blob: 3d784de1aca3aff4d04b9bca17d68c0c905d2f1e [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
typedef void A();
typedef A = void Function();
typedef void A(String name);
typedef A = void Function(String name);
typedef bool A(int count);
typedef A = bool Function(int count);
typedef void A<T>();
typedef A<T> = void Function();
typedef void A<T>(T x);
typedef A<T> = void Function(T x);
typedef void A<T>(x);
typedef A<T> = void Function(dynamic x);
typedef V A<K, V>();
typedef A<K, V> = V Function();
typedef V A<K, V>(K key);
typedef A<K, V> = V Function(K key);
typedef K A<K, V>(V value);
typedef A<K, V> = K Function(V value);
typedef F<T> = void Function(T);
typedef F<T> = void Function(T);
@meta typedef void X(y);
typedef X = void Function(dynamic y);
>>> split type parameters
typedef G = T Function<TypeOne, TypeTwo, TypeThree>();
typedef G = T Function<TypeOne, TypeTwo,
>>> split all type parameters
typedef G = T Function<TypeOne, TypeTwo, TypeThree, TypeFour, TypeFive, TypeSix>();
typedef G = T Function<
>>> split type and value parameters
typedef G = T Function<TypeOne, TypeTwo, TypeThree>(TypeOne one, TypeTwo two, TypeThree three);
typedef G = T Function<TypeOne, TypeTwo,
TypeThree>(TypeOne one,
TypeTwo two, TypeThree three);
>>> generic typedef parameters on one line
typedef Foo<T, S> = Function();
typedef Foo<T, S> = Function();
>>> generic typedef parameters that split
typedef LongfunctionType<First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth> = Function(First first, Second second, Third third, Fourth fourth);
typedef LongfunctionType<First, Second,
Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth>
= Function(
First first,
Second second,
Third third,
Fourth fourth);
>>> both type parameter lists split
typedef LongfunctionType<First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth> = Function<Seventh>(First first, Second second, Third third, Fourth fourth);
typedef LongfunctionType<First, Second,
Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth>
= Function<Seventh>(
First first,
Second second,
Third third,
Fourth fourth);
>>> all three parameter lists split
typedef LongfunctionType<First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth> = Function<Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth>(First first, Second second, Third third, Fourth fourth);
typedef LongfunctionType<First, Second,
Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth>
= Function<
First first,
Second second,
Third third,
Fourth fourth);
>>> old generic typedef syntax
typedef Foo < T ,S >(T t,S s);
typedef Foo<T, S> = Function(T t, S s);
>>> non-generic in typedef
typedef SomeFunc=ReturnType Function(int param, double other);
typedef SomeFunc = ReturnType Function(
int param, double other);
>>> generic in typedef
typedef Generic = T Function<T>(T param, double other);
typedef Generic = T Function<T>(
T param, double other);
>>> no return type
typedef SomeFunc = Function();
typedef SomeFunc = Function();
>>> nested
typedef SomeFunc = Function(int first, Function(int first, bool second, String third) second, String third);
typedef SomeFunc = Function(
int first,
Function(int first, bool second,
String third)
String third);
>>> without param names
typedef F = Function(int, bool, String);
typedef F = Function(int, bool, String);
>>> generic
typedef Foo < A ,B>=Function ( A a, B b );
typedef Foo<A, B> = Function(A a, B b);
>>> generic function
typedef Foo =Function < A ,B > ( A a,B b );
typedef Foo = Function<A, B>(A a, B b);
>>> simple typedef
typedef int Foo(int x);
typedef Foo = int Function(int x);
>>> generic typedef
typedef S Foo<S extends num>(S x);
typedef Foo<S extends num> = S Function(
S x);
>>> named argument
typedef int Foo({x});
typedef Foo = int Function({dynamic x});
>>> optional positional argument
typedef int Foo([x]);
typedef Foo = int Function([dynamic x]);
>>> metadata and keywords
typedef int Foo(@meta v1, final v2, var v3, /*c*/ v4);
typedef Foo = int Function(
@meta dynamic v1,
final dynamic v2,
dynamic v3,
/*c*/ dynamic v4);
>>> metadata and keywords optional positional
typedef int Foo([@meta v1, final v2, var v3, /*c*/ v4]);
typedef Foo = int Function(
[@meta dynamic v1,
final dynamic v2,
dynamic v3,
/*c*/ dynamic v4]);
>>> metadata and keywords named
typedef int Foo({@meta v1, final v2, var v3, /*c*/ v4});
typedef Foo = int Function(
{@meta dynamic v1,
final dynamic v2,
dynamic v3,
/*c*/ dynamic v4});
>>> function argument
typedef int Foo(int callback(int x));
typedef Foo = int Function(
int Function(int x) callback);
>>> nested Function type
typedef int Foo(int cb(int Function(int) cb2));
typedef Foo = int Function(
int Function(int Function(int) cb2)
>>> nested generic function
typedef T Foo<T>(T cb<S>(T cb2(S x)));
typedef Foo<T> = T Function(
T Function<S>(T Function(S x) cb2)
>>> new-style function type unchanged
typedef int Foo(int Function(int) cb);
typedef Foo = int Function(
int Function(int) cb);
>>> don't change correct typedef
typedef Foo = int Function(int);
typedef Foo = int Function(int);
>>> simple typedef, no types
typedef Foo(x);
typedef Foo = Function(dynamic x);
>>> nested function types, no types
typedef Foo(foo(x));
typedef Foo = Function(
Function(dynamic x) foo);
>>> block comments in typedef
typedef /*1*/ Foo /*2*/ <T>
= /*0*/ void Function /*3*/ (
/*4*/ T Function(
/*6*/ dynamic x) /*5*/
>>> eol comments in typedef
typedef //1
Foo //2
= //0
void Function //3
T Function(
dynamic x) //5
>>> nullable old style function-typed formal
typedef Foo(foo()?);
typedef Foo = Function(Function()? foo);
>>> required parameters
typedef Foo({required a, required b()});
typedef Foo = Function(
{required dynamic a,
required Function() b});
>>> issue #826
typedef void MyFunction(var parameter);
typedef MyFunction = void Function(
dynamic parameter);
>>> issue #826 with comment
typedef void MyFunction(/* comment */ var parameter);
typedef MyFunction = void Function(
/* comment */ dynamic parameter);