blob: ba66c087dc2e459a7983ae9125140fbfd6f46cf5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/src/debug.dart' as debug;
import 'package:dart_style/src/testing/test_file.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
// Enable debugging so you can see some of the formatter's internal state.
// Normal users do not do this.
debug.traceChunkBuilder = true;
debug.traceLineWriter = true;
debug.traceSplitter = true;
debug.useAnsiColors = true;
debug.tracePieceBuilder = true;
debug.traceSolver = true;
1 + 2;
class C {}
_runTest('selection/selection.stmt', 2);
void _formatStmt(String source, {bool tall = true, int pageWidth = 40}) {
_runFormatter(source, pageWidth, tall: tall, isCompilationUnit: false);
void _formatUnit(String source, {bool tall = true, int pageWidth = 40}) {
_runFormatter(source, pageWidth, tall: tall, isCompilationUnit: true);
void _runFormatter(String source, int pageWidth,
{required bool tall, required bool isCompilationUnit}) {
try {
var formatter = DartFormatter(
pageWidth: pageWidth,
experimentFlags: [if (tall) tallStyleExperimentFlag]);
String result;
if (isCompilationUnit) {
result = formatter.format(source);
} else {
result = formatter.formatStatement(source);
_drawRuler('before', pageWidth);
_drawRuler('after', pageWidth);
} on FormatterException catch (error) {
void _drawRuler(String label, int width) {
var padding = ' ' * (width - label.length - 1);
/// Runs the formatter test starting on [line] at [path] inside the "test"
/// directory.
Future<void> _runTest(String path, int line,
{int pageWidth = 40, bool tall = true}) async {
var testFile = await;
var formatTest = testFile.tests.firstWhere((test) => test.line == line);
var formatter = DartFormatter(
pageWidth: testFile.pageWidth,
indent: formatTest.leadingIndent,
fixes: formatTest.fixes,
experimentFlags: tall
? const ['inline-class', tallStyleExperimentFlag]
: const ['inline-class']);
var actual = formatter.formatSource(formatTest.input);
// The test files always put a newline at the end of the expectation.
// Statements from the formatter (correctly) don't have that, so add
// one to line up with the expected result.
var actualText = actual.textWithSelectionMarkers;
if (!testFile.isCompilationUnit) actualText += '\n';
var expectedText = formatTest.output.textWithSelectionMarkers;
print('$path ${formatTest.description}');
_drawRuler('before', pageWidth);
if (actualText == expectedText) {
_drawRuler('result', pageWidth);
} else {
_drawRuler('expected', pageWidth);
_drawRuler('actual', pageWidth);