function which returns the non-nullable String value of the rendered section.

An inverted repeated section is rendered with the current context if the iterable is null or empty.

Value section

If the getter does not result in a conditional section, nor a repeated section, we render the section as a value section:

    if (node.invert && property.isNullValue(context)) {
    } else if (!node.invert && !property.isNullValue(context)) {
      write(property.renderValue(context, this, node.children));

An inverted value section is rendered with the current context if the value is null.

The renderValue function, detailed here, takes the context object, the renderer, and the section's children as arguments, and returns the non-nullable String value of the rendered section.

Rendering a partial

A partial key is not resolved as a sequence of names; it is instead a free form text key which maps to a partial file. Mustachio can either use a built-in partial resolver, in which case each key is a path which is relative to the template in which the key is found, or a custom partial resolver which can use custom logic to map the key to a file path. The keys have been mapped ahead of time (when the Template was parsed) to paths and the paths have been mapped ahead of time to Template objects. We map the key to the partial‘s file path, and map the partial’s file path to the partial's Template:

  void partial(Partial node) {
    var key = node.key;
    var partialFile = template.partials[key];
    var partialTemplate = template.partialTemplates[partialFile];
    var outerTemplate = _template;
    _template = partialTemplate;
    _template = outerTemplate;

To render the partial, we first replace the renderer‘s template with the partial’s template (for further partial key resolution of any partial tags found inside this partial) and render the partial with the same renderer, using renderBlock.

High level design for generating renderers

TODO(srawlins): Write.

Generated renderer for a specific type and a pre-compiled static template

Mustachio's second set of generated renderers render objects into ahead-of-time compiled Mustache template blocks. Each template block may be the content of a Mustache template file, a Mustache partial file, or a Mustache section.

The mechanics of the tool which generates these renderers is a separate concern from the mechanics of the renderers themselves. This section is primarily concerned with documenting how the renderers work. At the end, a higher level description of the code generator can be found.


The code generation trigger is a @Renderer annotation, which specifies a render function name, a context type, and a template file. The code generator parses the specified template file, and uses the context type to resolve all tag keys at the time of code generation. For example, given the following template:

<h1>{{ name }}</h1>
{{ #isFeatured }}<strong>Featured</strong>{{ /isFeatured }}
<div class="posts">
{{ #featuredPost }}<h2>{{ title }}</h2>{{ /featuredPost }}
{{ #posts }}<h2>{{ title }}</h2>{{ /posts }}

The code generator resolves name to a String getter on User, posts to a List<Post> getter on User, isPublished to a bool getter on Post, and title to a String getter on Post. It has all of the information it needs to write out the logic of the template as a simple state machine. This state machine is written out as the render function and helper functions for partials:

String renderUser(User context0) {
  final buffer = StringBuffer();
  // ...
  return buffer.toString();

The renderFoo function takes a Foo object, the context object, as context0. Since the context objects exist in a stack and can each be accessed, we must enumerate them. We write various text to the buffer, according to the template, and then return the rendered output.

Rendering plain text

Rendering plain text is as simple as writing it to the buffer:


Rendering a variable

Rendering a variable requires one or more getter calls. During code generation, variable keys have been resolved so that the renderer knows the context objects that provide each getter.

{{ name }} compiles to:


This code calls the name getter on conext0, and then toString(). Since {{ name }} uses two brackets, the output must be HTML-escaped. If it were written {{{ name }}}, then the HTML-escaping call would not be made.

Rendering a section

A section could be a conditional section, a repeated section, or a value section. The code generator will know, and will write the correct behavior into the renderer.

Rendering a conditional section

{{ #isFeatured }}<strong>Featured</strong>{{ /isFeatured }} compiles to:

  if (context0.b1 == true) {

The text is written only if b1 is true (not false or null). If the section were inverted (starting with {{ ^isFeatured }}), this would be a != true check.

Rendering a repeated section

{{ #posts }}<h2>{{ title }}</h2>{{ /posts }}

compiles to:

  var context1 = context0.posts;
  if (context1 != null) {
    for (var context2 in context1) {

The section contents are written for each value in context0.posts (only if context0.posts is not null). In order to avoid accessing the getter multiple times (and to make the value type-promotable), the value is stored in a local variable.

Rendering a value section

{{ #featuredPost }}<h2>{{ title }}</h2>{{ /featuredPost }}

compiles to:

  var context2 = context0.featuredPost;
  if (context2 != null) {

The section contents are written only if context0.featuredPost is not null. Additionally, the section needs context0.featuredPost pushed onto the context stack, which becomes context2. This new context object is used to render the featured post's title.

Rendering a partial

Partials are allowed to reference themselves, so they must be implemented as new functions which can reference themselves. This template code:

{{ #posts }}{{ >post }}{{ /posts }}

will use a custom partial resolver to resolve post to a file at _post.html, which contains the following template:

<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>by {{ name }}</p>

These two templates compile into the following two render functions:

String renderUser(User context0) {
  final buffer = StringBuffer();
  for (var context1 in context0.posts) {
    buffer.write(_renderUser_partial_user_post_0(context1, context0));
  return buffer.toString();

String _renderUser_partial_user_post_0(Post context1, User context0) {
  final buffer = StringBuffer();
<p>by ''');
  return buffer.toString();

Note that the partial function is written to accept each context object as a separate parameter, so that they are easily accessed by name. context1 is accessed in order to write the post‘s title, and context0 is accessed in order to write the author’s name.

High level design for generating renderers

TODO(srawlins): Write.