blob: 21ff6e9e3a60505e5b5c8f0ddedbd6d370858dae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import '../back_end/solver.dart';
import '../dart_formatter.dart';
import '../debug.dart' as debug;
import '../piece/piece.dart';
import '../source_code.dart';
import 'comment_writer.dart';
/// Incrementally builds [Piece]s while visiting AST nodes.
/// The nodes in the piece tree don't always map precisely to AST nodes. For
/// example, in:
/// ```
/// a + b;
/// ```
/// The AST structure is like:
/// ```
/// ExpressionStatement
/// BinaryExpression
/// SimpleIdentifier("a")
/// Token("+")
/// SimpleIdentifier("b")
/// ```
/// But the resulting piece tree looks like:
/// ```
/// Infix
/// TextPiece("a +")
/// TextPiece("b;")
/// ```
/// Note how the infix operator is attached to the preceding piece (which
/// happens to just be an identifier but could be a more complex piece if the
/// left operand was a nested expression). Notice also that there is no piece
/// for the expression statement and, instead, the `;` is just appended to the
/// trailing TextPiece which may be deeply nested inside the binary expression.
/// This class implements that "slippage" between the two representations. It
/// has mutable state to allow incrementally building up pieces while traversing
/// the source AST nodes.
/// To visit an AST node and translate it to pieces, call [token()] and
/// [visit()] to process the individual tokens and subnodes of the current
/// node. Those will ultimately bottom out on calls to [write()], which appends
/// literal text to the current [TextPiece] being written.
/// Those [TextPiece]s are aggregated into a tree of composite pieces which
/// break the code into separate sections for line splitting. The main API for
/// composing those pieces is [split()], [give()], and [take()].
/// Here is a simplified example of how they work:
/// ```
/// visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
/// // No split() here. The caller may have code they want to prepend to the
/// // first piece in this one.
/// visit(node.condition);
/// // Call split() because we may want to split between the condition and
/// // then branches and we know there will be a then branch.
/// var conditionPiece = pieces.split();
/// visit(node.thenBranch);
/// // Call take() instead of split() because there may not be an else branch.
/// // If there isn't, then the thenBranch will be the trailing piece created
/// // by this function and we want to allow the caller to append to its
/// // innermost TextPiece.
/// var thenPiece = pieces.take();
/// Piece? elsePiece;
/// if (node.elseBranch case var elseBranch?) {
/// // Call split() here because it turns out we do have something after
/// // the thenPiece and we want to be able to split between the then and
/// // else parts.
/// pieces.split();
/// visit(elseBranch);
/// // Use take() to capture the else branch while allowing the caller to
/// // append more code to it.
/// elsePiece = pieces.take();
/// }
/// // Create a new aggregate piece out of the subpieces and allow the caller
/// // to get it.
/// pieces.give(IfPiece(conditionPiece, thenPiece, elsePiece));
/// }
/// ```
/// The basic rules are:
/// - Use [split()] to insert a point where a line break can occur and
/// capture the piece for the code you've just written. You'll usually call
/// this when you have already traversed some part of an AST node and have
/// more to traverse after it.
/// - Use [take()] to capture the current piece while allowing further code to
/// be appended to it. You'll usually call this to grab the last part of an
/// AST node where there is no more subsequent code.
/// - Use [give()] to return the newly created aggregate piece so that the
/// caller can capture it with a later call to [split()] or [take()].
class PieceWriter {
final DartFormatter _formatter;
final SourceCode _source;
/// The current [TextPiece] being written to or `null` if no text piece has
/// been started yet.
TextPiece? get currentText => _currentText;
TextPiece? _currentText;
/// The most recently given piece, waiting to be taken by some surrounding
/// piece.
Piece? _given;
/// Whether we should write a space before the next text that is written.
bool _pendingSpace = false;
/// Whether we should create a new [TextPiece] the next time text is written.
bool _pendingSplit = false;
/// Whether we have reached a token or comment that lies at or beyond the
/// selection start offset in the original code.
/// Makes sure we insert the start marker in some piece even if it happens to
/// lie between two tokens in the input.
bool _passedSelectionStart = false;
/// Whether we have reached a token or comment that lies at or beyond the
/// selection end offset in the original code.
/// Makes sure we insert the end marker in some piece even if it happens to
/// lie between two tokens in the input.
bool _passedSelectionEnd = false;
/// The character offset of the end of the selection with any trailing
/// whitespace removed.
/// This can only be accessed if there is a selection.
late final int _selectionEnd = _findSelectionEnd();
PieceWriter(this._formatter, this._source);
/// Gives the builder a newly completed [piece], to be taken by a later call
/// to [take()] or [split()] from some surrounding piece.
void give(Piece piece) {
// Any previously given piece should already be taken (and used as a child
// of [piece]).
assert(_given == null);
_given = piece;
/// Yields the most recent piece.
/// If a completed piece was added through a call to [give()], then returns
/// that piece. A specific given piece will only be returned once from either
/// a call to [take()] or [split()].
/// If there is no given piece to return, returns the most recently created
/// [TextPiece]. In this case, it still allows more text to be written to
/// that piece. For example, in:
/// ```
/// a + b;
/// ```
/// The code for the infix expression will call [take()] to capture the second
/// `b` operand. Then the surrounding code for the expression statement will
/// call [token()] for the `;`, which will correctly append it to the
/// [TextPiece] for `b`.
Piece take() {
if (_given case var piece?) {
_given = null;
return piece;
return _currentText!;
/// Takes the most recent piece and begins a new one.
/// Any text written after this will go into a new [TextPiece] instead of
/// being appended to the end of the taken one. Call this wherever a line
/// break may be inserted by a piece during line splitting.
Piece split() {
_pendingSplit = true;
return take();
/// Writes raw [text] to the current innermost [TextPiece]. Starts a new
/// one if needed.
/// If [offset] is given, it should be the number of code points preceding
/// this [text] in the original source code.
void writeText(String text, {int? offset}) {
_write(text, offset: offset);
/// Writes the text of [token] to the current innermost [TextPiece], tracking
/// any selection markers that may appear in it.
void writeToken(Token token) {
_write(token.lexeme, offset: token.offset);
/// Writes a space to the current [TextPiece].
void writeSpace() {
_pendingSpace = true;
/// Writes a mandatory newline from a comment to the current [TextPiece].
void writeNewline() {
/// Write the contents of [comment] to the current innermost [TextPiece],
/// handling any newlines that may appear in it.
/// If [hanging] is `true`, then the comment is appended to the current line
/// even if a call to [split()] has happened. This is used for writing a
/// comment that should be on the end of a line.
void writeComment(SourceComment comment, {bool hanging = false}) {
offset: comment.offset,
containsNewline: comment.containsNewline,
hanging: hanging);
void _write(String text,
{bool containsNewline = false, bool hanging = false, int? offset}) {
var textPiece = _currentText;
// Create a new text piece if we don't have one or we are after a split.
// Ignore the split if the text is deliberately intended to follow the
// current text.
if (textPiece == null || _pendingSplit && !hanging) {
textPiece = _currentText = TextPiece();
} else if (_pendingSpace || hanging) {
// Always write a space before hanging comments.
if (offset != null) {
// If this text contains any of the selection endpoints, note their
// relative locations in the text piece.
if (_findSelectionStartWithin(offset, text.length) case var start?) {
if (_findSelectionEndWithin(offset, text.length) case var end?) {
textPiece.append(text, containsNewline: containsNewline);
_pendingSpace = false;
if (!hanging) _pendingSplit = false;
/// Finishes writing and returns a [SourceCode] containing the final output
/// and updated selection, if any.
SourceCode finish() {
var formatter = Solver(_formatter.pageWidth);
var piece = take();
if (debug.tracePieceBuilder) {
var result = formatter.format(piece);
var outputCode = result.text;
// Be a good citizen, end with a newline.
if (_source.isCompilationUnit) outputCode += _formatter.lineEnding!;
int? selectionStart;
int? selectionLength;
if (_source.selectionStart != null) {
selectionStart = result.selectionStart;
var selectionEnd = result.selectionEnd;
// If we haven't hit the beginning and/or end of the selection yet, they
// must be at the very end of the code.
selectionStart ??= outputCode.length;
selectionEnd ??= outputCode.length;
selectionLength = selectionEnd - selectionStart;
return SourceCode(outputCode,
uri: _source.uri,
isCompilationUnit: _source.isCompilationUnit,
selectionStart: selectionStart,
selectionLength: selectionLength);
/// Returns the number of characters past [position] in the source where the
/// selection start appears if it appears within `position + length`.
/// Returns `null` if the selection start has already been processed or is
/// not within that range.
int? _findSelectionStartWithin(int position, int length) {
// If there is no selection, do nothing.
var absoluteStart = _source.selectionStart;
if (absoluteStart == null) return null;
// If we've already passed it, don't consider it again.
if (_passedSelectionStart) return null;
// Calculate the start position relative to [offset].
var relativeStart = absoluteStart - position;
// If it started in whitespace before this text, push it forward to the
// beginning of the non-whitespace text.
if (relativeStart < 0) relativeStart = 0;
// If we haven't reached it yet, don't consider it. If the start point is
// right at the end of the token, don't consider that as reaching it.
// Instead, we'll reach it on the next token, which will correctly push
// it past any whitespace after this token and move it to the beginning of
// the next one.
if (relativeStart >= length) return null;
// We found it.
_passedSelectionStart = true;
return relativeStart;
/// Returns the number of characters past [position] in the source where the
/// selection endpoint appears if it appears before `position + length`.
/// Returns `null` if the selection endpoint has already been processed or is
/// not within that range.
int? _findSelectionEndWithin(int position, int length) {
// If there is no selection, do nothing.
if (_source.selectionLength == null) return null;
// If we've already passed it, don't consider it again.
if (_passedSelectionEnd) return null;
var relativeEnd = _selectionEnd - position;
// If it started in whitespace before this text, push it forward to the
// beginning of the non-whitespace text.
if (relativeEnd < 0) relativeEnd = 0;
// If we haven't reached the end point yet, don't consider it. Note that,
// unlike [_findSelectionStartWithin], we do consider the end point being
// right at the end of this token to be reaching it. That way, we don't
// push the end point *past* the next span of whitespace and instead pull
// it tight to the end of this text.
if (relativeEnd > length) return null;
// In [_findSelectionStartWithin], if the start marker is between two
// tokens, we push it forward to the next one. In the above statement, we
// push the end marker earlier to the previous token. If the entire
// selection is in whitespace between two tokens, that would cause the
// start and ends to cross. Prevent that and instead push the end marker
// to the beginning of the next token where the start marker will also be
// pushed.
if (relativeEnd == length && _selectionEnd == _source.selectionStart!) {
return null;
// We found it.
_passedSelectionEnd = true;
return relativeEnd;
/// Calculates the character offset in the source text of the end of the
/// selection.
/// Removes any trailing whitespace from the selection. For example, if the
/// original selection markers are:
/// ```
/// function(lotsOfSpac‹eAfter, › andBefore);
/// ```
/// Then this function moves the end marker to:
/// ```
/// function(lotsOfSpac‹eAfter,› andBefore);
/// ```
/// We do this because the formatter itself rewrites whitespace so it's not
/// useful or even meaningful to try to preserve a selection's location within
/// whitespace. Instead, we "rubberband" the end marker forward to the nearest
/// non-whitespace character.
int _findSelectionEnd() {
var end = _source.selectionStart! + _source.selectionLength!;
// If the selection bumps to the end of the source, pin it there.
if (end == _source.text.length) return end;
// Trim off any trailing whitespace.
while (end > _source.selectionStart!) {
// Stop if we hit anything other than space, tab, newline or carriage
// return.
var char = _source.text.codeUnitAt(end - 1);
if (char != 0x20 && char != 0x09 && char != 0x0a && char != 0x0d) {
return end;