blob: 3c99b3aaf58c22eecd23ba12968276515222d6c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This is a helper library to make working with io easier.
library dartdoc.io_utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathLib;
/// Return a resolved path including the home directory in place of tilde
/// references.
String resolveTildePath(String originalPath) {
if (originalPath == null || !originalPath.startsWith('~/')) {
return originalPath;
String homeDir;
if (Platform.isWindows) {
homeDir = pathLib.absolute(Platform.environment['USERPROFILE']);
} else {
homeDir = pathLib.absolute(Platform.environment['HOME']);
return pathLib.join(homeDir, originalPath.substring(2));
/// Lists the contents of [dir].
/// If [recursive] is `true`, lists subdirectory contents (defaults to `false`).
/// Excludes files and directories beginning with `.`
/// The returned paths are guaranteed to begin with [dir].
Iterable<String> listDir(String dir,
{bool recursive: false,
Iterable<FileSystemEntity> listDir(Directory dir)}) {
if (listDir == null) listDir = (Directory dir) => dir.listSync();
return _doList(dir, new Set<String>(), recursive, listDir);
Iterable<String> _doList(String dir, Set<String> listedDirectories,
bool recurse, Iterable<FileSystemEntity> listDir(Directory dir)) sync* {
// Avoid recursive symlinks.
var resolvedPath = new Directory(dir).resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
if (!listedDirectories.contains(resolvedPath)) {
listedDirectories = new Set<String>.from(listedDirectories);
for (var entity in listDir(new Directory(dir))) {
// Skip hidden files and directories
if (pathLib.basename(entity.path).startsWith('.')) {
yield entity.path;
if (entity is Directory) {
if (recurse) {
yield* _doList(entity.path, listedDirectories, recurse, listDir);
/// Converts `.` and `:` into `-`, adding a ".html" extension.
/// For example:
/// * dart.dartdoc => dart_dartdoc.html
/// * dart:core => dart_core.html
String getFileNameFor(String name) =>
'${name.replaceAll(libraryNameRegexp, '-')}.html';
final libraryNameRegexp = new RegExp('[.:]');
final partOfRegexp = new RegExp('part of ');
final newLinePartOfRegexp = new RegExp('\npart of ');
/// Best used with Future<void>.
class MultiFutureTracker<T> {
/// Approximate maximum number of simultaneous active Futures.
final int parallel;
final Set<Future<T>> _trackedFutures = new Set();
/// Wait until fewer or equal to this many Futures are outstanding.
Future<void> _waitUntil(int max) async {
while (_trackedFutures.length > max) {
await Future.any(_trackedFutures);
/// Generates a [Future] from the given closure and adds it to the queue,
/// once the queue is sufficiently empty. The returned future completes
/// when the generated [Future] has been added to the queue.
Future<void> addFutureFromClosure(Future<T> Function() closure) async {
while (_trackedFutures.length > parallel - 1) {
await Future.any(_trackedFutures);
Future future = closure();
// ignore: unawaited_futures
future.then((f) => _trackedFutures.remove(future));
/// Wait until all futures added so far have completed.
Future<void> wait() async => await _waitUntil(0);