blob: b84924e66072091a511f41a043e4f1823ea8ca13 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/src/debug.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
// Enable debugging so you can see some of the formatter's internal state.
// Normal users do not do this.
debugFormatter = true;
useAnsiColors = true;
formatStmt("sendPort.send({'type': 'error', 'error': 'oops'});");
formatUnit("class Foo{}");
void formatStmt(String source, [int pageWidth = 40]) {
runFormatter(source, pageWidth, isCompilationUnit: false);
void formatUnit(String source, [int pageWidth = 40]) {
runFormatter(source, pageWidth, isCompilationUnit: true);
void runFormatter(String source, int pageWidth, {bool isCompilationUnit}) {
try {
var formatter = new DartFormatter(pageWidth: pageWidth);
var result;
if (isCompilationUnit) {
result = formatter.format(source);
} else {
result = formatter.formatStatement(source);
if (useAnsiColors) {
result = result.replaceAll(
" ", "${Color.gray}$unicodeMidDot${Color.none}");
drawRuler("before", pageWidth);
drawRuler("after", pageWidth);
} on FormatterException catch (error) {
void drawRuler(String label, int width) {
var padding = " " * (width - label.length - 1);