| 40 columns | |
| >>> start at beginning |
| ‹123›45; |
| <<< |
| ‹123›45; |
| >>> start at end |
| 12345;‹› |
| <<< |
| 12345;‹› |
| >>> zero length |
| 123‹›45; |
| <<< |
| 123‹›45; |
| >>> length at end |
| 12‹345;› |
| <<< |
| 12‹345;› |
| >>> unchanged |
| f‹oo(a, b›, c); |
| <<< |
| f‹oo(a, b›, c); |
| >>> includes added whitespace |
| a+f‹irst+se›cond; |
| <<< |
| a + f‹irst + se›cond; |
| >>> inside comment |
| foo( /* ‹ */ bar/*›*/); |
| <<< |
| foo(/* ‹ */ bar /*›*/); |
| >>> in beginning of multi-line string literal |
| """f‹irs›t |
| second"""; |
| <<< |
| """f‹irs›t |
| second"""; |
| >>> in middle of multi-line string literal |
| """first |
| se‹cond |
| thi›rd |
| fourth"""; |
| <<< |
| """first |
| se‹cond |
| thi›rd |
| fourth"""; |
| >>> in end of multi-line string literal |
| """first |
| sec‹ond""" ;› |
| <<< |
| """first |
| sec‹ond""";› |
| >>> in string interpolation |
| foo( "$fi‹rst", "$sec›ond" ); |
| <<< |
| foo("$fi‹rst", "$sec›ond"); |
| >>> in moved comment |
| someMethod(argument /* long com‹ment that wraps */, other /* last com›ment */); |
| <<< |
| someMethod( |
| argument /* long com‹ment that wraps */, |
| other /* last com›ment */); |
| >>> before comments |
| 1 ‹ /* */ + › /* */ 2; |
| <<< |
| 1 ‹/* */ +› /* */ 2; |
| >>> after comments |
| 1/* */ ‹ +/* */ › 2; |
| <<< |
| 1 /* */ ‹+ /* */› 2; |
| >>> between adjacent comments |
| 1/* */ ‹ /* */ › /* */ + 2; |
| <<< |
| 1 /* */ ‹/* */› /* */ + 2; |
| >>> only whitespace in zero space selected |
| foo( ‹ › argument); |
| <<< |
| foo(‹›argument); |
| >>> only whitespace in space selected |
| foo(argument, ‹ › argument); |
| <<< |
| foo(argument, ‹›argument); |