blob: d35825e83e45e639c152609d468b689b8b0c6506 [file] [log] [blame]
library base_class;
/// Abstract class Constraints
/// * The [debugAssertIsValid] method, which should assert if there's anything
/// wrong with the constraints object. (We use this approach rather than
/// asserting in constructors so that our constructors can be `const` and so
/// that it is possible to create invalid constraints temporarily while
/// building valid ones.) See the implementation of
/// [BoxConstraints.debugAssertIsValid] for an example of the detailed checks
/// that can be made.
abstract class Constraints {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const Constraints();
/// Method is overriden in implementations.
bool debugAssertIsValid() {
return true;