blob: ffdf8d1e2c27e458d64ac76d7210f9dbdd470ee5 [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> Empty body.
extension type A(int a) {
extension type A(int a) {}
>>> Const and named constructor.
extension type const A . name ( int a ) {}
extension type const a) {}
>>> Type parameters.
extension type A<T extends int, R>(int a) {}
extension type A<T extends int, R>(
int a
) {}
>>> Indentation in body.
extension type A(int a) {
inc(int x) => ++x;
foo(int x) {
if (x == 0) {
return true;
extension type A(int a) {
inc(int x) => ++x;
foo(int x) {
if (x == 0) {
return true;
>>> Don't split clauses if they fit.
extension type E(T i)
implements I, J {}
extension type E(T i) implements I, J {}
>>> Split in representation parameter list.
extension type LongExtensionType(LongTypeName a) {}
extension type LongExtensionType(
LongTypeName a
) {}
>>> Split in representation with implements clause.
extension type LongExtensionType(LongTypeName a) implements Something {
method() {;}
extension type LongExtensionType(
LongTypeName a
implements Something {
method() {
>>> Simple body.
extension type A(int a) { int meaningOfLife() => 42; }
extension type A(int a) {
int meaningOfLife() => 42;
>>> Discard extra newlines.
extension type const A<T>.name(int a) {}
>>> All kinds of members (except instance fields).
extension type const A<T>.name(int a) {
static const int c = 1;
static final int f = 1;
static late final int l;
static var v;
static int get g => c;
static set g(int i) {}
static int m<X>(X x) => c;
const A(int a) : this.a = a;
const A.r(int a) : this(a);
const factory A.rf(int a) = A;
factory A.f(int a) => A(a);
int get pr => 0;
set pr(int x) {}
int me(int x) => x;
int operator+(int x) => x;
extension type const A<T>.name(int a) {
static const int c = 1;
static final int f = 1;
static late final int l;
static var v;
static int get g => c;
static set g(int i) {}
static int m<X>(X x) => c;
const A(int a) : this.a = a;
const A.r(int a) : this(a);
const factory A.rf(int a) = A;
factory A.f(int a) => A(a);
int get pr => 0;
set pr(int x) {}
int me(int x) => x;
int operator +(int x) => x;