blob: 307cd95f7de3139cee8aae18b23c040dbe9d1b46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_style.src.chunk;
import 'debug.dart';
/// Tracks where a selection start or end point may appear in some piece of
/// text.
abstract class Selection {
/// The chunk of text.
String get text;
/// The offset from the beginning of [text] where the selection starts, or
/// `null` if the selection does not start within this chunk.
int get selectionStart => _selectionStart;
int _selectionStart;
/// The offset from the beginning of [text] where the selection ends, or
/// `null` if the selection does not start within this chunk.
int get selectionEnd => _selectionEnd;
int _selectionEnd;
/// Sets [selectionStart] to be [start] characters into [text].
void startSelection(int start) {
_selectionStart = start;
/// Sets [selectionStart] to be [fromEnd] characters from the end of [text].
void startSelectionFromEnd(int fromEnd) {
_selectionStart = text.length - fromEnd;
/// Sets [selectionEnd] to be [end] characters into [text].
void endSelection(int end) {
_selectionEnd = end;
/// Sets [selectionEnd] to be [fromEnd] characters from the end of [text].
void endSelectionFromEnd(int fromEnd) {
_selectionEnd = text.length - fromEnd;
/// A chunk of non-breaking output text terminated by a hard or soft newline.
/// Chunks are created by [LineWriter] and fed into [LineSplitter]. Each
/// contains some text, along with the data needed to tell how the next line
/// should be formatted and how desireable it is to split after the chunk.
/// Line splitting after chunks comes in a few different forms.
/// * A "hard" split is a mandatory newline. The formatted output will contain
/// at least one newline after the chunk's text.
/// * A "soft" split is a discretionary newline. If a line doesn't fit within
/// the page width, one or more soft splits may be turned into newlines to
/// wrap the line to fit within the bounds. If a soft split is not turned
/// into a newline, it may instead appear as a space or zero-length string
/// in the output, depending on [spaceWhenUnsplit].
/// * A "double" split expands to two newlines. In other words, it leaves a
/// blank line in the output. Hard or soft splits may be doubled. This is
/// determined by [isDouble].
/// A split controls the leading spacing of the subsequent line, both
/// block-based [indent] and expression-wrapping-based [nesting].
class Chunk extends Selection {
/// The literal text output for the chunk.
String get text => _text;
String _text;
/// The indentation level of the line following this chunk.
/// Note that this is not a relative indentation *offset*. It's the full
/// indentation. When a chunk is newly created from text, this is `null` to
/// indicate that the chunk has no splitting information yet.
int get indent => _indent;
int _indent = null;
/// The number of levels of expression nesting following this chunk.
/// This is used to determine how much to increase the indentation when a
/// line starts after this chunk. A single statement may be indented multiple
/// times if the splits occur in more deeply nested expressions, for example:
/// // 40 columns |
/// someFunctionName(argument, argument,
/// argument, anotherFunction(argument,
/// argument));
int nesting = -1;
/// Whether or not the chunk occurs inside an expression.
/// Splits within expressions must take into account how deeply nested they
/// are to determine the indentation of subsequent lines. "Statement level"
/// splits that occur between statements or in the top-level of a unit only
/// take the main indent level into account.
bool get isInExpression => nesting != -1;
/// Whether it's valid to add more text to this chunk or not.
/// Chunks are built up by adding text and then "capped off" by having their
/// split information set by calling [handleSplit]. Once the latter has been
/// called, no more text should be added to the chunk since it would appear
/// *before* the split.
bool get canAddText => _indent == null;
/// The [SplitParam] that determines if this chunk is being used as a split
/// or not.
/// Multiple splits may share a [SplitParam] because they are part of the
/// same [Multisplit], in which case they are split or unsplit in unison.
/// This is `null` for hard splits.
SplitParam get param => _param;
SplitParam _param;
/// Whether this chunk is always followed by a newline or whether the line
/// splitter may choose to keep the next chunk on the same line.
bool get isHardSplit => _indent != null && _param == null;
/// Whether this chunk may cause a newline depending on line splitting.
bool get isSoftSplit => _indent != null && _param != null;
/// `true` if an extra blank line should be output after this chunk if it's
/// split.
bool get isDouble => _isDouble;
bool _isDouble = false;
/// Whether this chunk should append an extra space if it's a soft split and
/// is left unsplit.
/// This is `true`, for example, in a chunk that ends with a ",".
bool get spaceWhenUnsplit => _spaceWhenUnsplit;
bool _spaceWhenUnsplit = false;
/// Creates a new chunk starting with [_text].
/// Discard the split for the chunk and put it back into the state where more
/// text can be appended.
void allowText() {
_indent = null;
/// Append [text] to the end of the split's text.
void appendText(String text) {
_text += text;
/// Forces this soft split to become a hard split.
/// This is called on the soft splits of a [Multisplit] when it ends up
/// containing some other hard split.
void harden() {
assert(_param != null);
_param = null;
/// Finishes off this chunk with the given split information.
/// This may be called multiple times on the same split since the splits
/// produced by walking the source and the splits coming from comments and
/// preserved whitespace often overlap. When that happens, this has logic to
/// combine that information into a single split.
void applySplit(int indent, int nesting, SplitParam param,
{bool spaceWhenUnsplit, bool isDouble}) {
if (spaceWhenUnsplit == null) spaceWhenUnsplit = false;
if (isDouble == null) isDouble = false;
if (isHardSplit || param == null) {
// A hard split always wins.
_param = null;
} else if (_indent == null) {
// If the chunk hasn't been initialized yet, just inherit the param.
_param = param;
// Last newline settings win.
_indent = indent;
this.nesting = nesting;
_spaceWhenUnsplit = spaceWhenUnsplit;
// Preserve a blank line.
_isDouble = _isDouble || isDouble;
String toString() {
var parts = [];
if (text.isNotEmpty) parts.add("${Color.bold}$text${Color.none}");
if (_indent != 0 && _indent != null) parts.add("indent:$_indent");
if (nesting != -1) parts.add("nest:$nesting");
if (spaceWhenUnsplit) parts.add("space");
if (_isDouble) parts.add("double");
if (_indent == null) {
parts.add("(no split info)");
} else if (isHardSplit) {
} else {
var param = "p$_param";
if (_param.cost != Cost.normal) param += " \$${_param.cost}";
if (_param.implies.isNotEmpty) {
var impliedIds =
(param) => "p${}").join(" ");
param += " -> $impliedIds";
return parts.join(" ");
/// Constants for the cost heuristics used to determine which set of splits is
/// most desirable.
class Cost {
/// The smallest cost.
/// This isn't zero because we want to ensure all splitting has *some* cost,
/// otherwise, the formatter won't try to keep things on one line at all.
/// Almost all splits and spans use this. Greater costs tend to come from a
/// greater number of nested spans.
static const normal = 1;
/// Splitting after a "=" both for assignment and initialization.
static const assignment = 2;
/// Splitting before the first argument when it happens to be a function
/// expression with a block body.
static const firstBlockArgument = 2;
/// The series of positional arguments.
static const positionalArguments = 2;
/// Splitting inside the brackets of a list with only one element.
static const singleElementList = 2;
/// The cost of a single character that goes past the page limit.
/// This cost is high to ensure any solution that fits in the page is
/// preferred over one that does not.
static const overflowChar = 1000;
/// Controls whether or not one or more soft split [Chunk]s are split.
/// When [LineSplitter] tries to split a line to fit within its page width, it
/// does so by trying different combinations of parameters to see which set of
/// active ones yields the best result.
class SplitParam {
static int _nextId = 0;
/// A semi-unique numeric indentifier for the param.
/// This is useful for debugging and also speeds up using the param in hash
/// sets. Ids are *semi*-unique because they may wrap around in long running
/// processes. Since params are equal based on their identity, this is
/// innocuous and prevents ids from growing without bound.
final int id = _nextId = (_nextId + 1) & 0x0fffffff;
/// The cost of this param when split.
final int cost;
/// The other [SplitParam]s that are "implied" by this one.
/// Implication means that if the splitter chooses to split this param, it
/// must also split all of its implied ones (transitively). Implication is
/// one-way. If A implies B, it's fine to split B without splitting A.
final implies = <SplitParam>[];
/// Creates a new [SplitParam].
SplitParam([int cost])
: cost = cost != null ? cost : Cost.normal;
String toString() => "$id";
int get hashCode => id.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) => identical(this, other);
/// Delimits a range of chunks that must end up on the same line to avoid an
/// additional cost.
/// These are used to encourage the line splitter to try to keep things
/// together, like parameter lists and binary operator expressions.
class Span {
/// Index of the first chunk contained in this span.
int get start => _start;
int _start;
/// Index of the last chunk contained in this span.
int get end => _end;
int _end;
/// The cost applied when the span is split across multiple lines or `null`
/// if the span is for a multisplit.
final int cost;
Span(this._start, this.cost);
/// Marks this span as ending at [end].
void close(int end) {
assert(_end == null);
_end = end;
String toString() {
var result = "Span($start";
if (end != null) {
result += " - $end";
} else {
result += "...";
if (cost != null) result += " \$$cost";
return result + ")";
/// Shifts the indexes of the chunk down by [offset].
/// This is used when a prefix of the chunk list gets pulled off by the
/// [LineWriter] after it gets formatted as a line. The remaining spans need
/// to have their indices shifted to account for the removed chunks.
/// Returns `true` if the span has shifted all the way off the front and
/// should just be discarded.
bool shift(int offset) {
if (end != null && end < offset) return true;
_start -= offset;
if (_end != null) _end -= offset;
return false;
/// A comment in the source, with a bit of information about the surrounding
/// whitespace.
class SourceComment extends Selection {
/// The text of the comment, including `//`, `/*`, and `*/`.
final String text;
/// The number of newlines between the comment or token preceding this comment
/// and the beginning of this one.
/// Will be zero if the comment is a trailing one.
final int linesBefore;
/// Whether this comment is a line comment.
final bool isLineComment;
/// Whether this comment starts at column one in the source.
/// Comments that start at the start of the line will not be indented in the
/// output. This way, commented out chunks of code do not get erroneously
/// re-indented.
final bool isStartOfLine;
SourceComment(this.text, this.linesBefore,
{this.isLineComment, this.isStartOfLine});