blob: e013b0186a966558693edbb2f662b719296e6b3c [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> Single initializers can be on one line
class Foo extends Bar {
final int b;
Foo(int a, this.b) : super(a);
class Foo extends Bar {
final int b;
Foo(int a, this.b) : super(a);
>>> (or not)
class Foo extends Bar {
final int b;
Foo(int a, this.b): super(aLongIdentifier);
class Foo extends Bar {
final int b;
Foo(int a, this.b)
: super(aLongIdentifier);
>>> Multiple initializers are one per line
class Foo extends Bar {
final int b;
Foo(int a, int b) : super(a), this.b = b == null ? 0 : b;
class Foo extends Bar {
final int b;
Foo(int a, int b)
: super(a),
this.b = b == null ? 0 : b;
>>> try to keep constructor call together
var longIdentifier = new Thing(
argument, argument);
var longIdentifier =
new Thing(argument, argument);
>>> splits before ":" if the parameter list does not fit on one line
class Foo {
Foo(int longArg1, int longArg2, int longArg3) : this._(longArg1);
class Foo {
Foo(int longArg1, int longArg2,
int longArg3)
: this._(longArg1);
>>> indent parameters more if body is a wrapped =>
class Foo {
Foo(firstArgument, secondArgument, third) => "very long body that must wrap";
class Foo {
Foo(firstArgument, secondArgument,
third) =>
"very long body that must wrap";
>>> wrap initializers past the ":"
class Foo {
: initializer = function(argument, argument),
initializer2 = function(argument, argument);
class Foo {
: initializer = function(
argument, argument),
initializer2 = function(
argument, argument);
>>> split at "=" in initializer
class Foo {
Foo() : initializer =function(argument, arg);
class Foo {
: initializer =
function(argument, arg);
>>> assert in initializer list, short
class Foo {
Foo() : assert(1), assert(2);
class Foo {
: assert(1),
>>> assert in initializer list, long
class Foo {
Foo() : assert(function(argument, argument, argument)), assert(function(argument, function(argument, argument, argument), argument));
class Foo {
: assert(function(argument,
argument, argument)),
function(argument, argument,