blob: 53441824319154b8950c0c6bbabb5f140afa4b12 [file] [log] [blame]
/// a library. testing string escaping: `var s = 'a string'` <cool>
/// {@category Real Libraries}
library ex;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'src/mylib.dart' show Helper;
import 'package:test_package_imported/main.dart';
export 'dart:core' show deprecated, Deprecated;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show protected, factory;
export 'fake.dart' show Cool;
export 'src/mylib.dart' show Helper;
const String COLOR = 'red';
const String COLOR_GREEN = 'green';
const String COLOR_ORANGE = 'orange';
const String COMPLEX_COLOR = 'red' + '-' + 'green' + '-' + 'blue';
/// top level var <nodoc>
const DO_NOT_DOCUMENT = 'not documented';
/// This is the same name as a top-level const from the fake lib.
const incorrectDocReference = 'same name as const from fake';
/// This should [not work].
const incorrectDocReferenceFromEx = 'doh';
/// A custom annotation.
class aThingToDo {
final String who;
final String what;
const aThingToDo(this.who, this.what);
const ConstantCat MY_CAT = const ConstantCat('tabby');
const List<String> PRETTY_COLORS = const <String>[
int deprecatedField;
double number;
int get deprecatedGetter => null;
void set deprecatedSetter(int value) {}
get y => 2;
int function1(String s, bool b, lastParam) => 5;
T genericFunction<T>(T arg) {
return arg;
typedef String processMessage<T>(String msg);
typedef String ParameterizedTypedef<T>(T msg, int foo);
/// Support class to test inheritance + type expansion from implements clause.
abstract class ParameterizedClass<T> {
AnotherParameterizedClass<T> aInheritedMethod(int foo);
ParameterizedTypedef<T> aInheritedTypedefReturningMethod();
AnotherParameterizedClass<T> aInheritedField;
AnotherParameterizedClass<T> get aInheritedGetter;
ParameterizedClass<T> operator +(ParameterizedClass<T> other);
set aInheritedSetter(AnotherParameterizedClass<T> thingToSet);
class AnotherParameterizedClass<B> {}
/// Class for testing expansion of type from implements clause.
abstract class TemplatedInterface<A> implements ParameterizedClass<List<int>> {
AnotherParameterizedClass<List<int>> aMethodInterface(A value);
ParameterizedTypedef<List<String>> aTypedefReturningMethodInterface();
AnotherParameterizedClass<Stream<List<int>>> aField;
AnotherParameterizedClass<Map<A, List<String>>> get aGetter;
set aSetter(AnotherParameterizedClass<List<bool>> thingToSet);
class TemplatedClass<X> {
int aMethod(X input) {
return 5;
class ShortName {
final String aParameter;
const ShortName(this.aParameter);
class ExtendedShortName extends ShortName {
const ExtendedShortName(String aParameter) : super(aParameter);
/// Referencing [processMessage] (or other things) here should not break
/// enum constants ala #1445
enum Animal {
/// Single line docs.
/// Multi line docs.
/// [Dog] needs lots of docs.
* Sample class [String]
* <pre>
* A
* B
* </pre>
class Apple {
static const int n = 5;
static String string = 'hello';
String _s2;
/// The read-write field `m`.
int m = 0;
/// <nodoc> no docs
int notDocumented;
factory Apple.fromString(String s) {
return new Apple._internal(s);
/// Apple docs for whataclass
void whataclass(List<Whataclass<bool>> list) {}
* The getter for `s`
String get s => _s2;
* The setter for `s`
void set s(String something) {
_s2 = something;
operator *(Apple other) => this;
bool isGreaterThan(int number, {int check: 5}) {
return number > check;
/// This is a method.
/// new Apple().m1();
void m1() {}
void methodWithTypedefParam(processMessage p) {}
* <nodoc> method not documented
void notAPublicMethod() {}
void paramFromExportLib(Helper helper) {}
void printMsg(String msg, [bool linebreak]) {}
* fieldWithTypedef docs here
final ParameterizedTypedef<bool> fieldWithTypedef;
class WithGeneric<T> {
T prop;
class WithGenericSub extends WithGeneric<Apple> {
WithGenericSub(Apple prop) : super(prop);
/// Extends class [Apple], use [new Apple] or [new Apple.fromString]
/// <pre>
/// B extends A
/// B implements C
/// </pre>
class B extends Apple with Cat {
* The default value is `false` (compression disabled).
* To enable, set `autoCompress` to `true`.
bool autoCompress;
* A list of Strings
List<String> list;
bool get isImplemented => false;
String get s => "123";
Future doNothing() async {}
void m1() {
var a = 6;
var b = a * 9;
b * 2;
void writeMsg(String msg, [String transformMsg(String origMsg, bool flag)]) {
// do nothing
void abstractMethod() {}
// Do NOT add a doc comment to C. Testing blank comments.
abstract class Cat {
bool get isImplemented;
void abstractMethod();
class CatString extends StringBuffer {}
class ConstantCat implements Cat {
final String name;
const ConstantCat(;
bool get isImplemented => true;
void abstractMethod() {
// do nothing
/// implements [Cat], [E]
/// {@example dog/food}
/// {@example dog/food.txt region=meat}
/// {@example test.dart region=template lang=html}
/// {@example test.dart region=}
/// {@example test.dart region= lang=}
class Dog implements Cat, E {
String name;
int deprecatedField;
final int aFinalField;
static const String aStaticConstField = "A Constant Dog";
/// Verify link substitution in constants (#1535)
static const ShortName aName = const ExtendedShortName("hello there");
final int aProtectedFinalField;
Dog() {
int get deprecatedGetter => null;
void set deprecatedSetter(int value) {}
bool get isImplemented => true;
int get aGetterReturningRandomThings => (new Random()).nextInt(50);
operator ==(other) => other is Dog && name ==;
foo() async => 42;
List<Apple> getClassA() {
return [new Apple()];
@Deprecated('before v27.3')
List<Dog> getAnotherClassD() {
return [new Dog()];
/// A tasty static + final property.
static final int somethingTasty;
static int __staticbacker = 0;
static int get staticGetterSetter => __staticbacker;
static int set staticGetterSetter(x) {
__staticbacker = x;
/// Macro method
/// {@template foo}
/// Foo macro content
/// {@endtemplate}
/// More docs
void withMacro() {}
/// {@macro foo}
void withMacro2() {}
/// {@template private}
/// Private macro content
/// {@endtemplate}
void _macroDefinedPrivately() {}
/// Use a privately defined macro: {@macro private}
void withPrivateMacro() {}
/// Don't define this: {@macro ThatDoesNotExist}
void withUndefinedMacro() {}
/// YouTube video method
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// More docs
void withYouTubeWatchUrl() {}
/// YouTube video in one line doc {@youtube 100 100}
/// This tests to see that we do the right thing if the animation is in
/// the one line doc above.
void withYouTubeInOneLineDoc() {}
/// YouTube video inline in text.
/// Tests to see that an inline {@youtube 100 100} works as expected.
void withYouTubeInline() {}
/// Animation method
/// {@animation 100 100 http://host/path/to/video.mp4}
/// More docs
void withAnimation() {}
/// Animation method with name
/// {@animation 100 100 http://host/path/to/video.mp4 id=namedAnimation}
/// More docs
void withNamedAnimation() {}
/// Animation method with quoted name
/// {@animation 100 100 http://host/path/to/video.mp4 id="quotedNamedAnimation"}
/// {@animation 100 100 http://host/path/to/video.mp4 id='quotedNamedAnimation2'}
/// More docs
void withQuotedNamedAnimation() {}
/// Deprecated animation method format.
/// {@animation deprecatedAnimation 100 100 http://host/path/to/video.mp4}
/// More docs
void withDeprecatedAnimation() {}
/// Animation in one line doc {@animation 100 100 http://host/path/to/video.mp4}
/// This tests to see that we do the right thing if the animation is in
/// the one line doc above.
void withAnimationInOneLineDoc() {}
/// Animation inline in text.
/// Tests to see that an inline {@animation 100 100 http://host/path/to/video.mp4} works as expected.
void withAnimationInline() {}
/// Animation with out-of-order id argument.
/// Tests to see that out of order arguments work.
/// {@animation 100 100 id=outOfOrder http://host/path/to/video.mp4}
/// works as expected.
void withAnimationOutOfOrder() {}
void testGeneric(Map<String, dynamic> args) {}
void testMethod(Iterable it) {}
T testGenericMethod<T>(T arg) {
return arg;
@Deprecated("Internal use")
static Dog createDog(String s) {
return new Dog.deprecatedCreate(s);
void abstractMethod() {}
abstract class E {}
class F<T extends String> extends Dog with _PrivateAbstractClass {
void methodWithGenericParam([List<Apple> msgs]) {}
class ForAnnotation {
final String value;
const ForAnnotation(this.value);
@ForAnnotation('my value')
class HasAnnotation {}
/// A class
class Klass {
/// Another method
another() {}
/// A method
method() {}
/// A protected method
imProtected() {}
/// Not really a factory, but...
imAFactoryNoReally() {}
/// A shadowed method
toString() {}
/// A method with a custom annotation
@aThingToDo('from', 'thing')
anotherMethod() {}
class MyError extends Error {}
class MyErrorImplements implements Error {
StackTrace get stackTrace => null;
class MyException implements Exception {}
class MyExceptionImplements implements Exception {}
class PublicClassExtendsPrivateClass extends _PrivateAbstractClass {}
class PublicClassImplementsPrivateInterface implements _PrivateInterface {
void test() {}
/// Foo bar.
/// 3. All references should be hyperlinks. [MyError] and
/// [ShapeType] and [MyError] and [MyException] and
/// [MyError] and [MyException] and
/// [List<int>] foo bar.
class ShapeType extends _RetainedEnum {
static const ShapeType rect = const ShapeType._internal("Rect");
static const ShapeType ellipse = const ShapeType._internal("Ellipse");
const ShapeType._internal(String name) : super(name);
/// For testing a class that extends a class
/// that has some operators
class SpecializedDuration extends Duration {}
* class <nodoc>
class unDocumented {
String s;
/// @nodoc
class unDocumented2 {
String s;
abstract class _PrivateAbstractClass {
void test() {
print("Hello World");
abstract class _PrivateInterface {
void test();
class _RetainedEnum {
final String name;
const _RetainedEnum(;
String toString() => name;
/// Someone might do this some day.
typedef aComplexTypedef<A1, A2, A3> = void Function(A1, A2, A3) Function(
A3, String);
/// This class has a complicated type situation.
abstract class TypedFunctionsWithoutTypedefs {
/// Returns a function that returns a void with some generic types sprinkled in.
void Function(T1, T2) getAFunctionReturningVoid<T1, T2>(
void callback(T1 argument1, T2 argument2));
/// This helps us make sure we get both the empty and the non-empty
/// case right for anonymous functions.
bool Function<T4>(String, T1, T4) getAFunctionReturningBool<T1, T2, T3>();
/// Returns a complex typedef that includes some anonymous typed functions.
aComplexTypedef getAComplexTypedef<A4, A5, A6>();
abstract class ToolUser {
/// Invokes a tool.
/// {@tool drill --file="$INPUT" --source="$(SOURCE_PATH)_$(SOURCE_LINE)_$SOURCE_COLUMN" --package-path=$PACKAGE_PATH --package-name=$PACKAGE_NAME --library-name=$LIBRARY_NAME --element-name=$(ELEMENT_NAME) --special=" |\[]!@#\"'$%^&*()_+"}
/// Yes it is a [Dog]!
/// Ok, fine it isn't.
/// {@end-tool}
void invokeTool();
/// Invokes a tool without the $INPUT token or args.
/// {@tool drill}
/// This text should not appear in the output, even if it references [Dog].
/// {@end-tool}
void invokeToolNoInput();
/// Invokes more than one tool in the same comment block.
/// {@tool drill --file=$INPUT}
/// This text should appear in the output.
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool drill --file=$INPUT}
/// This text should also appear in the output.
/// {@end-tool}
void invokeToolMultipleSections();
abstract class HtmlInjection {
/// Injects some HTML.
/// {@inject-html}
/// <div style="opacity: 0.5;">[HtmlInjection]</div>
/// {@end-inject-html}
void injectSimpleHtml();
/// Invokes more than one tool in the same comment block, and injects HTML.
/// {@tool drill --file=$INPUT --html}
/// This text should appear in the output.
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool drill --file=$INPUT --html}
/// This text should also appear in the output.
/// {@end-tool}
void injectHtmlFromTool();