blob: c25e98fea51876790f52e46af9f222f29e592fbb [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> force newline before directives
@deprecated library foo;
@deprecated import 'dart:io';
@deprecated export 'dart:io';
library foo;
import 'dart:io';
export 'dart:io';
>>> metadata on part
@foo part "part.dart";
part "part.dart";
>>> metadata on part of
@foo part of bar;
part of bar;
>>> preserve a blank line before the first directive
import 'foo.dart';
import 'bar.dart';
import 'foo.dart';
import 'bar.dart';
>>> force newline before types
@meta class X {}
@meta class Y = X with Z;
@meta typedef void X(y);
class X {}
class Y = X with Z;
typedef void X(y);
>>> force newline before variable declarations
foo() {
@meta var a;
var b;
@a @b
var c;
foo() {
var a;
var b;
var c;
>>> force newline before function
@meta foo() {}
foo() {}
>>> multiple annotations before function get their own line
@meta @another foo() {}
foo() {}
>>> force newline before member
class X {
@meta var _x;
@meta X.y();
@meta factory X(x) => null;
@meta int x() => null;
class X {
var _x;
factory X(x) => null;
int x() => null;
>>> multiple annotations before members get own line
class X {
@meta @another var _x;
@meta @another X.y();
@meta @another factory X(x) => null;
@meta @another int x() => null;
class X {
var _x;
factory X(x) => null;
int x() => null;
>>> collapse newlines between annotations
class A {}
class A {}
>>> multiple top-level annotations always get their own line
@a @b class A {}
class A {}
>>> parameter annotations are inline
param) {}
foo(@a @b param) {}
>>> type parameter annotations are inline
class Foo<
T> {}
class Foo<@a @b T> {}
>>> comment after metadata
@Experimental() // deprecated
typedef void DatabaseCallback(database);
@Experimental() // deprecated
typedef void DatabaseCallback(database);
>>> comment between metadata
@DomName('DatabaseCallback') // deprecated
typedef void DatabaseCallback(database);
'DatabaseCallback') // deprecated
typedef void DatabaseCallback(database);
>>> metadata on top-level variables
var variable;
var variable;
>>> metadata on parameters
main(@foo @bar param) {}
main(@foo @bar param) {}
>>> metadata on initializing formal
class Foo {
Foo(@bar this.field);
class Foo {
Foo(@bar this.field);
>>> metadata on function-typed formal parameter
withReturnType(@foo @bar int fn(@foo param)) {}
withoutReturnType(@foo @bar fn(@foo param)) {}
@foo @bar int fn(@foo param)) {}
@foo @bar fn(@foo param)) {}
>>> metadata on default formal parameter
positional([@foo bar]) {}
named({@foo bar}) {}
positional([@foo bar]) {}
named({@foo bar}) {}
>>> split between metadata and parameter indents
function(@Annotation @VeryLongMetadataAnnotation longParameter) {}
longParameter) {}
>>> unsplit with trailing commas
function(@Annotation longParameter,@Annotation @Other longParameter2,) {}
@Annotation longParameter,
@Annotation @Other longParameter2,
) {}
>>> split with trailing commas
function(@Annotation longParameter,@Annotation @Other @Third longParameter2,) {}
@Annotation longParameter,
) {}
>>> keep "covariant" with parameter
class A { function(@Annotation @VeryLongMetadataAnnotation covariant longParameter) {} }
class A {
covariant longParameter) {}
>>> keep "required" with parameter
class A { function({@Annotation @VeryLongMetadataAnnotation required longParameter}) {} }
class A {
required longParameter}) {}
>>> metadata on function typedef
@foo typedef Fn = Function();
typedef Fn = Function();
>>> single metadata on for-in loop variable
main() {
for ( @a var i in list) {;}
main() {
for (@a var i in list) {
>>> multiple metadata on for-in loop variable
main() {
for ( @a @b var i in list) {;}
main() {
for (@a @b var i in list) {
>>> long metadata on for-in loop variable
main() {
for (@Annotation @VeryLongMetadataAnnotation(1, 2) var i in veryLong.iterator + expression) {;}
main() {
for (@Annotation
@VeryLongMetadataAnnotation(1, 2)
var i in veryLong.iterator +
expression) {
>>> metadata on enum cases
enum Foo { a, @meta b, @meta1 @meta2 c}
enum Foo {
>>> preserve blank line before enum case with metadata
enum Foo { a,
@meta b}
enum Foo {
>>> metadata on mixin
@meta mixin M {}
mixin M {}
>>> metadata on extension
@meta extension A on B {}
extension A on B {}
>>> metadata on late declarations
@meta late int a;
class B {
@meta late int c;
method() {
@meta late int d;
late int a;
class B {
late int c;
method() {
late int d;
>>> on external variable
@meta external var x;
external var x;
>>> on external field
class C {
@meta external static var x;
@meta external var x;
class C {
external static var x;
external var x;
>>> on abstract field
class C {
@meta abstract var x;
class C {
abstract var x;