tree: 4304e8de5cf00900ac4970a4850461ecf1865a0d [path history] [tgz]
  1. end2end/
  2. mustachio/
  3. render/
  4. src/
  5. templates/
  6. dartdoc_options_test.dart
  7. documentation_comment_test.dart
  8. grind_test.dart
  9. html_generator_test.dart
  10. io_utils_test.dart
  11. library_test.dart
  12. markdown_processor_test.dart
  13. model_utils_test.dart
  14. package_meta_test.dart
  15. package_test.dart
  16. quiver_test.dart
  18. resource_loader_test.dart
  19. source_linker_test.dart
  20. template_test.dart
  21. tool_runner_test.dart
  22. utils_test.dart
  23. warnings_test.dart


Most of dartdoc's tests are large end-to-end tests which read real files in real packages, in the testing/ directory. Unit tests exist in test/unit/.

Many of the end-to-end test cases should be rewritten as unit tests.

At some point, the distinction should flip, such that unit tests are generally located in test/, and end-to-end tests are found in a specific directory, or in files whose names signify the distinction.