blob: 4d92ad39e6ee0a6aa545b3f88c5547d23ed9565e [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> non-generic in typedef (skip: published version of analyzer doesn't support function types yet)
typedef SomeFunc=ReturnType Function(int param, double other);
typedef SomeFunc = ReturnType Function(
int param, double other);
>>> generic in typedef (skip: published version of analyzer doesn't support function types yet)
typedef Generic = T Function<T>(T param, double other);
typedef Generic = T Function<T>(
T param, double other);
>>> no return type (skip: published version of analyzer doesn't support function types yet)
typedef SomeFunc = Function();
typedef SomeFunc = Function();
>>> nested (skip: published version of analyzer doesn't support function types yet)
typedef SomeFunc = Function(int first, Function(int first, bool second, String third) second, String third);
typedef SomeFunc = Function(
int first,
Function(int first, bool second,
String third)
String third);
>>> without param names (skip: published version of analyzer doesn't support function types yet)
typedef F = Function(int, bool, String);
typedef F = Function(int, bool, String);