blob: 5ac592d083f40458869022972c2fab00ccc8acc3 [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> long parameters list, this.field
class Foo {
Foo(this.first, this.second, this.third, this.fourth);
class Foo {
Foo(this.first, this.second,
this.third, this.fourth);
>>> indent parameters more if body is a wrapped =>
method(int firstArgument, int argumentTwo) => "very long body that must wrap";
method(int firstArgument,
int argumentTwo) =>
"very long body that must wrap";
>>> split before "covariant" (skip: published version of analyzer doesn't support 'covariant yet')
class A {
longMethod(covariant parameterNameHere) {}
class A {
covariant parameterNameHere) {}
>>> split before "covariant" with multiple parameters (skip: published version of analyzer doesn't support 'covariant yet')
class A {
longMethod(covariant first, second, covariant int third(parameter), fourth) {}
class A {
covariant first,
covariant int third(parameter),
fourth) {}
>>> never split after "covariant" (at least for now) (skip: published version of analyzer doesn't support 'covariant yet')
class A {
longMethod(covariant int veryLongParameterNameWow) {}
class A {
covariant int veryLongParameterNameWow) {}