blob: 1c1d6399bfb004fbcdd3dc30a710e834aa0c6db7 [file] [log] [blame]
part of mustache4dart;
* This is the main class describing a compiled token.
abstract class Token {
final String _source;
Token _next;
Token prev;
bool _rendable = true;
factory Token(String token, Function partial, Delimiter d, String ident) {
if (token == EMPTY_STRING) {
return null;
if (token.startsWith('{{{') && d.opening == '{{') {
return new _ExpressionToken(
token.substring(3, token.length - 3), false, token, partial, d);
} else if (token.startsWith(d.opening)) {
return new _ExpressionToken(
token.substring(d.openingLength, token.length - d.closingLength),
} else if (token == SPACE || token == NL || token == CRNL) {
return new _SpecialCharToken(token, ident);
} else {
return new _StringToken(token);
Token call(MustacheContext context, StringSink out) {
if (out == null)
throw new Exception("Need an output to write the rendered result");
var string = apply(context);
if (rendable) {
return next;
String apply(MustacheContext context);
void set next(Token n) {
_next = n;
n.prev = this;
Token get next => _next;
* This describes the value of the token.
String get value;
void set rendable(bool rendable) {
_rendable = rendable;
bool get rendable => _rendable;
* Two tokens are the same if their _val are the same.
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is Token) {
return value == other.value;
if (other is String) {
return value == other;
return false;
int get hashCode => value.hashCode;
abstract class StandAloneLineCapable {}
* The simplest implementation of a token is the _StringToken which is any string that is not within
* an opening and closing mustache.
class _StringToken extends Token {
_StringToken(_val) : super.withSource(_val);
apply(context) => value;
String get value => _source;
String toString() => "StringToken($value)";
class _SpecialCharToken extends _StringToken implements StandAloneLineCapable {
final String ident;
_SpecialCharToken(_val, [this.ident = EMPTY_STRING]) : super(_val);
apply(context) {
if (!rendable) {
if (next == null) {
return super.apply(context);
if (_isNewLineOrEmpty) {
return "${super.apply(context)}$ident";
return super.apply(context);
bool get _isNewLineOrEmpty => _isNewLine || value == EMPTY_STRING;
bool get _isNewLine => value == NL || value == CRNL;
String toString() {
var val = value.replaceAll('\r', '\\r').replaceAll(NL, '\\n');
return "SpecialCharToken($val)";
* This is a token that represents a mustache expression. That is anything
* between an opening and closing mustache.
class _ExpressionToken extends Token {
final String value;
factory _ExpressionToken(String val, bool escapeHtml, String source,
Function partial, Delimiter delimiter) {
val = val.trim();
if (escapeHtml && val.startsWith('&')) {
escapeHtml = false;
val = val.substring(1).trim();
if (!escapeHtml) {
return new _ExpressionToken.withSource(val, source);
String control = val.substring(0, 1);
String newVal = val.substring(1).trim();
if ('#' == control) {
return new _StartSectionToken(newVal, delimiter);
} else if ('/' == control) {
return new _EndSectionToken(newVal);
} else if ('^' == control) {
return new _InvertedSectionToken(newVal, delimiter);
} else if ('!' == control) {
return new _CommentToken();
} else if ('>' == control) {
return new _PartialToken(partial, newVal);
} else if ('=' == control) {
return new _DelimiterToken(newVal);
} else {
return new _EscapeHtmlToken(val, source);
_ExpressionToken.withSource(this.value, source) : super.withSource(source);
apply(MustacheContext ctx, {bool errorOnMissingProperty: false}) {
var field = ctx.field(value);
if (field == null) {
//TODO define an exception for such cases
if (errorOnMissingProperty) {
throw "Could not find '$value' property";
if (field.isLambda) {
//A lambda's return value should be parsed
return render(field.value(null), ctx);
return field.value();
String toString() => "ExpressionToken($value)";
class _DelimiterToken extends _ExpressionToken
implements StandAloneLineCapable {
_DelimiterToken(String val) : super.withSource(val, null);
apply(MustacheContext ctx, {bool errorOnMissingProperty: false}) =>
bool get rendable => false;
Delimiter get newDelimiter {
List delimiters = value.substring(0, value.length - 1).split(SPACE);
return new Delimiter(delimiters[0], delimiters[1]);
class _PartialToken extends _ExpressionToken implements StandAloneLineCapable {
final Function partial;
_PartialToken(this.partial, String val) : super.withSource(val, null);
apply(MustacheContext ctx, {bool errorOnMissingProperty: false}) {
if (partial != null) {
var partialTemplate = partial(value);
if (partialTemplate != null) {
return render(partialTemplate, ctx, partial: partial, ident: _ident);
String get _ident {
StringBuffer ident = new StringBuffer();
Token p = this.prev;
while (p.value == SPACE) {
p = p.prev;
if (p.value == NL || p.value == EMPTY_STRING) {
return ident.toString();
} else {
bool get rendable => true;
class _CommentToken extends _ExpressionToken implements StandAloneLineCapable {
_CommentToken() : super.withSource(EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_STRING);
apply(MustacheContext ctx, {bool errorOnMissingProperty: false}) =>
String toString() => "_CommentsToken()";
class _EscapeHtmlToken extends _ExpressionToken {
_EscapeHtmlToken(String val, String source) : super.withSource(val, source);
apply(MustacheContext ctx, {bool errorOnMissingProperty: false}) {
var val = super.apply(ctx);
if (!(val is String)) {
throw new Exception(
"Computed value ($val) is not a string. Can not apply it");
return val
.replaceAll("&", "&")
.replaceAll("<", "&lt;")
.replaceAll(">", "&gt;")
.replaceAll('"', "&quot;")
.replaceAll("'", "&apos;");
String toString() => "EscapeHtmlToken($value)";
class _StartSectionToken extends _ExpressionToken
implements StandAloneLineCapable {
final Delimiter delimiter;
_EndSectionToken endSection;
_StartSectionToken(String val, this.delimiter) : super.withSource(val, null);
//Override the next getter
Token get next =>;
apply(MustacheContext ctx, {bool errorOnMissingProperty: false}) {
var field = ctx.field(value);
//TODO: remove null check by returning a falsey context
if (errorOnMissingProperty && field == null) {
throw "Could not find '$value' property";
if (field == null || field.isFalsey) {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
if (field is Iterable) {
(field as Iterable).forEach((v) {
forEachUntilEndSection((Token t) => str.write(t.apply(v)));
return str.toString();
if (field.isLambda) {
//apply the source to the given function
forEachUntilEndSection((Token t) => str.write(t._source));
//A lambda's return value should be parsed
return render(field.value(str.toString()), ctx, delimiter: delimiter);
//in any other case:
forEachUntilEndSection((Token t) => str.write(t.apply(field)));
return str.toString();
forEachUntilEndSection(void f(Token token)) {
if (f == null) {
throw new Exception('Can not apply a null function!');
Token n =;
while (!identical(n, endSection)) {
n =;
//The token itself is always rendable
bool get rendable => true;
String toString() => "StartSectionToken($value)";
class _EndSectionToken extends _ExpressionToken
implements StandAloneLineCapable {
_EndSectionToken(String val) : super.withSource(val, null);
apply(MustacheContext ctx, {bool errorOnMissingProperty: false}) =>
String toString() => "EndSectionToken($value)";
class _InvertedSectionToken extends _StartSectionToken {
_InvertedSectionToken(String val, Delimiter del) : super(val, del);
apply(MustacheContext ctx, {bool errorOnMissingProperty: false}) {
var field = ctx.field(value);
//TODO: remove null check. Always return a falsey context
if (field == null || field.isFalsey) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
forEachUntilEndSection((Token t) {
var val2 = t.apply(ctx);
return buf.toString();
//else just return an empty string
String toString() => "InvertedSectionToken($value)";