blob: d30c2f3b58006d0fcec61275225c51b1ff8ac6fe [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> Unsplit mixed.
true || false && true || false && false;
>>> If any `&&` operator splits, they all do.
operand1 && operand2 && operand3 && operand4;
operand1 &&
operand2 &&
operand3 &&
>>> If any `||` operator splits, they all do.
operand1 || operand2 || operand3 || operand4;
operand1 ||
operand2 ||
operand3 ||
>>> Prefer to split `||` over `&&`.
operand1 || operand2 && operand3 || operand4;
operand1 ||
operand2 && operand3 ||
operand1 && operand2 || operand3 && operand4;
operand1 && operand2 ||
operand3 && operand4;
>>> Mix `&&` with other binary operators.
operand1 > operand2 && operand3 == operand4 && operand5 + operand6;
operand1 > operand2 &&
operand3 == operand4 &&
operand5 + operand6;
>>> Mix `||` with other binary operators.
operand1 > operand2 || operand3 == operand4 || operand5 + operand6;
operand1 > operand2 ||
operand3 == operand4 ||
operand5 + operand6;